<# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the meter point for a Octopus Energy electricity meter .DESCRIPTION Returns the meter point for a Octopus Energy electricity meter .PARAMETER APIKey The Octopus Energy API Key .PARAMETER MPAN The MPAN of the electricity meter .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Returns a PSCustomObject with details of the meter point .EXAMPLE C:\PS>Get-OctopusEnergyHelperMeterPoint -MPAN 1234567890 Retrieve meter point details for MPAN 1234567890 .LINK #> function Get-OctopusEnergyHelperMeterPoint { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] Param( [securestring]$APIKey=(Get-OctopusEnergyHelperAPIAuth), [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$MPAN = (Get-OctopusEnergyHelperConfig -property MPAN) ) $oeAPIKey = (New-Object PSCredential "user",$APIKey).GetNetworkCredential().Password $Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($oeAPIKey, (New-Object System.Security.SecureString)) if($MPAN) { $URL = Get-OctopusEnergyHelperBaseURL -endpoint elecmp $requestURL = "$URL$MPAN/" } $requestParams = @{ Credential = $Credential uri = $requestURL UseBasicParsing = $true method = "Get" ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } if( $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Octopus Energy API", "Retrieve MeterPoint") ) { $response = Get-OctopusEnergyHelperResponse -requestParams $requestParams Return $response } } |