Set-StrictMode -Version Latest #region Function: Get-ODUExportItemFileName <# .SYNOPSIS Gets raw file name (no extension) to be used when saving $ExportItem .DESCRIPTION Gets raw file name (no extension) to be used when saving $ExportItem If item's ApiFetchType is Simple, file name will be the RestName value If not, get an actual value from the ExportItem itself (typically Id or Name) based on Property name found in $ApiCall.FileNamePropertyName .PARAMETER ApiCall PSObject with ApiCall information .PARAMETER ExportItem PSObject with data exported from Octopus .EXAMPLE Get-ODUExportItemFileName <...> #> function Get-ODUExportItemFileName { #region Function parameters [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [object]$ApiCall, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [object]$ExportItem ) #endregion process { $FileName = $null # for Simple calls, file name is rest method if ($ApiCall.ApiFetchType -eq $ApiFetchType_Simple) { Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) :: Simple rest call $($ApiCall.RestName) use RestName for file name" $FileName = $ApiCall.RestName } else { Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) :: Rest call $($ApiCall.RestName) uses property $($ApiCall.FileNamePropertyName)" $FileNamePropertyName = $ApiCall.FileNamePropertyName if ($null -eq (Get-Member -InputObject $ExportItem -Name $FileNamePropertyName)) { throw "FileNamePropertyName $FileNamePropertyName not found on rest type $($ApiCall.RestName) on item with Id $($ExportItem.Id)" } $FileName = $ExportItem.$FileNamePropertyName Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) :: File name for this item: $FileName" } $FileName } } #endregion #region Function: Get-ODUFolderNameForApiCall <# .SYNOPSIS Gets folder name to use for storing api call results .DESCRIPTION Gets folder name to use for storing api call results Will be 'Miscellaneous' for Simple fetch types and the RestName for all others .PARAMETER ApiCall Object with api call information .EXAMPLE Get-ODUFolderNameForApiCall $ApiCall Miscellaneous # this item is a Simple fetch type Get-ODUFolderNameForApiCall $ApiCall Projects # Use Projects RestName as it is not a Simple fetch type #> function Get-ODUFolderNameForApiCall { #region Function parameters [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [object]$ApiCall ) #endregion process { $FolderName = $null if ($ApiCall.ApiFetchType -eq $ApiFetchType_Simple) { $FolderName = 'Miscellaneous' } else { $FolderName = $ApiCall.RestName } $FolderName } } #endregion #region Function: Initialize-ODUFetchTypeItemIdOnlyIdsLookup <# .SYNOPSIS Creates hashtable initialized for storing ItemIdOnly Id values .DESCRIPTION Creates hashtable initialized for storing ItemIdOnly Id values Key is property name to look for on objects, value is empty array (to be filled later) .PARAMETER ApiCalls Object array with api call information .EXAMPLE Initialize-ODUFetchTypeItemIdOnlyIdsLookup $ApiCalls <returns initialized hashtable> #> function Initialize-ODUFetchTypeItemIdOnlyIdsLookup { #region Function parameters [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [object[]]$ApiCalls ) #endregion process { [hashtable]$ItemIdOnlyIdsLookup = @{ } $ApiCalls | ForEach-Object { $ItemIdOnlyReferencePropertyName = $_.ItemIdOnlyReferencePropertyName $ItemIdOnlyIdsLookup.$ItemIdOnlyReferencePropertyName = @() } $ItemIdOnlyIdsLookup } } #endregion #region Function: Remove-ODUFilterPropertiesFromExportItem <# .SYNOPSIS Filters properties on/off an exported item based in users property white/black list settings .DESCRIPTION Filters properties on/off an exported item based in users property white/black list settings .PARAMETER RestName Name of type being processed .PARAMETER ExportItem Exported item to process .EXAMPLE Remove-ODUFilterPropertiesFromExportItem <...> #> function Remove-ODUFilterPropertiesFromExportItem { #region Function parameters [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$RestName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [object]$ExportItem ) #endregion process { [PSCustomObject]$FilteredExportItem = $null [string[]]$BlackList = $null [string[]]$WhiteList = $null $PropertyWhiteList = Get-ODUConfigPropertyWhiteList $PropertyBlackList = Get-ODUConfigPropertyBlackList # white and black lists should not both have values (that is confirmed in configuration) if (($null -ne $PropertyWhiteList) -and $PropertyWhiteList.Contains($RestName) -and $PropertyWhiteList.$RestName.Count -gt 0) { [string[]]$WhiteList = $PropertyWhiteList.$RestName } if (($null -ne $PropertyBlackList) -and $PropertyBlackList.Contains($RestName) -and $PropertyBlackList.$RestName.Count -gt 0) { [string[]]$BlackList = $PropertyBlackList.$RestName } $FilteredExportItem = $ExportItem # white list and black list should not BOTH be set at same time so this should be safe if ($null -ne $WhiteList -or $null -ne $BlackList) { # has to use this way of creating PSCustomObject and adding members - not hashtable # or else we lose the original order of the properties on ExportItem $FilteredExportItem = New-Object -TypeName PSObject # don't use Get-Member to get properties, which sorts property names and loses original order, use this $ExportItem.PSObject.Properties.Name | ForEach-Object { if ($WhiteList -contains $_ -or $BlackList -notcontains $_) { Add-Member -InputObject $FilteredExportItem -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_ -Value ($ExportItem.$_) } } } $FilteredExportItem } } #endregion |