<# .SYNOPSIS Collates the results from the responses .DESCRIPTION Hashtable of parameters to be used when calling Invoke-RestMethod .PARAMETER RequestParams Hashtable of parameters for Invoke-RestMethod .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS List containing all the results for a given request .EXAMPLE C:\>Get-OctopusEnergyHelperResponse -requestParams $requestParams Retrieve the Octopus Energy API response #> Function Get-OctopusEnergyHelperResponse { Param( [hashtable]$requestParams ) $oehlist = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]::new() $response = Invoke-RestMethod @requestParams do { if(! $response.Results) { $oehlist = $response } else { $response.Results | ForEach-Object {$oehlist.Add($_)} $percent = ($oehlist.Count / $response.count) * 100 Write-Progress -Activity "Retrieving results" -Status "Collected $($oehlist.Count) out of $($response.count) results" -PercentComplete $percent } if($ { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $ -Credential $requestParams["Credential"] -UseBasicParsing } }while($ Return $oehlist } |