<# .Synopsis Starts a "Calamari Update" taks on a machine or set of machines inside of an environment .DESCRIPTION Starts a "Calamari Update" taks on a machine or set of machines inside of an environment .EXAMPLE Start-OctopusCalamariUpdate -Environment "Staging" Starts a "Calamari Update" task for all the machines inside of the environment "Staging" .EXAMPLE Start-OctopusCalamariUpdate -MachineName "NY-DB1" Starts a "Calamari Update" task on the machine "NY-DB1" .LINK Github project: Wiki: QA and Cmdlet request: #> function Start-OctopusCalamariUpdate { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Machine')] Param ( # The name of the environment/s on which you wanna start a health check. A task will start for each Environment listed on this parameter [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Environment')] [string[]]$EnvironmentName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Machine')] [string[]]$MachineName, # The message that will show up on the Octopus task. If a value is not passed to this parameter, a default message will be used [string]$Message, # Forces cmdlet to continue without prompting [switch]$Force, # Waits until the task is not on states "Queued" or "Executing" [switch]$Wait, # Timeout for [Wait] parameter in minutes. Default timeout is 2 minutes [double]$Timeout = 2 ) Begin { $c = New-OctopusConnection $machines = @() $list = @() } Process { If($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Environment'){ foreach ($environment in $EnvironmentName){ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting machines from Environment: $environment" $m = Get-OctopusMachine -EnvironmentName $Environment -ResourceOnly -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Found $($m.count) machines in environment $environment" $Machines += $m } } Else{ $machines = Get-OctopusMachine -MachineName $MachineName -ResourceOnly -ErrorAction Stop } If(!$message -and $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Machine'){ $message = "[API Generated] Starting 'Calamari Update' task on Machines: $($" } elseIf(!$message -and $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Environment'){ $message = "[API Generated] Starting 'Calamari Update' task on Environments: $EnvironmentName" } If(!($Force)){ If (!(Get-UserConfirmation -message "Are you sure you want to start a health check on the environment: $Environment")){ Throw 'Canceled by user' } } If($machines.count -ne 0){ $task = $c.repository.Tasks.ExecuteCalamariUpdate($Message,$ } If($wait){ $StartTime = Get-Date Do{ $CurrentTime = Get-date $task = Get-OctopusTask -ID $ Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 Write-Verbose "[Get-OctopusTask] Task state is: $($task.state)" }Until (($task.state -notin ('Queued','executing')) -or ($CurrentTime -gt $StartTime.AddMinutes($Timeout))) Write-Verbose "[Get-OctopusTask] Task finished or cmdlet timed out. Last task status: $($task.state.tostring().toupper())" return $task } else{ return $task } } End { } } |