<# .Synopsis Convert rate table data into a HTML string. .PARAMETER Title The title of the HTML page .PARAMETER Header Header to use for HMTL page. Defaults to HTML style supplied with module. .PARAMETER InputObject List of rates to be converted to HTML .PARAMETER ShowExVAT Switch to show exVAT prices instead of incVAT prices .PARAMETER TargetRate Target rate to highlight .PARAMETER Highlight The values that should be highlighted. I.e. Lower, Higher or Equal to the TargetRate .PARAMETER HighlightColour The HTML colour code to be used for highlighting. Default is green. .INPUTS List of the standard unit rates to convert to HTML .OUTPUTS Returns a string of html .EXAMPLE $agileRates = Get-OctopusEnergyHelperEnergyProductTariff -tariff_code "E-1R-AGILE-18-02-21-A" -period_from (Get-Date) -Verbose ($agileRates).'standard-unit-rates' | ConvertTo-OctopusEnergyHelperRateHTML -TargetRate 11 -Highlight Lower | Out-File .\AgileRate.html .FUNCTIONALITY Converts a list of rates into a HTML which can be viewed in a web browser. Default to showing VAT inclusive prices, converting the dates and times to the timezone of the local system. #> function ConvertTo-OctopusEnergyHelperRateHTML { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [Object[]]$InputObject, [string]$Title = "Octopus Energy HTML Rate Table", [string]$Header = ((Get-Content "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\Private\Files\HeaderHTML.txt")-join ""), [switch]$ShowExVAT, [float]$TargetRate, [ValidateSet("Higher","Equal","Lower")] [string]$Highlight="Equal", [ValidatePattern("^#[A-Z0-9]{6}$")] [string]$HighlightColour = "#DAF7A6" ) Begin { $list = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]::new() } Process { $list.Add($InputObject) } End { if($ShowExVAT) { $vatProperty = "value_inc_vat" } else { $vatProperty = "value_exc_vat" } $firstItem = $list | Select-Object -First 1 $preContent = "Octopus Energy HTML Rate Table Generated on $(Get-Date -format f)" $columns = ($firstItem | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name | Where-Object {$_ -ne $vatProperty} $columnHash = [ordered]@{} $TextInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo Foreach($column in $columns) { $columnTitle = $column -replace "_" , " " $columnTitle = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase($columnTitle) $columnHash.Add($column,$columnTitle) } $rows = @() foreach($item in $list) { $row = [PSCustomObject]@{"Target" = "-"} foreach($column in $columnHash.GetEnumerator()) { $property = $item | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $column.key $float = [string]$property -as [float] If(!$float){$value = $property | Get-Date -format "f"} else { $value = $float If($TargetRate) { If([float]$float -gt $TargetRate) { $row.Target = "^ $TargetRate" } ElseIf([float]$float -lt $TargetRate) { $row.Target = "v $TargetRate" } ElseIf([float]$float -eq $TargetRate) { $row.Target = "= $TargetRate" } } } $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $column.value -Value $value } $rows += $row } $html = $rows | ConvertTo-Html -Title $Title -PreContent "$Header$preContent" $backGroundColour = "background-color:$HighlightColour" If($Highlight) { Switch($Highlight) { "Higher"{$replaceChar = "^ $TargetRate"} "Equal"{$replaceChar = "= $TargetRate"} "Lower"{$replaceChar = "v $TargetRate"} } $html= $html -replace "<tr><td>$replaceChar","<tr style=$backGroundColour><td align=right>$replaceChar" } Return $html } } |