Set-StrictMode -Version Latest #region Function: Update-ODUExportAddScopeNamesToVariable <# .SYNOPSIS Adds scope names to variables .DESCRIPTION Adds scope names to variables .PARAMETER Path Path to export folder that contains folders exported values .EXAMPLE Update-ODUExportAddScopeNamesToVariable -Path c:\Exports\\20181120-103152 <adds scope names to variables> #> function Update-ODUExportAddScopeNamesToVariable { #region Function parameters [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Path ) #endregion process { if ($false -eq (Test-Path -Path $Path)) { throw "No export found at: $Path" } [string]$LookupPath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $IdToNameLookupFileName if ($false -eq (Test-Path -Path $LookupPath)) { throw "Export Id to name lookup file not found: $LookupPath" } $IdToNameLookup = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content -Path $LookupPath -Raw) # for this we only process the Variables data $RestApiCall = Get-ODUStandardExportRestApiCall | Where-Object { $_.RestName -eq 'Variables' } $ItemExportFolder = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath ($RestApiCall.RestName) if (($null -ne $RestApiCall.ExternalIdToResolvePropertyName) -and ($RestApiCall.ExternalIdToResolvePropertyName.Count -gt 0)) { # loop through all files under item folder Get-ChildItem -Path $ItemExportFolder -Recurse | ForEach-Object { $ExportFilePath = $_.FullName $ExportItem = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content -Path $ExportFilePath -Raw) $ExportItem.Variables | Where-Object { $null -ne (Get-Member -InputObject $_.Scope -Type NoteProperty) } | ForEach-Object { $Variable = $_ [string[]]$Breadth = @() # if re-running this on files that have already been processed then *-Name properties will already exist # along with Breadth property so filter them out from this list (Get-Member -InputObject $Variable.Scope -Type NoteProperty).Name | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch '.*Name$' -and $_ -ne 'Breadth' } | ForEach-Object { $ScopePropertyName = $_ [string[]]$ScopePropertyValue = @() $Variable.Scope.$ScopePropertyName | ForEach-Object { $ScopePropertyNameIdValue = $_ # do not create new project / do lookups for Roles - these are just text and get added as-is to Breadth if ($ScopePropertyName -eq 'Role') { $ScopePropertyDisplayName = $ScopePropertyNameIdValue } else { $ScopePropertyDisplayName = Get-ODUIdToNameLookupValue -Lookup $IdToNameLookup -Key $ScopePropertyNameIdValue } $ScopePropertyValue += $ScopePropertyDisplayName $Breadth += $ScopePropertyDisplayName } # again, don't add <scope property>Name lookup values for roles if ($ScopePropertyName -ne 'Role') { Add-ODUOrUpdateMember -InputObject $Variable.Scope -PropertyName ($ScopePropertyName + 'Name') -Value ([string[]]($ScopePropertyValue | Sort-Object)) } } Add-ODUOrUpdateMember -InputObject $Variable.Scope -PropertyName 'Breadth' -Value ([string[]]($Breadth | Sort-Object)) } Out-ODUFileJson -FilePath $ExportFilePath -Data $ExportItem } } } } |