
    Compare Object Graph
    Deep compares two Object Graph and lists the differences between them.
.PARAMETER InputObject
    The input object that will be compared with the reference object (see: [-Reference] parameter).
    > [!NOTE]
    > Multiple input object might be provided via the pipeline.
    > The common PowerShell behavior is to unroll any array (aka list) provided by the pipeline.
    > To avoid a list of (root) objects to unroll, use the **comma operator**:
        ,$InputObject | Compare-ObjectGraph $Reference.
.PARAMETER Reference
    The reference that is used to compared with the input object (see: [-InputObject] parameter).
    If set, the cmdlet will return a boolean (`$true` or `$false`).
    As soon a Discrepancy is found, the cmdlet will immediately stop comparing further properties.
    Unless the `-MatchCase` switch is provided, string values are considered case insensitive.
    > [!NOTE]
    > Dictionary keys are compared based on the `$Reference`.
    > if the `$Reference` is an object (PSCustomObject or component object), the key or name comparison
    > is case insensitive otherwise the comparer supplied with the dictionary is used.
    Unless the `-MatchType` switch is provided, a loosely (inclusive) comparison is done where the
    `$Reference` object is leading. Meaning `$Reference -eq $InputObject`:
        '1.0' -eq 1.0 # $false
        1.0 -eq '1.0' # $true (also $false if the `-MatchType` is provided)
.PARAMETER MatchObjectOrder
    Whether a list (or array) is treated as ordered is defined by the `$Reference`.
    Unless the `-MatchObjectOrder` switch is provided, the order of an object array (`@(...)` aka `Object[]`)
    is presumed unordered. This means that `Compare-ObjectGraph` cmdlet will try to match each item of an
    `$InputObject` list which each item in the `$Reference` list.
    If there is a single discrepancy on each side, the properties will be compared deeper, otherwise a
    list with different items will be returned.
.PARAMETER IgnoreArrayOrder
    Whether a list (or array) is treated as ordered is defined by the `$Reference`.
    Unless the `-IgnoreArrayOrder` switch is provided, the order of an array (e.g. `[String[]]('a', b', 'c')`,
    excluding an object array, see: [-MatchObjectOrder]), is presumed ordered.
.PARAMETER IgnoreListOrder
    Whether a list is treated as ordered is defined by the `$Reference`.
    Unless the `-IgnoreListOrder` switch is provided, the order of a list
    (e.g. `[Collections.Generic.List[Int]](1, 2, 3)`), is presumed ordered.
.PARAMETER IgnoreDictionaryOrder
    Whether a dictionary is treated as ordered is defined by the `$Reference`.
    Unless the `-IgnoreDictionaryOrder` switch is provided, the order of a dictionary is presumed ordered.
    > [!WARNING]
    > A `[HashTable]` type is unordered by design and therefore the order of a `$Reference` hash table
    > in always ignored
.PARAMETER IgnorePropertyOrder
    Whether the properties are treated as ordered is defined by the `$Reference`.
    Unless the `-IgnorePropertyOrder` switch is provided, the property order is presumed ordered.
    The maximal depth to recursively compare each embedded property (default: 10).

