
    Converts a hashtable of parameters to the format expected by the Octopus Energy API
    $hashtable | ConvertTo-OctopusEnergyHelperAPIParam
    InputObject - Hashtable containing the values to pass to the Octopus Energy API
    Converts a hashtable of parameters to the format expected by the Octopus Energy API

function ConvertTo-OctopusEnergyHelperAPIParam
        [hashtable] $InputObject

    $outputHashTable =@{}
    foreach ($var in $InputObject.GetEnumerator())
        if($var.value -or $var.value -eq 0)
                'DateTime'{ #Dates need to be converted to ISO 8601 format
                    $value = $var.value | Get-Date -Format "o"
                default {
                    $value = $var.value

                default {
            Write-Verbose "[$($] [$($var.value.GetType().Name)] will be added with value [$value]"
    Return $outputHashTable