#Requires -Modules @{ModuleName="Pester"; ModuleVersion="5.5.0"} using module ..\..\ObjectGraphTools [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'Object', Justification = 'False positive')] param() Describe 'Copy-ObjectGraph' { BeforeAll { Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $Object = @{ String = 'Hello World' Array = @( @{ Index = 1; Name = 'One'; Comment = 'First item' } @{ Index = 2; Name = 'Two'; Comment = 'Second item' } @{ Index = 3; Name = 'Three'; Comment = 'Third item' } ) HashTable = @{ One = 1; Two = 2; Three = 3 } PSCustomObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ One = 1; Two = 2; Three = 3 } } } Context 'Sanity Check' { It 'Help' { Copy-ObjectGraph -? | Out-String -Stream | Should -Contain SYNOPSIS } } Context 'Copy' { It 'Default' { $Copy = Copy-ObjectGraph $Object $Copy.String | Should -Be 'Hello World' ,$Copy.Array | Should -BeOfType 'Array' $Copy.HashTable | Should -BeOfType 'HashTable' $Copy.PSCustomObject | Should -BeOfType 'PSCustomObject' $Copy | Compare-ObjectGraph $Object -IsEqual | Should -BeTrue $Copy.String = 'Something else' $Copy | Compare-ObjectGraph $Object -IsEqual | Should -BeFalse } It 'Convert to list' { $Copy = Copy-ObjectGraph $Object -ListAs System.Collections.Generic.List[Object] ,$Copy.Array | Should -BeOfType 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]' $Copy | Compare-ObjectGraph $Object -IsEqual | Should -BeTrue } It 'Convert to ordered' { $Copy = Copy-ObjectGraph $Object -MapAs ([Ordered]@{}) $Copy.HashTable | Should -BeOfType 'System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary' $Copy.PSCustomObject | Should -BeOfType 'System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary' $Copy | Compare-ObjectGraph $Object -IsEqual | Should -BeTrue } It 'Convert to PSCustomObject' { $Copy = Copy-ObjectGraph $Object -MapAs PSCustomObject $Copy.HashTable | Should -BeOfType 'PSCustomObject' $Copy.PSCustomObject | Should -BeOfType 'PSCustomObject' $Copy | Compare-ObjectGraph $Object -IsEqual | Should -BeTrue } } Context 'Issues' { It '#40: Numeric keys' { $PSCustomObject = @{ 1 = 'a' } | Copy-ObjectGraph -MapAs PSCustomObject $PSCustomObject.1 | Should -Be a } It '#50 -ListAs Array gives error' { $Copy = Copy-ObjectGraph $Object -ListAs array ,$Copy.Array | Should -BeOfType Array $Copy | Compare-ObjectGraph $Object -IsEqual | Should -BeTrue } } } |