function PesterBeOfType($value, $expectedType) { trap [System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidCastException] { return $false } if($expectedType -is [string] -and !($expectedType -as [Type])) { $expectedType = $expectedType -replace '^\[(.*)\]$','$1' } return [bool]($value -is $expectedType) } function PesterBeOfTypeFailureMessage($value, $expectedType) { if($expectedType -is [string] -and !($expectedType -as [Type])) { $expectedType = $expectedType -replace '^\[(.*)\]$','$1' } if($Type = $expectedType -as [type]) { return "Expected: ${value} to be of type [$Type]" } else { return "Expected: ${value} to be of type [$expectedType], but unable to find type [$expectedType]. Make sure that the assembly that contains that type is loaded." } } function NotPesterBeOfTypeFailureMessage($value, $expectedType) { if($expectedType -is [string] -and -not $expectedType -as [Type]) { $expectedType = $expectedType -replace '^\[(.*)\]$','$1' } if($Type = $expectedType -as [type]) { return "Expected: {$value} to be of any type except [${Type}], but it's a [${Type}]" } else { return "Expected: ${value} to be of any type except [$expectedType], but unable to find type [$expectedType]. Make sure that the assembly that contains that type is loaded." } } |