
function Set-Branch
        Switch branches
        Updates files in the working tree to match the version in the specified tree.
        .Parameter Repository
        Path to the git repository. Can be relative or absolute. If not specified defaults to the current directory
        .Parameter Branch
        Branch to checkout
        .Parameter CreateNew
        Create a new branch
        .Parameter Force
        When switching branches, proceed even if the working tree differs from HEAD. This is used to throw away local changes.
        .Parameter Track
        When creating a new branch, set up "upstream" configuration.

        [string]$Repository = ".\",
        [switch]$CreateNew = $False,
        [switch]$Force = $False,
        [switch]$Track = $False
        $Repository = Resolve-Path -Path $Repository
        Write-Verbose "Checking out branch $Branch in $Repository"
        $ExtendedCLI = "";
        if ($CreateNew)
            $ExtendedCLI += " -b"
        if ($Force)
            $ExtendedCLI += " -f"
        if ($Track)
            $ExtendedCLI += " --track"
        $Output = (Invoke-Expression -Command "git -C $Repository checkout$ExtendedCLI $Branch") 2>&1
        if ($Output.GetType().Name -eq "ErrorRecord")
            Write-Error -Message ($Output.Exception.Message) -CategoryActivity ($Output.Exception.Message.SubString(0, $Output.Exception.Message.IndexOf(":"))) -ErrorId $LASTEXITCODE