Module with DSC resource to install and configure an Octopus Deploy Server and Tentacle agent.
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
(c) 2016 Octopus Deploy Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- Paul Stovell
dsc-resources dsc OctopusDeploy
Get-TargetResource Set-TargetResource Test-TargetResource
cOctopusEnvironment cOctopusSeqLogger cOctopusServer cOctopusServerActiveDirectoryAuthentication cOctopusServerAzureADAuthentication cOctopusServerGoogleAppsAuthentication cOctopusServerGuestAuthentication cOctopusServerOktaAuthentication cOctopusServerSpace cOctopusServerUsernamePasswordAuthentication cOctopusServerWatchdog cOctopusWorkerPool cTentacleAgent cTentacleWatchdog cOctopusServerSslCertificate
This module has no dependencies.
- OctopusDSC.nuspec
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\NewWorker\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\UninstallingRunningInstance\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\UninstallingRunningInstanceInSpace\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\UpgradeExistingInstance\RequestedState.ps1
- DSCResources\cOctopusEnvironment\cOctopusEnvironment.schema.mof
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerActiveDirectoryAuthentication\cOctopusServerActiveDirectoryAuthentication.psm1
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerGoogleAppsAuthentication\cOctopusServerGoogleAppsAuthentication.schema.mof
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerSpace\cOctopusServerSpace.psm1
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerUsernamePasswordAuthentication\cOctopusServerUsernamePasswordAuthentication.schema.mof
- DSCResources\cTentacleAgent\cTentacleAgent.psm1
- Examples\cOctopusSeqLogger.ps1
- Examples\cOctopusServerGuestAuthentication.ps1
- Examples\cOctopusServerWatchdog.ps1
- Examples\ExamplePassword.txt
- Tests\cOctopusServerAzureADAuthentication.Tests.ps1
- Tests\cOctopusServerSslCertificate.Tests.ps1
- Tests\cTentacleWatchdog.Tests.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\ConfigureWhenMsiPreInstalled\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\ConfigureWhenOlderMsiPreInstalled\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\InstallOnly\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\MasterKeySupplied\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\NewInstallWithBuiltInWorker\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\NewInstanceWithMetrics\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\UninstallingPreInstalledInstance\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\UninstallingRunningInstance\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\WhenNothingChanges\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\SampleConfigs\octopus.server.exe-output-when-json-has-exception-prepended.json
- Tests\SampleConfigs\octopus.server.exe.nlog-with-valid-configuration-with-api-key.xml
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\InstallOnly\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\NewInstanceInSpace\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\NewPollingTentacle\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\NewWorkerInSpace\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\UninstallingRunningInstance\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\UninstallingRunningInstanceInSpace\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\UpgradeExistingInstanceInSpace\CurrentState.ps1
- DSCResources\cOctopusSeqLogger\cOctopusSeqLogger.psm1
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerActiveDirectoryAuthentication\cOctopusServerActiveDirectoryAuthentication.schema.mof
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerGuestAuthentication\cOctopusServerGuestAuthentication.psm1
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerSpace\cOctopusServerSpace.schema.mof
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerWatchdog\cOctopusServerWatchdog.psm1
- DSCResources\cTentacleAgent\cTentacleAgent.schema.mof
- Examples\cOctopusServer.ps1
- Examples\cOctopusServerOktaAuthentication.ps1
