.Synopsis Sets Octopus SMTP Configuration. This configuration will be used by the deployment process step "Email Message" .DESCRIPTION Description. .EXAMPLE Set-OctopusSMTPConfig -SMTPHost "" -Port 25 -SendEmailFrom "" Set the Octopus SMTP config .EXAMPLE Set-OctopusSMTPConfig -SMTPHost "" -Port 25 -SendEmailFrom "" -SMTPLogin "" -SMTPPassword "SomePassword" Set the Octopus SMTP config with a User and Passworrd .LINK Github project: Advanced Cmdlet Usage: QA and Cmdlet request: #> function Set-OctopusSMTPConfig { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="All")] Param ( # SMTP server [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$SMTPHost, # SMTP Port [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int]$Port, # Address from which emails will be sent [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$SendEmailFrom, # SSL Enabled/Disabled [switch]$SSL, # User to login to the SMPT service [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, parametersetname='setlogin')] [string]$SMTPLogin = $null, # Password to login to the SMPT service [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,parametersetname='setlogin')] [string]$SMTPPassword = $null ) Begin { $c = New-OctopusConnection If($SSL){$EnableSSL = "true"} else{$EnableSSL = "false"} $body = @{ SMTPHost = $SMTPHost SMTPPort = $Port SendEmailFrom = $SendEmailFrom EnableSSL = $EnableSSL SMTPLogin = $SMTPLogin NewSMTPPassword = $SMTPPassword } | ConvertTo-Json } Process { Try{ Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Setting SMTP configuration for $env:OctopusURL" $r = Invoke-WebRequest "$env:OctopusURL/api/smtpconfiguration" -Method Put -Headers $c.header -Body $body -UseBasicParsing } Catch{ write-error $_ } } End { Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] HTTP request to set SMTP configuration returned code $($r.statuscode)" if($r.statuscode -eq 200){ Return $True } Else{ Return $false } } } |