
function Backup-Changes
        Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away
        Save your local modifications to a new stash and roll them back to HEAD (in the working tree and in the index)
        .Parameter Repository
        Path to the git repository. Can be relative or absolute. If not specified defaults to the current directory
        .Parameter KeepIndex
        All changes already added to the index are left intact.
        .Parameter IncludeUntracked
        All untracked files are also stashed and then cleaned up.
        .Parameter All
        Ignored files are stashed and cleaned in addition to the untracked files.
        .Parameter Message
        Description along with the stashed state

        [string]$Repository = ".\",
        [switch]$KeepIndex = $False,
        [switch]$IncludeUntracked = $False,
        [switch]$All = $False,
        [string]$Message = $null
        $Repository = Resolve-Path -Path $Repository
        Write-Verbose "Stashing changes in $Repository"
        $ExtendedCLI = "";
        if ($KeepIndex)
            $ExtendedCLI += " --keep-index"
        if ($IncludeUntracked)
            $ExtendedCLI += " --include--untracked"
        if ($All)
            $ExtendedCLI += " --all"
        if ($Message -ne $null)
            $ExtendedCLI += " $Message"
        $Output = (Invoke-Expression -Command "git -C $Repository stash save$ExtendedCLI") 2>&1
        if ($Output.GetType().Name -eq "ErrorRecord")
            Write-Error -Message ($Output.Exception.Message) -CategoryActivity ($Output.Exception.Message.SubString(0, $Output.Exception.Message.IndexOf(":"))) -ErrorId $LASTEXITCODE