
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

#region Function: Get-ODUConfigBackgroundJobsMax

Gets the max number of background jobs
Gets the max number of background jobs. Certain processes (export, most notably) can
run using multiple background jobs to complete more quickly. Note: this value is
limited to 1-9. Also note: increasing this number to 9 DOES NOT necessarily speed up
your exports - it might slow them down! Testing on my machine shows that 5, the default,
is the sweet spot.

function Get-ODUConfigBackgroundJobsMax {
  process {
    if ($false -eq (Confirm-ODUConfig)) { return }

#region Function: Set-ODUConfigBackgroundJobsMax

Sets the max number of background jobs
Sets the max number of background jobs. Certain processes (export, most notably) can
run using multiple background jobs to complete more quickly. Note: this value is
limited to 1-9. Also note: increasing this number to 9 DOES NOT necessarily speed up
your exports - it might slow them down! Testing on my machine shows that 5, the default,
is the sweet spot.
.PARAMETER BackgroundJobsMax
Max number of background jobs, range 1 - 9

function Set-ODUConfigBackgroundJobsMax {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [ValidateRange(1, 9)]
  process {
    if ($false -eq (Confirm-ODUConfig)) { return }

    $Config = Get-ODUConfig
    $Config.BackgroundJobsMax = $BackgroundJobsMax
    Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) :: Saving configuration with BackgroundJobsMax: $BackgroundJobsMax"
    Save-ODUConfig -Config $Config