<# Copyright 2016 Limited Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #> <# .NAME Sync-StepTemplate.Tests .SYNOPSIS Pester tests for Sync-StepTemplate #> Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.' . "$here\$sut" . "$here\New-StepTemplate.ps1" . "$here\..\Internal\Octopus\Invoke-OctopusOperation.ps1" . "$here\..\Internal\Octopus\StepTemplates\Convert-PSObjectToHashTable.ps1" . "$here\..\Internal\Octopus\StepTemplates\Compare-StepTemplate.ps1" . "$here\..\Internal\Octopus\StepTemplates\New-StepTemplateObject.ps1" . "$here\..\Internal\TeamCity\Write-TeamCityMessage.ps1" . "$here\..\Internal\PowerShellManipulation\Get-VariableFromScriptFile.ps1" . "$here\..\Internal\PowerShellManipulation\Get-VariableStatement.ps1" . "$here\..\Internal\PowerShellManipulation\Get-ScriptBody.ps1" Describe "Sync-StepTemplate" { BeforeEach { $tempFile = "{0}\test.steptemplate.ps1" -f [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() # Cant use the testdrive as $doc.Save($Path) doesn't support 'TestDrive:\' New-StepTemplate -Name "test" -Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) } AfterEach { Remove-Item $tempFile } Mock Write-TeamCityMessage {} It "Should upload the step template if it does not exist" { Mock Invoke-OctopusOperation {} -ParameterFilter { $Action -eq "Get" -and $ObjectType -eq "ActionTemplates" -and $ObjectId -eq "All" } Mock Invoke-OctopusOperation {} -ParameterFilter { $Action -eq "New" -and $ObjectType -eq "ActionTemplates" } -Verifiable Sync-StepTemplate -Path $tempFile Assert-VerifiableMocks } It "Should upload an updated step template if it has changed" { Mock Invoke-OctopusOperation { @{Name = "test"; Properties = @{}; Parameters = @(); Version = "1"; Id = "1" }} -ParameterFilter { $Action -eq "Get" -and $ObjectType -eq "ActionTemplates" -and $ObjectId -eq "All" } Mock Invoke-OctopusOperation {} -ParameterFilter { $Action -eq "Update" -and $ObjectType -eq "ActionTemplates" } -Verifiable Mock Compare-StepTemplate { $true } -Verifiable Sync-StepTemplate -Path $tempFile Assert-VerifiableMocks } It "Should update the step template parameters" { Mock Invoke-OctopusOperation { @{Name = "test"; Properties = @{}; Parameters = @("1"); Version = "1"; Id = "1" }} -ParameterFilter { $Action -eq "Get" -and $ObjectType -eq "ActionTemplates" -and $ObjectId -eq "All" } Mock Compare-StepTemplate { $false } Mock Convert-PSObjectToHashTable { @{ DisplaySettings = @{} } } -Verifiable Sync-StepTemplate -Path $tempFile Assert-VerifiableMocks } It "Should return `$true for the create operation" { Mock Invoke-OctopusOperation {} -ParameterFilter { $Action -eq "Get" -and $ObjectType -eq "ActionTemplates" -and $ObjectId -eq "All" } Mock Invoke-OctopusOperation {} -ParameterFilter { $Action -eq "New" -and $ObjectType -eq "ActionTemplates" } Sync-StepTemplate -Path $tempFile | % UploadCount | Should Be 1 } It "Should return an upload count for each create/upload operation" { Mock Invoke-OctopusOperation { @{Name = "test"; Properties = @{}; Parameters = @(); Version = "1"; Id = "1" }} -ParameterFilter { $Action -eq "Get" -and $ObjectType -eq "ActionTemplates" -and $ObjectId -eq "All" } Mock Invoke-OctopusOperation {} -ParameterFilter { $Action -eq "Update" -and $ObjectType -eq "ActionTemplates" } Mock Compare-StepTemplate { $true } Sync-StepTemplate -Path $tempFile | % UploadCount | Should Be 1 } } |