$ModuleRoot = Get-Item $PSScriptRoot\.. $SourceFolder = Join-Path $ModuleRoot 'Source' $Functions = [Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new() $Aliases = [Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new() $Classes = [Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new() $PSScripts = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceFolder -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse $PSM1 = @( $PSScripts.foreach{ $SubPath = $_.FullName.SubString($ModuleRoot.FullName.Length) ". ""`$PSScriptRoot$SubPath""" . $_.FullName if ($_.Directory.Name -eq 'Public') { $Command = Get-Command $_.BaseName if ($Command -is [System.Management.Automation.AliasInfo]){ $Command = $Command.ResolvedCommand } if ($Command) { $Functions.Add($Command.Name) Get-Alias -Definition $Command.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { $Aliases.Add($_.Name) } } else { Write-Error "Expected the script $RelativePath to contain a function or alias with the same name: $($_.BaseName)" } } elseif ($_.Directory.Name -eq 'Classes') { $Classes.Add(".$SubPath") } } if ($Functions.Count) { @" `$Parameters = @{ Function = $(@($Functions).foreach{ "'$_'" } -Join ', ') Alias = $(@($Aliases).foreach{ "'$_'" } -Join ', ') } Export-ModuleMember @Parameters "@ } else { Write-Error "No source functions found" } ) $PSM1 | Set-Content $ModuleRoot\ObjectGraphTools.psm1 function UpdateSetting([string]$DataExpression, [string]$Name, [string]$ValueExpression) { $Ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($DataExpression, [ref]$Null, [ref]$Null) $ValueExtent = $Ast.EndBlock.Statements.PipelineElements.Expression.KeyValuePairs.where{ $_.Item1.Value -eq $Name }.Item2.Extent if ($ValueExtent) { $DataExpression.SubString(0, $ValueExtent.StartOffset) + $ValueExpression + $DataExpression.SubString($ValueExtent.EndOffset) } else { Write-Error "No setting found with name $Name" } } $PSD1 = Import-PowerShellDataFile -LiteralPath $ModuleRoot\ObjectGraphTools.psd1 $UpdatePSD1 = $Null $PSGalleryModule = Find-Module -Name ObjectGraphTools -Repository PSGallery -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-Not $PSGalleryModule) { Write-Error 'Could not find PowerShell Gallery module: ObjectGraphTools' } elseif ($PSD1.ModuleVersion -le $PSGalleryModule.Version) { $Version = [Version]::new($PSGalleryModule.Version.Major, $PSGalleryModule.Version.Minor, $PSGalleryModule.Version.Build + 1) if (-not $UpdatePSD1) { $UpdatePSD1 = Get-Content -Raw $ModuleRoot\ObjectGraphTools.psd1 } $UpdatePSD1 = UpdateSetting $UpdatePSD1 'ModuleVersion' "'$Version'" } if ($PSD1.ScriptsToProcess | Compare-Object $Classes) { if (-not $UpdatePSD1) { $UpdatePSD1 = Get-Content -Raw -LiteralPath $ModuleRoot\ObjectGraphTools.psd1 } $UpdatePSD1 = UpdateSetting $UpdatePSD1 'ScriptsToProcess' "@($(@($Classes).foreach{ "'$_'" } -Join ', '))" } if ($PSD1.FunctionsToExport | Compare-Object $Functions) { if (-not $UpdatePSD1) { $UpdatePSD1 = Get-Content -Raw -LiteralPath $ModuleRoot\ObjectGraphTools.psd1 } $UpdatePSD1 = UpdateSetting $UpdatePSD1 'FunctionsToExport' "@($(@($Functions).foreach{ "'$_'" } -Join ', '))" } if ($PSD1.AliasesToExport | Compare-Object $Aliases) { if (-not $UpdatePSD1) { $UpdatePSD1 = Get-Content -Raw -LiteralPath $ModuleRoot\ObjectGraphTools.psd1 } $UpdatePSD1 = UpdateSetting $UpdatePSD1 'AliasesToExport' "@($(@($Aliases).foreach{ "'$_'" } -Join ', '))" } if ($UpdatePSD1) { $UpdatePSD1 | Set-Content -LiteralPath $ModuleRoot\ObjectGraphTools.psd1} |