Set-StrictMode -Version Latest #region Function: Get-ODUConfigDefaultTypeBlacklist <# .SYNOPSIS Returns object array of default types for blacklist .DESCRIPTION Returns object array of default types for blacklist .EXAMPLE Get-ODUConfigDefaultTypeBlacklist ... #> function Get-ODUConfigDefaultTypeBlacklist { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Array])] param() process { # here's the rationale for the default type black list selection below: # These types have a LOT of values and generally aren't important for reviewing the configuration: # Deployments, Events, Packages, Releases, Tasks # These types don't work on cloud version and are not really important: # LetsEncrypt, Licenses, MaintenanceConfiguration, OctopusServerNodes, ServerConfiguration, ServerStatus-Extensions, ServerStatus-SystemInfo # These are generally not important... but I'm on the fence with CommunityActionTemplates # CommunityActionTemplates, Interruptions, Reporting @('CommunityActionTemplates', 'Deployments', 'Events', 'Interruptions', 'LetsEncrypt', 'Licenses', 'MaintenanceConfiguration', 'OctopusServerNodes', 'Packages', 'Releases', 'Reporting', 'ServerConfiguration', 'ServerStatus-Extensions', 'ServerStatus-SystemInfo', 'Tasks') } } #endregion #region Function: Get-ODUConfigDefaultTypeWhitelist <# .SYNOPSIS Returns object array of default types for whitelist .DESCRIPTION Returns object array of default types for whitelist .EXAMPLE Get-ODUConfigDefaultTypeWhitelist ... #> function Get-ODUConfigDefaultTypeWhitelist { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Array])] param() process { # need to prepend with comma to ensure returns an array as PowerShell changes empty arrays to null when returning from function # , @() } } #endregion #region Function: Get-ODUConfigDefaultPropertyBlacklist <# .SYNOPSIS Returns hashtable default values for property blacklist .DESCRIPTION Returns hashtable default values for property blacklist .EXAMPLE Get-ODUConfigDefaultPropertyBlacklist ... #> function Get-ODUConfigDefaultPropertyBlacklist { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable])] param() process { # by default the Octopus Deploy REST API includes ALL of the id to name lookup information # for every call for LibraryVariableSets, Projects and Variables # this info is unnecessary because the post processing already adds this info to the object but # it doesn't add ALL the lookup info, just the id->name for the ids actually being used # if you are working with an instance with hundreds of servers, many many environments, many # roles, etc. it can quickly add up; for one test instance I worked with ScopeValues was well # over 1000 lines extra to every LibraryVariableSet, Project and Variable file # so let's filter them out @{ LibraryVariableSets = @('ScopeValues') Projects = @('ScopeValues') Variables = @('ScopeValues') } # if you want to filter out time-sensitive properties that don't really affect the important config values # i.e. you want to make it easier to see changes over time by filtering out properties that are likely # to be different like HasLatestCalamari or LastSeen, you should include these items along with the value # above <# @{ Licenses = @('MaintenanceExpiresIn') Machines = @('HasLatestCalamari', 'HealthStatus', 'StatusSummary') OctopusServerNodes = @('LastSeen') ServerStatus = @('MaintenanceExpires','MaximumAvailableVersion','MaximumAvailableVersionCoveredByLicense') 'ServerStatus-Nuget' = @('TotalPackages') 'ServerStatus-SystemInfo' = @('ThreadCount', 'Uptime', 'WorkingSetBytes') } #> } } #endregion #region Function: Get-ODUConfigDefaultPropertyWhitelist <# .SYNOPSIS Returns hashtable default values for property whitelist .DESCRIPTION Returns hashtable default values for property whitelist .EXAMPLE Get-ODUConfigDefaultPropertyWhitelist ... #> function Get-ODUConfigDefaultPropertyWhitelist { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable])] param() process { @{} } } #endregion |