<# .Synopsis Gets Octopus Tasks resources. This cmdlet can be used to track the status of tasks such as Health checks, Backups, Deployments, etc. See parameter "Name" to see all the kind of tasks available. .DESCRIPTION Long description .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusTask Name Backup Get all the Backup tasks of the server .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusTask -name Health -status failed -After (Get-date).adddays(-7) Get all the Health check tasks that failed over the past 7 days .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusTask -TaskID "ServerTAsks-1234" Get the server task with the id "ServerTasks-1234" .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusTask -Name Backup -After 01/01/2015 Get all the Backup tasks 01/01/2015 .LINK Github project: Wiki: QA and Cmdlet request: #> function Get-OctopusTask { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( # ID of task you want to get [Alias('ID')] [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'TaskId')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String[]]$TaskID, # Name of the task. Accepted values are: 'Backup','Delete','Health','Retention','Deploy','Upgrade','AdhocScript','TestEmail' [ValidateSet('Backup','Delete','Health','Retention','Deploy','Upgrade','AdhocScript','TestEmail')] [String[]]$Name = '*', # Document related to this task. [Alias('DocumentID')] [string]$ResourceID = '*', # Status of the task. [Alias('Status')] [ValidateSet('Success','TimedOut','Failed','Canceled')] [string[]]$State = '*', # Before date [System.DateTimeOffset]$Before = [System.DateTimeOffset]::MaxValue, # After date [System.DateTimeOffset]$After = [System.DateTimeOffset]::MinValue ) Begin { $c = New-OctopusConnection $list = @() } Process { If($TaskID){ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting tasks by ID" $tasks = @() foreach($t in $TaskID){ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting task id: $t" $task = $c.repository.Tasks.Get($t) If($task -eq $null){ Write-Error "No tasks found with ID $t" } else {$tasks += $task} } } elseif(($Name -ne '*') -or ($ResourceID -ne '*') -or ($State -ne '*') -or ($Before -ne [System.DateTimeOffset]::MaxValue) -or ($After -ne [System.DateTimeOffset]::MinValue)) { Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting task by: `nName: $name`nResourceID: $resourceid`nState: $state`nBefore: $before`nAfter: $after" $tasks = $c.repository.Tasks.FindMany({param($t) if( (($ -like $Name) -or ($ -in $name) ) -and (($t.state -like $State) -or ($t.state -in $State) )-and (($t.Arguments.values -contains $ResourceID) -or ($t.Arguments -like $ResourceID)) -and ($t.StartTime -ge $After) -and ($t.LastupdatedTime -le $Before) ) {$true}}) } else{ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting all tasks" $tasks = $c.repository.Tasks.FindAll() } Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Tasks found: $($Tasks.count)" $list += $tasks } End { If($list.count -eq 0){ $list = $null } return $List } } |