[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'Name', Justification = 'False positive')] param() enum Construction { Undefined; Scalar; List; Dictionary; Object } Class PSNode { static [int]$MaxDepth # Set the MaxDepth in the Begin of your cmdlet: [PSNode]::MaxDepth = $MaxDepth $Key # The dictionary key or property name of the node $Index # This index of $this item [Int]$Depth [PSNode]$Parent hidden $Path hidden $PathName $Value [Type]$Type [Construction]$Construction [Construction]$Structure PSNode($Object) { if ($Object -is [PSNode]) { $this.Value = $Object.Value } else { $this.Value = $Object } if ($Null -ne $Object) { $this.Type = $Object.GetType() } $this.Construction = if ($Object -is [Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]) { 'Object' } elseif ($Object -is [ComponentModel.Component]) { 'Object' } elseif ($Object -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { 'Dictionary' } elseif ($Object -is [Collections.ICollection]) { 'List' } else { 'Scalar' } $this.Structure = if ($this.Construction -le 'Dictionary') { $this.Construction } else { 'Dictionary' } } [Array]GetPath() { if ($Null -eq $this.Path) { if ($Null -ne $this.Index) { $this.Path = $this.Parent.GetPath() + $this.Index } elseif ($Null -ne $this.Key) { $this.Path = $this.Parent.GetPath() + $this.Key } else { $this.Path = @() } } return $this.Path } [String]GetPathName() { if ($Null -eq $this.PathName) { if ($Null -eq $this.Parent) { $this.PathName = '' } elseif ($Null -ne $this.Key) { $Name = if ($this.Key -is [ValueType]) { "$($this.Key)" } elseif ($this.Key -isnot [String]) { "[$($this.Key.GetType())]'$($this.Key)'" } elseif ($this.Key -Match '^[_,a-z]+\w*$') { "$($this.Key)" } else { "$($this.Key)'" } $this.PathName = "$($this.Parent.GetPathName()).$Name" } elseif ($Null -ne $this.Index) { $this.PathName = "$($this.Parent.GetPathName())[$($this.Index)]" } else { Write-Error 'Should not happen' } } return $this.PathName } [Bool]Contains($Name) { if ($this.Construction -eq 'Object') { return $Null -ne $this.Value.PSObject.Properties[$Name] } elseif ($this.Construction -in 'List', 'Dictionary') { return $this.Value.Contains($Name) } else { return $false } } [Object]Get($Name) { switch ($this.Construction) { Object { return $this.Value.PSObject.Properties[$Name].Value } Dictionary { return $this.Value[$Name] } List { return $this.Value[$Name] } } return [Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value } Set($Name, $Value) { switch ($this.Construction) { Object { $this.Value.PSObject.Properties[$Name].Value = $Value } # Doesn't create new properties Dictionary { $this.Value[$Name] = $Value } List { $this.Value[$Name] = $Value } } } [PSNode]GetItemNode($Key) { if ($this.Structure -eq 'Scalar') { Write-Error "Expected collection" } elseif ($this.Depth -ge [PSNode]::MaxDepth) { Write-Warning "$($this.GetPathName) reached the maximum depth of $([PSNode]::MaxDepth)." } elseif ($this.Structure -eq 'List') { $Node = [PSNode]::new($this.Value[$Key]) $Node.Index = $Key $Node.Depth = $this.Depth + 1 $Node.Parent = $this return $Node } elseif ($this.Structure -eq 'Dictionary') { $Node = [PSNode]::new($this.Get($Key)) $Node.Key = $Key $Node.Depth = $this.Depth + 1 $Node.Parent = $this return $Node } return $null } [PSNode[]]GetItemNodes() { $ItemNodes = [Collections.Generic.List[PSNode]]::new() if ($this.Structure -eq 'Scalar') { Write-Error "Expected collection" } elseif ($this.Depth -ge [PSNode]::MaxDepth) { Write-Warning "$($this.GetPathName) reached the maximum depth of $([PSNode]::MaxDepth)." } elseif ($this.Structure -eq 'List') { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $this.Value.Count; $i++) { $Node = [PSNode]::new($this.Value[$i]) $Node.Index = $i $Node.Depth = $this.Depth + 1 $Node.Parent = $this $ItemNodes.Add($Node) } } elseif ($this.Structure -eq 'Dictionary') { if ($this.Construction -eq 'Object') { $Items = $this.Value.PSObject.Properties } else { $Items = $this.Value.GetEnumerator() } $i = 0 $Items.foreach{ $Node = [PSNode]::new($_.Value) $Node.Key = $_.Name $Node.Depth = $this.Depth + 1 $Node.Parent = $this $ItemNodes.Add($Node) } } return $ItemNodes } [Int]get_Count() { switch ($this.Construction) { Object { return @($this.Value.PSObject.Properties).Count } Dictionary { return $this.Value.get_Count() } List { return $this.Value.get_Count() } } return 0 } [Array]get_Keys() { switch ($this.Construction) { Object { return $this.Value.PSObject.Properties.Name } Dictionary { return $this.Value.get_Keys() } List { return 0..($this.Value.Length - 1) } } return [Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value } [Array]get_Values() { switch ($this.Construction) { Object { return $this.Value.PSObject.Properties.Value } Dictionary { return $this.Value.get_Values() } List { return $this.Value } } return [Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value } } |