
   Starts a Health Check task on a specific set environment
   Starts a Health Check task on a specific set environment
   Start-OctopusHealthCheck -Environment "Staging"

   Starts a health on the environment "Staging"
   Get-OctopusEnvironment -Name "Production" | Start-OctopusHealthCheck -force -Message "Health Check from powershell"

   Starts a health check on the environment "Production"
   Github project:
   QA and Cmdlet request:

function Start-OctopusHealthCheck
        # The name of the environment/s on which you wanna start a health check. A task will start for each Environment listed on this parameter

        # The message that will show up on the Octopus task. If a value is not passed to this parameter, a default message will be used

        # Forces cmdlet to continue without prompting

        # Waits until the task is not on states "Queued" or "Executing"

        # Timeout for [Wait] parameter in minutes. Default timeout is 2 minutes
        [double]$Timeout = 2

        $c = New-OctopusConnection
        $list = @()
        foreach ($environment in $EnvironmentName){
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Processing environment: $environment"

            $Machines = Get-OctopusMachine -EnvironmentName $Environment -ResourceOnly

            If($Machines -ne $null){
                    $message = "[API Generated] Check Health on Environment: $Environment"

                    If (!(Get-UserConfirmation -message "Are you sure you want to start a health check on the environment: $Environment")){
                        Throw 'Canceled by user'
                Write-Verbose "Starting Health check on Environment $environment which contains machines:"

                $ | %{Write-Verbose $_}

                $EnvironmentID = $Machines[0].environmentIDs[0]

                $Task = $c.repository.Tasks.ExecuteHealthCheck($Message,5,5,$environmentId,$Machines.Id)        


                    $StartTime = Get-Date

                        $CurrentTime = Get-date
                        $task = Get-OctopusTask -ID $
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
                    }Until (($task.state -notin ('Queued','executing')) -or ($CurrentTime -gt $StartTime.AddMinutes($Timeout)))

                    Write-Verbose "Health task on environment $environment finished with status: $($task.state.tostring().toupper())"
                $list += $Task

                Write-Error 'No machines were found'
        If($list.count -eq 0){
            $list = $null
        return $List