<# .Synopsis This function gets the data of the variables $env:OctopusURI and $env:OctopusAPI that are used by all the cmdlets of the Octoposh module .DESCRIPTION This function gets the data of the variables $env:OctopusURI and $env:OctopusAPI that are used by all the cmdlets of the Octoposh module .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusConnectionInfo Get the current connection info. Its the same as getting the values of $env:OctopusURL and $Env:OctopusAPIKey .LINK Github project: g #> function Get-OctopusConnectionInfo { Begin { } Process { $properties = [ordered]@{ OctopusURL = $env:OctopusURL OctopusAPIKey = $env:OctopusAPIKey } $o = new-object psobject -Property $properties } End { return $o } } |