$ActualExceptionMessage = "" $ActualExceptionWasThrown = $false # because this is a script block, the user will have to # wrap the code they want to assert on in { } function PesterThrow([scriptblock] $script, $expectedErrorMessage) { $Script:ActualExceptionMessage = "" $Script:ActualExceptionWasThrown = $false try { # Redirect to $null so script output does not enter the pipeline & $script > $null } catch { $Script:ActualExceptionWasThrown = $true $Script:ActualExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message $Script:ActualExceptionLine = Get-ExceptionLineInfo $_.InvocationInfo } if ($ActualExceptionWasThrown) { return Get-DoMessagesMatch $ActualExceptionMessage $expectedErrorMessage } return $false } function Get-DoMessagesMatch($value, $expected) { if ($expected -eq "") { return $false } return $value.Contains($expected) } function Get-ExceptionLineInfo($info) { # $info.PositionMessage has a leading blank line that we need to account for in PowerShell 2.0 $positionMessage = $info.PositionMessage -split '\r?\n' -match '\S' -join "`r`n" return ($positionMessage -replace "^At ","from ") } function PesterThrowFailureMessage($value, $expected) { if ($expected) { return "Expected: the expression to throw an exception with message {{{0}}}, an exception was {2}raised, message was {{{1}}}`n {3}" -f $expected, $ActualExceptionMessage,(@{$true="";$false="not "}[$ActualExceptionWasThrown]),($ActualExceptionLine -replace "`n","`n ") } else { return "Expected: the expression to throw an exception" } } function NotPesterThrowFailureMessage($value, $expected) { if ($expected) { return "Expected: the expression not to throw an exception with message {{{0}}}, an exception was {2}raised, message was {{{1}}}`n {3}" -f $expected, $ActualExceptionMessage,(@{$true="";$false="not "}[$ActualExceptionWasThrown]),($ActualExceptionLine -replace "`n","`n ") } else { return "Expected: the expression not to throw an exception. Message was {{{0}}}`n {1}" -f $ActualExceptionMessage,($ActualExceptionLine -replace "`n","`n ") } } |