
function Remove-OctoPSHost
        Remove a specified OctoPrint from stored host using the Host Id.
        Remove a specified OctoPrint from stored host using the Host Id.
        PS C:\> Remove-OctoPSHost -Id 2
        Remove a configured host with Id 2


        # OctoPrint Host Id

    Process {
        # Finding and saving sessions in to a different Array so they can be
        # removed from the main one so as to not generate an modification
        # error for a collection in use.
        $connections = $Global:OctoHost
        $toremove = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList

        if ($Id.Count -gt 0) {
            foreach($i in $Id) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing Host with Id $($i)"

                foreach($Connection in $connections) {
                    if ($Connection.Id -eq $i) {

            foreach($Connection in $toremove) {
         Set-Content -Path $Global:OctoPSConfigPath  -Value (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Global:OctoHost )