
function Use-ClassAccessors {
    Implements class getter and setter accessors.
    The [Use-ClassAccessors][1] cmdlet updates script property of a class from the getter and setter methods.
    Which are also known as [accessors or mutator methods][2].
    The getter and setter methods should use the following syntax:
    ### getter syntax
        [<type>] get_<property name>() {
            return <variable>
        [Object] get_<property name>() {
            return ,[<Type>]<variable>
    ### setter syntax
        set_<property name>(<variable>) {
    > [!NOTE]
    > A **setter** accessor requires a **getter** accessor to implement the related property.
    > [!NOTE]
    > In most cases, you might want to hide the getter and setter methods using the [`hidden` keyword][3]
    > on the getter and setter methods.
    # Using class accessors
    The following example defines a getter and setter for a `value` property
    and a _readonly_ property for the type of the type of the contained value.
        Install-Script -Name Use-ClassAccessors
        Class ExampleClass {
            hidden $_Value
            hidden [Object] get_Value() {
                return $this._Value
            hidden set_Value($Value) {
                $this._Value = $Value
            hidden [Type]get_Type() {
                if ($Null -eq $this.Value) { return $Null }
                else { return $this._Value.GetType() }
            hidden static ExampleClass() { Use-ClassAccessors }
        $Example = [ExampleClass]::new()
        $Example.Value = 42 # Set value to 42
        $Example.Value # Returns 42
        $Example.Type # Returns [Int] type info
        $Example.Type = 'Something' # Throws readonly error
    Specifies the class from which the accessor need to be initialized.
    Default: The class from which this function is invoked (by its static initializer).
    Filters the property that requires to be (re)initialized.
    Default: All properties in the given class
    Indicates that the cmdlet reloads the specified accessors,
    even if the accessors already have been defined for the concerned class.
    [1]: "Online Help"
    [2]: "Mutator method"
    [3]: "Hidden keyword in classes"

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]



    process {
        $ClassNames =
            if ($Class) { $Class }
            else {
                $Caller = (Get-PSCallStack)[1]
                if ($Caller.FunctionName -ne '<ScriptBlock>') {
                elseif ($Caller.ScriptName) {
                    $Ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($Caller.ScriptName, [ref]$Null, [ref]$Null)
                    $Ast.EndBlock.Statements.where{ $_.IsClass }.Name
        foreach ($ClassName in $ClassNames) {
            $TargetType = $ClassName -as [Type]
            if (-not $TargetType) { Write-Warning "Class not found: $ClassName" }
            $TypeData = Get-TypeData -TypeName $ClassName
            $Members = if ($TypeData -and $TypeData.Members) { $TypeData.Members.get_Keys() } else { @() }
            $Methods =
                if ($Property) {
                else {
                    $targetType.GetMethods().where{ ($_.Name -Like 'get_*' -or  $_.Name -Like 'set_*') -and $_.Name -NotLike '???__*' }
            $Accessors = @{}
            foreach ($Method in $Methods) {
                $Member = $Method.Name.SubString(4)
                if (-not $Force -and $Member -in $Members) { continue }
                $Parameters = $Method.GetParameters()
                if ($Method.Name -Like 'get_*') {
                    if ($Parameters.Count -eq 0) {
                        if ($Method.ReturnType.IsArray) {
                            $Expression = @"
`$TargetType = '$ClassName' -as [Type]
`$Method = `$TargetType.GetMethod('$($Method.Name)')
`$Invoke = `$Method.Invoke(`$this, `$Null)
`$Output = `$Invoke -as '$($Method.ReturnType.FullName)'
if (@(`$Invoke).Count -gt 1) { `$Output } else { ,`$Output }

                        else {
                            $Expression = @"
`$TargetType = '$ClassName' -as [Type]
`$Method = `$TargetType.GetMethod('$($Method.Name)')
`$Method.Invoke(`$this, `$Null) -as '$($Method.ReturnType.FullName)'

                        if (-not $Accessors.Contains($Member)) { $Accessors[$Member] = @{} }
                        $Accessors[$Member].Value = [ScriptBlock]::Create($Expression)
                    else { Write-Warning "The getter '$($Method.Name)' is skipped as it is not parameter-less." }
                elseif ($Method.Name -Like 'set_*') {
                    if ($Parameters.Count -eq 1) {
                        $Expression = @"
`$TargetType = '$ClassName' -as [Type]
`$Method = `$TargetType.GetMethod('$($Method.Name)')
`$Method.Invoke(`$this, `$Args)

                        if (-not $Accessors.Contains($Member)) { $Accessors[$Member] = @{} }
                        $Accessors[$Member].SecondValue = [ScriptBlock]::Create($Expression)
                    else { Write-Warning "The setter '$($Method.Name)' is skipped as it does not have a single parameter" }
            foreach ($MemberName in $Accessors.get_Keys()) {
                $TypeData = $Accessors[$MemberName]
                if ($TypeData.Contains('Value')) {
                    $TypeData.TypeName   = $ClassName
                    $TypeData.MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
                    $TypeData.MemberName = $MemberName
                    $TypeData.Force      = $Force
                    Update-TypeData @TypeData
                else { Write-Warning "A 'set_$MemberName()' accessor requires a 'get_$MemberName()' accessor." }

function Set-View {
    Sets the default view output


        [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]

    process {
        $ClassNames =
            if ($Class) { $Class }
            else {
                $Caller = (Get-PSCallStack)[1]
                if ($Caller.FunctionName -ne '<ScriptBlock>') {
                elseif ($Caller.ScriptName) {
                    $Ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($Caller.ScriptName, [ref]$Null, [ref]$Null)
                    $Ast.EndBlock.Statements.where{ $_.IsClass }.Name

        foreach ($ClassName in $ClassNames) {
            $FormatData = @"
                    <OutOfBand />

            $TempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempPath() + "$ClassName.ps1xml"
            Out-File -InputObject $FormatData -LiteralPath $TempFile -Encoding ASCII
            Update-FormatData -PrependPath $TempFile