- Examples\cOctopusWorkerPool.ps1
- Tests\cOctopusEnvironment.Tests.ps1
- Tests\cOctopusServerGoogleAppsAuthentication.Tests.ps1
- Tests\cOctopusServerUsernamePasswordAuthentication.Tests.ps1
- Tests\OctopusDSCHelpers.Tests.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\ConfigureWhenMsiPreInstalled\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\EnableBuiltInWorkerOnExistingInstance\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\InstallOnly\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\MasterKeySupplied\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\NewInstance\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\NewInstanceWithMetrics\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\UninstallingPreInstalledInstance\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\UpgradeExistingInstance\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\WhenNothingChanges\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\SampleConfigs\octopus.server.exe.nlog-when-not-configured.xml
- Tests\SampleConfigs\octopus.server.exe.nlog-with-valid-configuration.xml
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\NewInstance\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\NewInstanceInSpace\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\NewPollingTentacle\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\NewWorkerInSpace\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\UninstallingRunningInstance\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\UpgradeExistingInstance\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\UpgradeExistingInstanceInSpace\ExpectedResult.ps1
- OctopusDSC.psd1
- DSCResources\cOctopusSeqLogger\cOctopusSeqLogger.schema.mof
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerAzureADAuthentication\cOctopusServerAzureADAuthentication.psm1
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerGuestAuthentication\cOctopusServerGuestAuthentication.schema.mof
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerSslCertificate\cOctopusServerSslCertificate.psm1
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerWatchdog\cOctopusServerWatchdog.schema.mof
- DSCResources\cTentacleWatchdog\cTentacleWatchdog.psm1
- Examples\cOctopusServerActiveDirectoryAuthentication.ps1
- Examples\cOctopusServerSpace.ps1
- Examples\cTentacleAgent_ListeningTentacle.psm1
- Tests\cOctopusSeqLogger.Tests.ps1
- Tests\cOctopusServerGuestAuthentication.Tests.ps1
- Tests\cOctopusServerWatchdog.Tests.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\ChangeWebListenPrefix\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\ConfigureWhenMsiPreInstalled\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\EnableBuiltInWorkerOnExistingInstance\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\InstallOnly\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\NewInstallWithBuiltInWorker\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\NewInstance\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\NewInstanceWithMetrics\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\UninstallingRunningInstance\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\UpgradeExistingInstance\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\WhenNothingChanges\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\SampleConfigs\octopus.server.exe.nlog-with-old-sync-configuration-with-api-key.xml
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\InstallOnly\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\NewInstance\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\NewInstanceInSpace\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\NewWorker\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\NewWorkerInSpace\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\UninstallingRunningInstanceInSpace\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\UpgradeExistingInstance\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\UpgradeExistingInstanceInSpace\RequestedState.ps1
- OctopusDSCHelpers.ps1
- DSCResources\cOctopusServer\cOctopusServer.psm1
