.Synopsis Gets information about Octopus Lifecycles .DESCRIPTION Gets information about Octopus Lifecycles .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusLifecycle Get all the Lifecycles of the current Instance .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusLifecycle -name MyLifecycle Get the Lifecycle named "MyLifecycle" .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusProject -name MyProject | Get-OctopusLifecycle Get the Lifecycle of the project called "MyProject" .EXAMPLE Get-OctopusProjectGroup -name "MyProjectGroup" | Get-OctopusProject | Get-OctopusLifecycle This command gets the Lifecycles of all the projects inside the project group called "MyProjectGroup" .LINK Github project: Advanced Cmdlet Usage: QA and Cmdlet request: #> function Get-OctopusLifeCycle { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( # Lifecycle Name [alias("Name")] [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string[]]$LifeCycleName ) Begin { $c = New-OctopusConnection $list = @() $i = 1 } Process { #Getting Lifecycles If(!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LifeCycleName))){ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting Lifecycles with name/s: [$LifeCycleName]" $Lifecycles = $c.repository.Lifecycles.FindMany({param($lc) if (($ -in $LifeCycleName)) {$true}}) } else{ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting all the Lifecycles" $Lifecycles = $c.repository.Lifecycles.FindAll() } Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Lifecycles found: $($Lifecycles.count)" #Getting info by Lifecycle foreach ($l in $Lifecycles){ Write-Progress -Activity "Getting info from lifecycle: $($" -status "$i of $($Lifecycles.count)" -percentComplete ($i / $Lifecycles.count*100) Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting info from Lifecycle: $($" $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ LifecycleName = $ Id = $l.Id ReleaseRetentionPolicy = $l.ReleaseRetentionPolicy TentacleRetentionPolicy = $l.TentacleRetentionPolicy Phases = $l.Phases LastModifiedOn = $l.LastModifiedOn LastModifiedBy = $l.LastModifiedBy Resource = $l } $list += $obj $i++ } } End { If($list.count -eq 0){ $list = $null } return $List } } |