<# .Synopsis This cmdlet gets the Octopus dashboard by hitting the `/dashboard/dynamic` Octopus API endpoint. It also gives the user a few filtering options like being able to only see deployments for a certain project, certain environment or on a certain status. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet gets the Octopus dashboard by hitting the `/dashboard/dynamic` Octopus API endpoint. It also gives the user a few filtering options like being able to only see deployments for a certain project, certain environment or on a certain status. .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusDashboard Gets the entire Octopus dashboard .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusDashboard -ProjectName MyWebApp Gets the dashboard info for the project MyWebApp .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusDashboard -EnvironmentName Production Gets the dashboard info for all the projects that have a release deployed to the "Production" environment. .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusDashboard -DeploymentStatus Success Gets all the deployments in "Success" status on the dashboard, regardless the project/environment they belong to. .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusDashboard -EnvironmentName Production -DeploymentStatus Failed Gets all the deployments of the dashboard on the "Production" Environment that are in "Failed" status. .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusDashboard -EnvironmentName Production -DeploymentStatus Failed Gets all the deployments of the dashboard on the "Production" Environment that are in "Failed" status. .LINK WebSite: Github project: Wiki: QA and Cmdlet request: #> function Get-OctopusDashboard { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("Get-Dashboard")] Param ( # Name of the Project to filter for. [string]$ProjectName, # Name of the Environment to filter for. [string]$EnvironmentName, # Deploymeny status to filter for. Accepted values are "Success","Failed","Executing","Canceled" [ValidateSet('Success','Failed','Executing','Canceled')] [string]$DeploymentStatus ) Begin { $c = New-OctopusConnection $i = 1 $rawDashboard = Get-Octopusresource -uri "/api/dashboard/dynamic" } Process { If($ProjectName){ $Project = $rawDashboard.projects | ?{$ -eq $ProjectName} If(!$Project){ Throw "Project not found: $ProjectName" } } If($EnvironmentName){ $Environment = $rawDashboard.Environments| ?{$ -eq $EnvironmentNAme} If(!$Environment){ Throw "Environment not found: $EnvironmentName" } } $List = @() foreach($deployment in $rawDashboard.items){ If(($Project) -and ($deployment.projectID -ne ${ #A project was passed as parameter, but this deployment doesn't belong to it Continue } If(($Environment) -and ($deployment.EnvironmentID -ne ${ #An environment was passed as parameter, but this deployment doesn't belong to it Continue } If(($DeploymentStatus) -and ($deployment.state -ne $DeploymentStatus)){ #A deployment status was passed as parameter, but this deployment isn't in that state Continue } #Write-Progress -Activity "Massaging dashboard info for deployment: $($" -status "$i of $($rawDashboard.items.count)" -percentComplete ($i / $rawDashboard.items.count*100) [datetime]$queuetime = $deployment.queueTime $startdate = '{0:yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm:ss}' -f $queuetime If($deployment.CompletedTime){ [datetime]$CompletedTime = $deployment.CompletedTime $duration = New-TimeSpan –Start $queuetime –End $CompletedTime $EndDate = '{0:yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm:ss}' -f $CompletedTime } else{ #If the deployment is running or waiting for manual intervention, the "CompletedTime" property wont have a value #In that case still calculate the duration against the current datetime, and set "EndDate" to $null. $duration = New-TimeSpan –Start $queuetime –End (get-date) $EndDate = $null } $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ ProjectName = If($Project){$} else{($rawDashboard.projects | ?{$_.Id -eq $deployment.projectID}).name} EnvironmentName = If($Environment){$} else{($rawDashboard.Environments| ?{$_.Id -eq $deployment.EnvironmentID}).name} ReleaseVersion = [version]$deployment.ReleaseVersion DeploymentStatus = $deployment.state StartDate = $startdate EndDate = $EndDate IsCompleted = $deployment.IsCompleted HasPendingInterruptions = $deployment.HasPendingInterruptions HasWarningsOrErrors = $deployment.HasWarningsOrErrors Duration = [string]::Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}", $duration.Hours,$duration.Minutes,$duration.Seconds) } $list += $obj $i++ } } End { return $List | Sort-Object -Property ProjectName,ReleaseVersion } } |