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerAzureADAuthentication\cOctopusServerAzureADAuthentication.schema.mof
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerOktaAuthentication\cOctopusServerOktaAuthentication.psm1
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerSslCertificate\cOctopusServerSslCertificate.schema.mof
- DSCResources\cOctopusWorkerPool\cOctopusWorkerPool.psm1
- DSCResources\cTentacleWatchdog\cTentacleWatchdog.schema.mof
- Examples\cOctopusServerAzureADAuthentication.ps1
- Examples\cOctopusServerSslCertificate.ps1
- Examples\cTentacleAgent_PollingTentacle.psm1
- Tests\cOctopusServer.Tests.ps1
- Tests\cOctopusServerOktaAuthentication.Tests.ps1
- Tests\cOctopusWorkerPool.tests.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\ChangeWebListenPrefix\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\ConfigureWhenOlderMsiPreInstalled\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\EnableBuiltInWorkerOnExistingInstance\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\MasterKeySupplied\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\NewInstallWithBuiltInWorker\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\NewInstance\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\UninstallingPreInstalledInstance\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\UninstallingRunningInstance\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\UpgradeExistingInstance\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\SampleConfigs\octopus.server.exe-output-clean.json
- Tests\SampleConfigs\octopus.server.exe.nlog-with-old-sync-configuration.xml
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\InstallOnly\ExpectedResult.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\NewInstance\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\NewPollingTentacle\CurrentState.ps1
- Tests\TentacleExeInvocationFiles\NewWorker\ExpectedResult.ps1
- DSCResources\cOctopusEnvironment\cOctopusEnvironment.psm1
- DSCResources\cOctopusServer\cOctopusServer.schema.mof
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerGoogleAppsAuthentication\cOctopusServerGoogleAppsAuthentication.psm1
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerOktaAuthentication\cOctopusServerOktaAuthentication.schema.mof
- DSCResources\cOctopusServerUsernamePasswordAuthentication\cOctopusServerUsernamePasswordAuthentication.psm1
- DSCResources\cOctopusWorkerPool\cOctopusWorkerPool.schema.mof
- Examples\cOctopusEnvironment.ps1
- Examples\cOctopusServerGoogleAppsAuthentication.ps1
- Examples\cOctopusServerUsernamePasswordAuthentication.ps1
- Examples\cTentacleWatchdog.ps1
- Tests\cOctopusServerActiveDirectoryAuthentication.Tests.ps1
- Tests\cOctopusServerSpace.Tests.ps1
- Tests\cTentacleAgent.Tests.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\ChangeWebListenPrefix\RequestedState.ps1
- Tests\OctopusServerExeInvocationFiles\ConfigureWhenOlderMsiPreInstalled\ExpectedResult.ps1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
4.0.1142 (current version) | 16,596 | 11/6/2024 |
4.0.1131 | 76,782 | 9/14/2022 |
4.0.1127 | 20,677 | 11/12/2021 |
4.0.1126 | 768 | 11/3/2021 |
4.0.1116 | 186 | 10/30/2021 |
4.0.1113 | 179 | 10/29/2021 |
4.0.1111 | 77 | 10/29/2021 |
4.0.1092 | 233 | 10/27/2021 |
4.0.1091 | 60 | 10/27/2021 |
4.0.1066 | 123 | 10/25/2021 |
4.0.1055 | 6,156 | 7/27/2021 |
4.0.1048 | 3,182 | 6/8/2021 |
4.0.1046 | 1,098 | 5/26/2021 |
4.0.1042 | 136 | 5/24/2021 |
4.0.1036 | 127 | 5/24/2021 |
4.0.1021 | 1,493 | 4/30/2021 |
4.0.1019 | 181 | 4/29/2021 |
4.0.1018 | 586 | 4/21/2021 |
4.0.1011 | 1,196 | 4/7/2021 |
4.0.1007 | 2,639 | 2/18/2021 |
4.0.1005 | 70,396 | 1/29/2021 |
4.0.1002 | 514 | 1/21/2021 |
4.0.977 | 306 | 1/18/2021 |
4.0.957 | 1,154 | 12/21/2020 |
4.0.934 | 5,874 | 9/22/2020 |
4.0.932 | 8,042 | 7/2/2020 |
4.0.929 | 529 | 6/26/2020 |
4.0.924 | 126 | 6/25/2020 |
4.0.917 | 200 | 6/23/2020 |
4.0.903 | 6,970 | 4/30/2020 |
4.0.900 | 774 | 4/18/2020 |
4.0.897 | 46 | 4/17/2020 |
4.0.896 | 28 | 4/17/2020 |
4.0.891 | 388 | 4/14/2020 |
4.0.889 | 30 | 4/13/2020 |
4.0.884 | 168 | 4/12/2020 |
4.0.883 | 357 | 4/12/2020 |
4.0.881 | 34 | 4/12/2020 |
