
   Deletes Octopus Deploy resources such as Projects, Releases, Environments, etc.
   This is an advanced cmdlet and all its examples involve multiple lines of code. Please check the advanced examples for a better reference:
   Deletes Octopus Deploy resources such as Projects, Releases, Environments, etc
   This is an advanced cmdlet and all its examples involve multiple lines of code. Please check the advanced examples for a better reference:
   $ProjectResource = Get-OctopusProject -name "MyApp" ; Remove-OctopusResource -resource $ProjectResource
   Delete the project called "MyApp" from the Octopus Database
   Get-OctopusProjectGroup -name "MyProjects" | select -ExpandProperty Projects | Remove-OctopusResource
   Remove all the projects inside the Project Group "MyProjects"
   Github project:
   Advanced Cmdlet Usage:
   QA and Cmdlet request:

function Remove-OctopusResource
        # Octopus resource object
                   ParameterSetName = 'Delete',                   

        # Prints a list of the resource types accepted by the parameter $Resource.
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ListAcceptedTypes')]

        # Forces cmdlet to continue without prompting

        # Waits until the task is not on states "Queued" or "Executing"

        # Timeout for [Wait] parameter in minutes
        [double]$Timeout = 2

        $c = New-OctopusConnection        
        Foreach ($r in $Resource){

                If (!(Get-UserConfirmation -message "Are you sure you want to delete this resource? `n`n [$($R.GetType().tostring())] $($`n")){
                    Throw 'Canceled by user'
            switch ($r)
                {$_.getType() -eq [Octopus.Client.Model.ProjectGroupResource]} {$ResourceType = 'ProjectGroups'}
                {$_.getType() -eq [Octopus.Client.Model.ProjectResource]} {$ResourceType = 'Projects'}
                {$_.getType() -eq [Octopus.Client.Model.EnvironmentResource]} {$ResourceType = 'Environments'}
                {$_.getType() -eq [Octopus.Client.Model.DeploymentResource]} {$ResourceType = 'Deployments'}
                {$_.getType() -eq [Octopus.Client.Model.MachineResource]} {$ResourceType = 'Machines'}          
                {$_.getType() -eq [Octopus.Client.Model.FeedResource]} {$ResourceType = 'Feeds'}
                {$_.getType() -eq [Octopus.Client.Model.VariableSetResource]} {$ResourceType = 'LibraryVariableSets'}
                Default{Throw "Invalid object type: $($_.getType()) `nRun 'Remove-OctopusResource -AcceptedTypes' to get a list of the object types accepted by this cmdlet"}                

            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Deleting [$($R.GetType().tostring())] $($"

            If($ResourceType -eq 'Feeds'){
                #Deleting using REST API cause client library delete method doesnt work
                $task = (Invoke-WebRequest ($env:OctopusURL + $r.Links.Self) -Method Delete -Headers $c.header).content | ConvertFrom-Json
            elseif($ResourceType -eq 'LibraryVariableSets'){
                #Deleting using REST API cause client library delete method doesnt work
                $task = Invoke-RestMethod ($env:OctopusURL + '/api/LibraryVariableSets/' +$r.OwnerId) -Method Delete -Headers $c.header
                $task = $c.repository.$ResourceType.Delete($r)


                $StartTime = Get-Date

                    $CurrentTime = Get-date
                    $task = Get-OctopusTask -ID $

                    Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Task $($ status: $($task.state)"
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2

                Until (($task.state -notin ('Queued','executing')) -or ($CurrentTime -gt $StartTime.AddMinutes($Timeout)))
                Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Task finished with status: $($task.state.tostring().toupper())"
            $Task = $null

        return $Task