
   Creates a clone of an Octopus project an returns the [Octopus.Client.Model.ProjectResource] of the new project
   Creates a clone of an Octopus project an returns the [Octopus.Client.Model.ProjectResource] of the new project
  New-OctopusProjectClone -BaseProjectName "MyExistingProject" -ProjectName "MyClonedProject"

  Creates a clone of project "MyExistingProject" named "MyClonedProject"
  New-OctopusProjectClone -BaseProjectName "MyExistingProject" -ProjectName "MyClonedProject" -ProjectGroupName "ProjectGroup2"

  Creates a clone of project "MyExistingProject" named "MyClonedProject" under "ProjectGroup2"
  New-OctopusProjectClone -BaseProjectName "MyExistingProject" -ProjectName "MyClonedProject" -LifeCycleName "LifeCycle2"

  Creates a clone of project "MyExistingProject" named "MyClonedProject" that will use the lifecycle name "Lifecycle2"
   Github project:
   QA and Cmdlet request:

function New-OctopusProjectClone
        # Name of the Project on which the clone project will be based on.

        # The name of the clone project.

        # The name of the lifecycle that will be used by the clone project. If you don't pass a value to this parameter, the same lifecycle of the base project will be used by the cloned one.

        # The name of the Project Group that will be used by the clone project. If you don't pass a value to this parameter, the same Project Group of the base project will be used by the cloned one.

        # The description of the cloned project
        [String]$Description = ""

        $c = New-OctopusConnection
        #region validate Project
        $allProjects = $c.repository.Projects.FindAll()

        If($projectname -in $allProjects.Name){
            Throw "A project with the name [$Projectname] already exists. Select a new name for the clone."

        $BaseProject = $allProjects | ?{$_.Name -eq $BaseProjectName}
        If($BaseProject.count -eq 0){
            Throw "Couldn't find base project: $BaseProjectName"
        Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Starting clone of [$($BaseProject.Name)] under name [$ProjectName]"

        #region validate Lifecycle
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Looking for custom lifecycle: [$LifecycleName]"
            $lifecycle = $c.repository.Lifecycles.FindByName($LifecycleName)
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Using Lifecycle from project [$($]"
            $lifecycle = $c.repository.Lifecycles.Get($BaseProject.LifeCycleID)
        If($lifecycle.count -eq 0){
            Throw "Lifecycle not found: $LifecycleName"
        Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Lifecycle Found: [$($]"

        #region validate ProjectGroup
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Looking for custom Project Group: [$ProjectGroupName]"
            $ProjectGroup = $c.repository.ProjectGroups.FindByName($ProjectGroupName)            
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Using Project Group from project [$($]"
            $ProjectGroup = $c.repository.ProjectGroups.Get($BaseProject.ProjectGroupID)
        If($ProjectGroup.count -eq 0){
            Throw "ProjectGroup not found: $ProjectGroupName"
        Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Project Group Found: [$($]"

        #region Build clone object and POST
        $Clone = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    DefaultToSkipIfAlreadyInstalled = $BaseProject.DefaultToSkipIfAlreadyInstalled
                    Description = $description #If($Description){$Description}else{""}
                    LifecycleID = $
                    Name = $ProjectName
                    ProjectGroupID = $ProjectGroup.Id
                    VersioningStrategy = $BaseProject.VersioningStrategy

            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Cloning [$($BaseProject.Name)]. Clone project name will be [$ProjectName]"
            $null = Post-OctopusResource -uri "api/projects?clone=$($" -resource $Clone
            $NewProject = $c.repository.Projects.FindByName($ProjectName)
            Throw $_
        return $NewProject