<# .Synopsis Gets information about Octopus Projects .DESCRIPTION Gets information about Octopus Projects .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusProject This command gets all the projects of the current Instance .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusProject -name MyProject Get the project named "MyProject" .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusProject -name MyApp* Get all the projects whose name starts with the string "MyApp" .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusEnvironment -Name "Production" | Select -ExpandProperty LatestDeployments | Get-OctopusProject Gets all the projects that deployed to the environment "Production" at least once .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusProjectGroup -name MyProjects | Get-OctopusProject | Remove-OctopusResource Get all the projects inside of the Project Group "MyProjects" and then delete them from the database .LINK Github project: Wiki: QA and Cmdlet request: #> function Get-OctopusProject { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( # Project Name [alias("Name")] [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]]$ProjectName, # When used the cmdlet will only return the plain Octopus resource object [switch]$ResourceOnly ) Begin { $c = New-OctopusConnection $list = @() $i = 1 } Process { If(!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectName))){ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Filtering projects by name: $ProjectName" $Projects = $c.repository.Projects.FindMany({param($Proj) if (($ -in $ProjectName) -or ($ -like $ProjectName)) {$true}}) foreach($N in $ProjectName){ If(($n -notin $ -and !($ -like $n)){ Write-Error "Project not found: $n" #throw "Project not found: $n" } } } else{ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting all projects" $Projects = $c.repository.projects.FindAll() } Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Projects found: $($Projects.count)" If($ResourceOnly -and $Projects){ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] [ResourceOnly] switch is on. Returning raw Octopus resource objects" $list += $Projects } Else{ $dashboard = Get-OctopusResource "/api/dashboard/dynamic" -header $c.header foreach ($p in $Projects){ Write-Progress -Activity "Getting info from Project: $($" -status "$i of $($Projects.count)" -percentComplete ($i / $Projects.count*100) Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting info from project $($" $deployments = @() $dashboardItem = $dashboard.Items | ?{$p.Id -eq $_.projectid} foreach($d in $dashboardItem){ $t = $c.repository.Tasks.Get($d.links.task) $dev = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$env:OctopusURL/api/events?regarding=$($d.Id)" -Method Get -Headers $c.header -UseBasicParsing -Verbose:$false | ConvertFrom-Json).items | ? {$_.category -eq "DeploymentQueued"} $dep = [PSCustomObject]@{ ProjectName = ($dashboard.Projects | ?{$ -eq $d.projectId}).name EnvironmentName = ($dashboard.Environments | ?{$ -eq $d.EnvironmentId}).name ReleaseVersion = $d.ReleaseVersion State = $d.state CreatedBy = $dev.username StartTime = ($t.StartTime).datetime EndTime = ($t.CompletedTime).datetime } $deployments += $dep } $pg = $c.repository.ProjectGroups.Get($p.projectgroupid) $l = $c.repository.Lifecycles.Get($p.LifeCycleId) $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $ ID = $p.Id ProjectGroupName = $ LifecycleName = $ LatestDeployments = $deployments AutoCreateRelease = $p.AutoCreateRelease Resource = $p } $list += $obj $i++ } } } End { If($list.count -eq 0){ $list = $null } return $List } } |