
   This cmdlet adds/Updates variables on a variable set (Project's or Library's) from a JSON file. It returns the updated Variable Set for it to be saved on the database using Update-OctopusResource.

   This is an advanced cmdlet. For info about its usage go to:
   This cmdlet adds/Updates Octopus variables from a JSON file to a Variable Set. Then it returns the updated Variable Set for it to be saved on the database using Update-OctopusResource.

   This is an advanced cmdlet. For info about its usage go to:
   Update-OctopusVariableSet -ProjectName "MyProject" -file "C:\Files\Variables.json" -mode Overwrite

   Overwrites the variable set of the project "MyProject" with the contents of C:\Files\Variables.json
   Update-OctopusVariableSet -Library "MyLibrarySet" -file "C:\Files\Variables.json" -mode Merge

   Merges the variables inside of "C:\Files\Variables.json" with the variable set "MyLibrarySet"
   Github project:
   Advanced Cmdlet Usage:
   QA and Cmdlet request:

function Update-OctopusVariableSet
        # Path of the JSON file that contains the variables info.

        # Library variable Set
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = 'Library')]        

        # Project name
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = 'Project')]        

        # This parameter sets the way the variables will be added to the Variable Set. Accepted values are "Merge" and "Overwrite"


        function Import-JsonFile ([string]$file){
            If(!(Test-path $file)){
                Throw "File not found: $file"
            $JSON = Get-Content $file -Raw

                Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Importing variables as JSON from: $file"
                $obj = ($JSON | ConvertFrom-Json).variables                

                throw $_
            return $obj

        function Validate-Scope([string]$Name,[string]$value,[Octopus.Client.Model.VariableScopeValues]$scopes){
            $ID = $variableSet.ScopeValues.$Name | ?{$ -eq $value} | select -ExpandProperty ID

                Throw "Value [$value] was not found on the scope for [$name]"
                return $ID

        function create-VariableSet([PSObject]$FileVariables, [Octopus.Client.Model.VariableSetResource]$variableSet){
            $NewVariableSet = New-Object Octopus.Client.Model.VariableSetResource
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Creating variable set out of file"

            foreach($var in $FileVariables){                

                $newvar = New-Object Octopus.Client.Model.VariableResource        
                $newvar.Name = $var.Name
                $newvar.Value = $var.Value
                $newvar.IsEditable = $var.IsEditable
                $newvar.IsSensitive = $var.IsSensitive
                    foreach($scope in ($var.Scope | Get-Member | ?{$_.membertype -eq "NoteProperty"} | select -ExpandProperty Name)){
                        $scopeID = Validate-Scope -Name ($scope + "s") -value $var.scope.$scope -scopes $variableSet.ScopeValues
                        $newvar.Scope.Add([Octopus.platform.Model.Scopefield]::$scope, (New-Object Octopus.Platform.Model.ScopeValue($scopeID)))

                   $prompt = New-Object Octopus.Platform.Model.VariablePromptOptions
                   $prompt.Description = $var.prompt.Description
                   $prompt.Label = $var.prompt.Label
                   $prompt.Required = $var.prompt.required
                   $newvar.Prompt = $prompt
                } Else {
                    $newvar.Prompt = $var.prompt
            return $NewVariableSet

        function comparescope([Octopus.Client.Model.VariableResource]$var1, [Octopus.Client.Model.VariableResource]$var2){
            Write-Verbose "comparing $($ and $($"

            foreach($scopetype in $var1.Scope.Keys){
                Write-Output "Hello?"
                    If($var1.Scope.Count -eq 0){
                        $compare = $null
                        Write-Output "hello?"
                        $compare = Compare-Object $var1.Scope["$scopetype"] $var2.Scope["$scopetype"]
                    $Identical = $false
                If($compare -ne $null){
                    $Identical = $false
                    $Identical = $true
            Write-Verbose "Identical: $Identical"
            return $Identical
        function VariableExists([Octopus.Client.Model.VariableResource]$variable ,[Octopus.Client.Model.VariableSetResource]$variableSet){
            foreach($var in $variableSet.Variables){
                If(($ -eq $ -and ($var.scope.keys.count -eq $variable.scope.Keys.count) -and ($var.scope.keys.count -ne 0)){
                    If((comparescope -var1 $var -var2 $variable) -eq $true){
                        $varExists = $true
                        $varExists = $false


                If(($ -eq $ -and ($var.scope.keys.count -eq $variable.scope.Keys.count) -and ($var.scope.keys.count -eq 0)){
                    $varExists = $true

                    $varExists = $false
            return $varExists
        function Get-MergedVariableSet([Octopus.Client.Model.VariableSetResource]$base,[Octopus.Client.Model.VariableSetResource]$New) {

            $mergedVariableSet = $base    

            foreach ($Variable in $new.Variables){
                If(VariableExists -variable $Variable -variableSet $base){
                    $MergedvariableSet.Variables | ?{$ -eq $} | %{
                        $_.value = $Variable.value 
                        $_.IsEditable = $Variable.IsEditable
                        $_.IsSensitive = $Variable.IsSensitive 
                        $_.Prompt = $prompt
            return $mergedVariableSet          
        If($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Project'){
            $BaseVariableset = Get-OctopusVariableSet -Projectname $ProjectName -ResourceOnly
            $BaseVariableset = Get-OctopusVariableSet -LibrarySetName $LibraryVariableSet -ResourceOnly

            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Working with variable set of project: $ProjectName"
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Variables on set before starting: $($Basevariableset.variables.count)"

            $fileVariables = Import-JsonFile -file $File

            $newVariableSet = create-VariableSet -FileVariables $fileVariables -variableSet $BaseVariableset

            If($Mode -eq "Overwrite"){
                $BaseVariableset.variables = $newVariableSet.variables
                $finalVarSet = $BaseVariableset
                $finalVarSet = Get-MergedVariableSet -Base $BaseVariableset -New $newVariableSet
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] No variable set found for project: $name"
        Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Returning Variable set: $($"
        Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Variables on set after script: $($Newvariableset.variables.count)"
        return $finalVarSet