<# .Synopsis Gets information about Octopus deployments .DESCRIPTION Gets information about Octopus deployments .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusDeployment Get all the deployments that were done on the Octopus Instance. You might wanna go grab a coffee after hitting [enter] on this one, its gonna take a while. .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusDeployment -Project "MyProject" -ReleaseVersion 1.0.0 Get all the deployments that were done for the release 1.0.0 of the project "MyProject" .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusDeployment -ProjectName "MyProduct.*" Get all the deployments from all the projects which name starts with "MyProduct.*" .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusDeployment -EnvironmentName "Staging","UAT" -ProjectName "MyService" Get all the deployents that were done to the environments Staging and UAT on the project "MyService" .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusDeployment -project "MyProduct.Webapp","MyProduct.service" -Environment "Production" Get all the deployments that were done to the environment "Production" on the projects "MyProduct.webapp" and "MyProduct.service" .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusDeployment -project "MyProduct.Webapp" -Environment "Production" -After 2/20/2015 -Before 2/21/2015 Get all the deployments that were done to the environment "Production" on the projects "MyProduct.Webapp" between 2/20/2015 and 2/21/2015 .LINK Github project: Wiki: QA and Cmdlet request: #> function Get-OctopusDeployment { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( # Environment Name [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [alias("Environment")] [string[]]$EnvironmentName, # Project Name [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [alias("Project")] [string[]]$ProjectName, # Release Version. When a value is passed to this parameter, only one project can be declared and [EnvironmentName] will be ignored [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [alias("Release")] [String[]]$ReleaseVersion, # Get deployment created before this date [System.DateTimeOffset]$Before = [System.DateTimeOffset]::MaxValue, # Get deployment created after this date [System.DateTimeOffset]$After = [System.DateTimeOffset]::MinValue, # When used the cmdlet will only return the plain Octopus resource object [switch]$ResourceOnly ) Begin { $c = New-OctopusConnection $list = @() $i = 1 } Process { Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting deployments for Projects [$ProjectName] on Environments [$EnvironmentName]" $projects = Get-OctopusProject -Name $ProjectName -ResourceOnly $environments = Get-OctopusEnvironment -Name $EnvironmentName -ResourceOnly If($ReleaseVersion){ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Filtering deployments by release for project $($" If($ProjectName.count -ne 1){ #Should figure out a smarter way to do this from the parameters throw "Only 1 project can be selected when using the parameter [ReleaseVersion]. Amount of projects selected: $($ProjectName.count)" } else{ $deployments = @() foreach($Version in $ReleaseVersion){ $release = Get-OctopusRelease -ProjectName $ -ReleaseVersion $Version -ResourceOnly $deployments += ($c.repository.Releases.GetDeployments($release,0)).items | ?{($_.created -gt $After) -and ($_.created -lt $Before)} } } } else{ $deployments = $c. repository.Deployments.FindMany(` {param($dep) if (` (($dep.projectid -in $` -and (($dep.environmentid -in $` -and (($dep.created -ge $After) -and ($dep.created -le $Before)))` {$true}}) } Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Deployments found: $($deployments.count)" If ($ResourceOnly){ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] [ResourceOnly] switch is on. Returning raw Octopus resource objects" $list += $Deployments } Else{ foreach ($d in $deployments){ Write-Progress -Activity "Getting info from deloyment: $($" -status "$i of $($deployments.count)" -percentComplete ($i / $deployments.count*100) Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting info of deployment: $($" $p = $projects | ?{$ -eq $d.projectid} $e = $environments | ? {$ -eq $d.environmentid} $t = $c.repository.Tasks.Get($d.Links.task) $r = $c.repository.Releases.Get($d.Links.Release) $dp = $c.repository.DeploymentProcesses.Get($r.links.ProjectDeploymentProcessSnapshot) $dev = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$env:OctopusURL/api/events?regarding=$($d.Id)" -Method Get -Headers $c.header -Verbose:$false | ConvertFrom-Json).items | ? {$_.category -eq "DeploymentQueued"} $rev = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$env:OctopusURL/api/events?regarding=$($r.Id)" -Method Get -Headers $c.header -Verbose:$false | ConvertFrom-Json).items | ? {$_.category -eq "Created"} #Getting Nuget packages and their versions $packages = @() foreach ($s in $r.SelectedPackages){ $ds = $dp.steps | ? {$ -eq "$($s.stepname)"} $properties = [ordered]@{ Name = $'Octopus.Action.Package.NuGetPackageId'.value Version = $s.version } $Packages += $entry = New-Object psobject -Property $properties } #Duration calculation needed cause "timed out" deployments dont have a value set for "CompletedTime" if($t.completedtime){ $duration = (New-TimeSpan –Start ($t.Starttime).DateTime –End ($t.Completedtime).DateTime).TotalMinutes } else{$duration = 0} #Creating output object $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ ProjectName = $ EnvironmentName = $ DeploymentstartTime = ($t.Starttime).DateTime DeploymentEndTime = ($t.Completedtime).DateTime DeploymentStartedBy = $dev.Username ID = $d.Id Duration = [math]::Round($duration,2) Status = $t.state ReleaseVersion = $r.version ReleaseCreationDate = ($r.assembled).DateTime ReleaseNotes = $r.ReleaseNotes ReleaseCreatedBy = $rev.Username Package = $Packages Resource = $d } $list += $obj $i++ } } } End { If($list.count -eq 0){ $list = $null } return $List } } |