4.0.880 | 28 | 4/12/2020 |
4.0.876 | 59 | 4/11/2020 |
4.0.872 | 25 | 4/11/2020 |
4.0.843 | 9,310 | 11/27/2019 |
4.0.837 | 18,174 | 11/13/2019 |
4.0.834 | 787 | 10/30/2019 |
4.0.831 | 65 | 10/30/2019 |
4.0.829 | 31 | 10/30/2019 |
4.0.816 | 249 | 10/26/2019 |
4.0.810 | 41 | 10/25/2019 |
4.0.807 | 28 | 10/25/2019 |
4.0.805 | 22 | 10/25/2019 |
4.0.801 | 74 | 10/25/2019 |
4.0.800 | 21 | 10/25/2019 |
4.0.782 | 175 | 10/24/2019 |
4.0.776 | 74 | 10/23/2019 |
4.0.770 | 97 | 10/23/2019 |
4.0.769 | 71 | 10/23/2019 |
4.0.762 | 143 | 10/22/2019 |
4.0.752 | 297 | 10/18/2019 |
4.0.746 | 82 | 10/18/2019 |
4.0.745 | 33 | 10/18/2019 |
4.0.743 | 20 | 10/18/2019 |
4.0.733 | 453 | 10/11/2019 |
4.0.732 | 62 | 10/11/2019 |
4.0.713 | 2,648 | 9/7/2019 |
4.0.693 | 155 | 9/6/2019 |
4.0.689 | 163 | 9/5/2019 |
4.0.659 | 2,430 | 8/3/2019 |
4.0.640 | 5,794 | 6/4/2019 |
4.0.639 | 407 | 6/3/2019 |
4.0.629 | 2,782 | 5/8/2019 |
4.0.626 | 362 | 5/6/2019 |
4.0.625 | 934 | 5/1/2019 |
4.0.623 | 263 | 4/30/2019 |
4.0.620 | 816 | 4/23/2019 |
4.0.618 | 91 | 4/23/2019 |
4.0.588 | 866 | 4/11/2019 |
4.0.587 | 21 | 4/11/2019 |
4.0.583 | 180 | 4/10/2019 |
4.0.579 | 1,886 | 4/10/2019 |
4.0.553 | 860 | 4/3/2019 |
4.0.538 | 1,377 | 3/19/2019 |
4.0.537 | 285 | 3/15/2019 |
4.0.522 | 283 | 3/12/2019 |
4.0.519 | 129 | 3/12/2019 |
4.0.449 | 6,764 | 11/29/2018 |
4.0.447 | 38 | 11/29/2018 |
4.0.433 | 2,137 | 11/22/2018 |
4.0.432 | 46 | 11/22/2018 |
4.0.425 | 331 | 11/16/2018 |
4.0.423 | 1,412 | 11/9/2018 |
4.0.419 | 74 | 11/8/2018 |
4.0.416 | 3,682 | 10/29/2018 |
4.0.403 | 1,979 | 10/9/2018 |
4.0.401 | 22 | 10/9/2018 |
4.0.394 | 169 | 10/8/2018 |
4.0.384 | 6,193 | 8/22/2018 |
4.0.382 | 285 | 8/21/2018 |
4.0.376 | 3,704 | 7/12/2018 |
4.0.368 | 303 | 7/10/2018 |
4.0.365 | 502 | 7/5/2018 |
4.0.362 | 84 | 7/4/2018 |
4.0.360 | 18 | 7/4/2018 |
4.0.358 | 43 | 7/4/2018 |
4.0.357 | 318 | 6/29/2018 |
4.0.347 | 245 | 6/27/2018 |
4.0.327 | 1,941 | 6/4/2018 |
4.0.303 | 407 | 5/28/2018 |
4.0.284 | 225 | 5/25/2018 |
4.0.258 | 2,490 | 5/1/2018 |
4.0.253 | 2,002 | 4/19/2018 |
4.0.250 | 1,137 | 4/5/2018 |
4.0.249 | 395 | 4/3/2018 |
4.0.247 | 615 | 3/26/2018 |
4.0.244 | 1,516 | 3/9/2018 |
4.0.242 | 147 | 3/8/2018 |
4.0.235 | 254 | 3/6/2018 |
4.0.227 | 106 | 3/6/2018 |
4.0.226 | 103 | 3/6/2018 |
4.0.220 | 459 | 3/2/2018 |
4.0.217 | 50 | 3/2/2018 |
4.0.208 | 535 | 2/23/2018 |
4.0.207 | 48 | 2/22/2018 |
4.0.205 | 380 | 2/19/2018 |
4.0.198 | 238 | 2/14/2018 |
4.0.194 | 203 | 2/12/2018 |
4.0.190 | 435 | 2/5/2018 |
3.0.187 | 297 | 1/31/2018 |
3.0.169 | 12,711 | 1/22/2018 |
3.0.168 | 56 | 1/22/2018 |
3.0.167 | 52 | 1/22/2018 |
3.0.153 | 569 | 1/15/2018 |
3.0.150 | 447 | 1/4/2018 |
3.0.149 | 360 | 12/27/2017 |
3.0.148 | 347 | 12/20/2017 |
3.0.147 | 138 | 12/20/2017 |
3.0.105 | 444 | 12/14/2017 |
3.0.98 | 59 | 12/14/2017 |
3.0.94 | 183 | 12/13/2017 |
3.0.92 | 87 | 12/13/2017 |
3.0.84 | 337 | 12/8/2017 |
3.0.81 | 171 | 12/7/2017 |
3.0.78 | 81 | 12/6/2017 |
3.0.74 | 128 | 12/6/2017 |
3.0.72 | 84 | 12/6/2017 |
3.0.70 | 83 | 12/6/2017 |
3.0.65 | 92 | 12/5/2017 |
3.0.62 | 205 | 12/4/2017 |
3.0.45 | 1,836 | 11/21/2017 |
3.0.39 | 148 | 11/20/2017 |
3.0.28 | 138 | 11/17/2017 |
3.0.27 | 51 | 11/17/2017 |
3.0.17 | 104 | 11/16/2017 |
3.0.13 | 74 | 11/15/2017 |
3.0.11 | 52 | 11/15/2017 |
3.0.7 | 163 | 11/15/2017 |
3.0.6 | 65 | 11/15/2017 |
3.0.4 | 84 | 11/15/2017 |
3.0.2 | 152 | 11/14/2017 |
3.0.1 | 64 | 11/14/2017 |
2.0.181 | 1,908 | 10/23/2017 |
2.0.179 | 391 | 10/20/2017 |
2.0.176 | 685 | 10/5/2017 |
2.0.143 | 1,699 | 9/12/2017 |
2.0.136 | 568 | 9/6/2017 |
2.0.123 | 1,617 | 8/20/2017 |
2.0.120 | 291 | 8/11/2017 |
2.0.118 | 51 | 8/11/2017 |
2.0.106 | 3,247 | 4/25/2017 |
2.0.104 | 88 | 4/21/2017 |
2.0.103 | 52 | 4/21/2017 |
2.0.98 | 543 | 4/5/2017 |
2.0.96 | 74 | 4/4/2017 |
2.0.89 | 66 | 4/3/2017 |
2.0.80 | 232 | 3/15/2017 |
2.0.79 | 54 | 3/15/2017 |
2.0.74 | 20,094 | 3/9/2017 |
2.0.70 | 74 | 3/9/2017 |
2.0.68 | 63 | 3/8/2017 |
2.0.66 | 81 | 3/7/2017 |
2.0.64 | 5,881 | 2/6/2017 |
2.0.63 | 185 | 1/27/2017 |
2.0.62 | 50 | 1/27/2017 |
2.0.57 | 62 | 1/27/2017 |
2.0.44 | 222 | 1/6/2017 |
2.0.43 | 52 | 1/6/2017 |
2.0.26 | 184 | 12/18/2016 |