function Compare-ObjectGraph {
    [CmdletBinding()] param(

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]









        [Alias('Depth')][int]$MaxDepth = 10
    begin {
        [PSNode]::MaxDepth = $MaxDepth
        function CompareObject([PSNode]$ReferenceNode, [PSNode]$ObjectNode, [Switch]$IsEqual = $IsEqual) {
            if ($MatchType) {
                if ($ObjectNode.Type -ne $ReferenceNode.Type) {
                    if ($IsEqual) { return $false }
                        Path        = $ObjectNode.GetPathName()
                        Discrepancy = 'Type'
                        InputObject = $ObjectNode.Type
                        Reference   = $ReferenceNode.Type
            if ($ObjectNode.Structure -ne $ReferenceNode.Structure) {
                if ($IsEqual) { return $false }
                    Path        = $ObjectNode.GetPathName()
                    Discrepancy = 'Structure'
                    InputObject = $ObjectNode.Structure
                    Reference   = $ReferenceNode.Structure
            elseif ($ObjectNode.Structure -eq 'Scalar') {
                $NotEqual = if ($MatchCase) { $ReferenceNode.Value -cne $ObjectNode.Value } else { $ReferenceNode.Value -cne $ObjectNode.Value }
                if ($NotEqual) { # $ReferenceNode dictates the type
                    if ($IsEqual) { return $false }
                        Path        = $ObjectNode.GetPathName()
                        Discrepancy = 'Value'
                        InputObject = $ObjectNode.Value
                        Reference   = $ReferenceNode.Value
            else {
                if ($ObjectNode.get_Count() -ne $ReferenceNode.get_Count()) {
                    if ($IsEqual) { return $false }
                        Path        = $ObjectNode.GetPathName()
                        Discrepancy = 'Size'
                        InputObject = $ObjectNode.get_Count()
                        Reference   = $ReferenceNode.get_Count()
                if ($ObjectNode.Structure -eq 'List') {
                    $ObjectItems    = $ObjectNode.GetItemNodes()
                    $ReferenceItems = $ReferenceNode.GetItemNodes()
                    $MatchOrder =
                         $ObjectNode.get_Count() -eq 0 -or  $ReferenceNode.get_Count() -eq 0 -or
                        ($ObjectNode.get_Count() -eq 1 -and $ReferenceNode.get_Count() -eq 1) -or
                            if ($ReferenceNode.Type.Name -eq 'Object[]') { $MatchObjectOrder }
                            elseif ($ReferenceNode.Value -eq [Array])    { -not $IgnoreArrayOrder }
                            else                                         { -not $IgnoreListOrder}
                    if ($MatchOrder) {
                        $Min = [Math]::Min($ObjectNode.get_Count(), $ReferenceNode.get_Count())
                        $Max = [Math]::Max($ObjectNode.get_Count(), $ReferenceNode.get_Count())
                        for ($Index = 0; $Index -lt $Max; $Index++) {
                            if ($Index -lt $Min) {
                                $Compare = CompareObject -Reference $ReferenceItems[$Index] -Object $ObjectItems[$Index] -IsEqual:$IsEqual
                                if ($Compare -eq $false) { return $Compare } elseif ($Compare -ne $true) { $Compare }
                            elseif ($Index -ge $ObjectNode.get_Count()) {
                                if ($IsEqual) { return $false }
                                    Path        = $ReferenceItems[$Index].GetPathName() # ($ObjectItem doesn't exist)
                                    Discrepancy = 'Exists'
                                    InputObject = $false
                                    Reference   = $true
                            else {
                                if ($IsEqual) { return $false }
                                    Path        = $ObjectItems[$Index].GetPathName()
                                    Discrepancy = 'Exists'
                                    InputObject = $true
                                    Reference   = $false
                    else {
                        $ObjectLinks    = [system.collections.generic.dictionary[int,int]]::new()
                        $ReferenceLinks = [system.collections.generic.dictionary[int,int]]::new()
                        foreach($ObjectItem in $ObjectItems) {
                            $Found = $Null
                            foreach($ReferenceItem in $ReferenceItems) {
                                if (-not $ReferenceLinks.ContainsKey($ReferenceItem.Index)) {
                                    $Found = CompareObject -Reference $ReferenceItem -Object $ObjectItem -IsEqual
                                    if ($Found) {
                                        $ReferenceLinks[$ReferenceItem.Index] = $ObjectItem.Index
                                        break # Link only one reference item
                            if ($Found) { $ObjectLinks[$ObjectItem.Index] = $ReferenceItem.Index }
