<# .Synopsis Gets Octopus Variable sets. These can belong to a specific Project or to a Library Variable set .DESCRIPTION Gets Octopus Variable sets. These can belong to a specific Project or to a Library Variable set .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusVariableSet Get the Variable Sets of all the Projects and all the Library Variable Sets .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusVariableSet -ProjectName MyProject Get the Variable Set of the Project "MyProject" .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusVariableSet -LibrarySetName "MyLibrarySet" Get the library variable set "MyLibrarySet" and the variable set of the project "MyProject" .EXAMPLE $VariableName = "ConnectionString" Get-OctopusVariableSet | where {$ -eq $VariableName} Get all the variable sets that include a variable with the name "ConnectionString" .EXAMPLE $VariableValue = "MySiteName" Get-OctopusVariableSet | where {$_.variables.value -eq $VariableValue} Get all the variable sets that include a variable with the value "MySiteName" .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusProjectGroup -name "MyImportantProjects"| Get-OctopusProject | Get-OctopusVariableSet Get the Variable Sets of all the Projects inside of a Project Group named "MyImportantProjects" .LINK Github project: Wiki: QA and Cmdlet request: #> function Get-OctopusVariableSet { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( #Project name [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string[]]$Projectname, #Library variable set name [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string[]]$LibrarySetName, #When used the cmdlet will only return the plain Octopus resource object [switch]$ResourceOnly ) Begin { $c = New-OctopusConnection $list = @() $variablesetids = @() $variablesets = @() $i = 1 } Process { #Getting Project's variable set IDs If(!$Projectname -and !$LibrarySetName){ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting all variable sets" $Projects = Get-OctopusProject -ResourceOnly $LibrarySets = $c.repository.LibraryVariableSets.FindAll() $variablesetids += $LibrarySets.links.variables $variablesetids += $Projects.links.variables } else{ If(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Projectname)){ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting variable sets from projects: $projectname" $Projects = Get-OctopusProject -ProjectName $Projectname -ResourceOnly $variablesetids += $Projects.links.variables } If(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LibrarySetName)){ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting library variable sets: $LibrarySetName" $LibrarySets = $c.repository.LibraryVariableSets.FindMany({param($lib) if (($ -in $LibrarySetName) -or ($ -like $LibrarySetName)) {$true}}) $variablesetids += $LibrarySets.links.variables } } If($ResourceOnly){ foreach ($id in $variablesetids){ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] [ResourceOnly] switch is on. Returning raw Octopus resource objects" $list += $c.repository.VariableSets.Get($id) } } Else{ foreach ($id in $variablesetids){ $vs = $c.repository.VariableSets.Get($id) Write-Progress -Activity "Getting info from variable set : $($" -status "$i of $($variablesetids.count)" -percentComplete ($i / $variablesetids.count*100) Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting info from variable set : $($" $vars = @() foreach ($var in $vs.variables){ $scope = Get-OctopusVariableScopeValue -Resource $vs -VariableName $ $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $ Value = $var.value Scope = $scope IsSensitive = $var.IsSensitive IsEditable = $var.IsEditable Prompt = $var.Prompt } $vars += $obj } If($vs.ownerID -in ${ $Pname = $Projects | ?{$ -eq $vs.ownerid} | select -ExpandProperty name $LibraryVariableSetName = $null } else{ $Pname = $null $LibraryVariableSetName = $LibrarySets | ?{$ -eq $vs.ownerid} | select -ExpandProperty name } $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ ProjectName = $Pname LibraryVariableSetName = $LibraryVariableSetName Variables = $vars LastModifiedOn = $vs.LastModifiedOn LastModifiedBy = $vs.LastModifiedBy Resource = $vs } $list += $obj $i++ }#> } } End { If($list.count -eq 0){ $list = $null } return $List } } |