                            elseif ($IsEqual) { return $false }
                        $MissingObjects = $ObjectItems.get_Count() - $ObjectLinks.get_Count()
                        $MissingReferences = $ReferenceItems.get_Count() - $ReferenceLinks.get_Count()
                        $Equal = -not $MissingObjects -and -not $MissingReferences
                        if ($IsEqual) { return $Equal } elseif ($Equal) { return }
                        if ($MissingObjects -eq 1 -and $MissingReferences -eq 1) {
                            $ObjectExcept    = ([int[]][Linq.Enumerable]::Except([int[]]$ObjectItems.Index,    [int[]]$ObjectLinks.get_Keys()))[0]
                            $ReferenceExcept = ([int[]][Linq.Enumerable]::Except([int[]]$ReferenceItems.Index, [int[]]$ReferenceLinks.get_Keys()))[0]
                            CompareObject -Reference $ReferenceItems[$ReferenceExcept] -Object $ObjectItems[$ObjectExcept] -IsEqual:$IsEqual
                        else {
                            $Max = [Math]::Max($ObjectNode.get_Count(), $ReferenceNode.get_Count())
                            for ($Index = 0; $Index -lt $Max; $Index++) {
                                if ($Index -ge $ObjectItems.get_Count()) {
                                        Path        = $ReferenceNode.GetPathName() + "[$Index]"
                                        Discrepancy = 'Exists'
                                        InputObject = $false
                                        Reference   = $true
                                elseif ($Index -ge $ReferenceItems.get_Count()) {
                                        Path        = $ObjectNode.GetPathName() + "[$Index]"
                                        Discrepancy = 'Exists'
                                        InputObject = $true
                                        Reference   = $false
                                elseif ($Index -notin $ObjectLinks.get_Keys()) {
                                        Path        = $ReferenceNode.GetPathName() + "[$Index]"
                                        Discrepancy = 'Linked'
                                        InputObject = $false
                                        Reference   = $ReferenceLinks[$Index]
                                elseif ($Index -notin $ReferenceLinks.get_Keys()) {
                                        Path        = $ObjectNode.GetPathName() + "[$Index]"
                                        Discrepancy = 'Linked'
                                        InputObject = $ObjectLinks[$Index]
                                        Reference   = $false
                elseif ($ObjectNode.Structure -eq 'Dictionary') {
                    $Found = [HashTable]::new() # (Case sensitive)
                    $MatchOrder = $ReferenceNode.Type.Name -ne 'HashTable' -and $(
                            if ($ReferenceNode.Construction -eq 'Object') { -not $IgnorePropertyOrder }
                            else                                          { -not $IgnoreDictionaryOrder }
                    $Order = if ($MatchOrder) { [HashTable]::new() }
                    $Index = 0
                    if ($MatchOrder) { $ReferenceNode.Get_Keys().foreach{ $Order[$_] = $Index++ } }
                    $Index = 0
                    foreach ($ObjectItem in $ObjectNode.GetItemNodes()) {
                        if ($ReferenceNode.Contains($ObjectItem.Key)) {
                            $ReferenceItem = $ReferenceNode.GetItemNode($ObjectItem.Key)
                            $Found[$ReferenceItem.Key] = $true
                            if ($MatchOrder -and $Order[$ReferenceItem.Key] -ne $Index) {
                                if ($IsEqual) { return $false }
                                    Path        = $ObjectItem.GetPathName()
                                    Discrepancy = 'Order'
                                    InputObject = $Index
                                    Reference   = $Order[$ReferenceItem.Key]
                            $Compare = CompareObject -Reference $ReferenceItem -Object $ObjectItem -IsEqual:$IsEqual
                            if ($Compare -eq $false) { return $Compare } elseif ($Compare -ne $true) { $Compare }
                        else {
                            if ($IsEqual) { return $false }
                                Path        = $ObjectItem.GetPathName()
                                Discrepancy = 'Exists'
                                InputObject = $true
                                Reference   = $false
                        if (-not $Found.Contains($_)) {
                            if ($IsEqual) { return $false }
                                Path        = $ReferenceNode.GetItemNode($_).GetPathName()
                                Discrepancy = 'Exists'
                                InputObject = $false
                                Reference   = $true
            if ($IsEqual) { return $true }
    process {
        CompareObject $Reference $InputObject