.SYNOPSIS Class to support Object Graph Tools .DESCRIPTION This class provides general properties and method to recursively iterate through to PowerShell Object Graph nodes. For details, see: * [PowerShell Object Parser][1] for details on the `[PSNode]` properties and methods. * [Extended-Dot-Notation][2] for details on path selectors. .LINK [1]: "PowerShell Object Parser" [2]: "Extended Dot Notation" #> using namespace System.Collections.Generic using namespace System.Management.Automation using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language Set-Alias -Name Use-ClassAccessors -Value $PSScriptRoot\..\Private\Use-ClassAccessors.ps1 enum XdnType { Root; Ancestor; Index; Child; Descendant; Equals; Error = 99 } class Literal { hidden [String]$_String Literal([String]$String) { $this._String = $String } [String] ToString() { return $this._String } [String] Quoted() { return "'" + $this._String.Replace("'", "''") + "'" } } class XdnPath { hidden static $_PSReadLineOption hidden static $Verbatim = '^[\?\*\p{L}\p{Lt}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}_][\?\*\p{L}\p{Lt}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{Nd}_]*$' # hidden $_Entries = [List[KeyValuePair[XdnType, Object]]]::new() hidden [Object]get_Entries() { return ,$this._Entries } Add ($EntryType, $Value) { $XdnType = Switch ($EntryType) { '-' { 'Descendant' } '=' { 'Equals' } '.' { 'Child' } default { $EntryType } } $KeyValuePair = Try { [KeyValuePair[XdnType, Object]]::new($XdnType, $Value) } Catch { [KeyValuePair[XdnType, Object]]::new('Error', $Value) } $this._Entries.Add($KeyValuePair) } XdnPath ([String]$Path) { if (-not $this._Entries.Count -and $Path -notmatch '^(?<=([^`]|^)(``)*)[\.]') { $this.Add('Root', $Null) } $Length = [Int]::MaxValue $Prefix = $Null while ($Path) { if ($Path.Length -ge $Length) { break } $Length = $Path.Length if ($Path[0] -in "'", '"') { if (-not $Prefix) { $Prefix = 'Child' } $Ast = [Parser]::ParseInput($Path, [ref]$Null, [ref]$Null) $StringAst = $Ast.EndBlock.Statements.PipelineElements.Find({ $args[0] -is [StringConstantExpressionAst] }, $false)[0] if ($Null -ne $StringAst) { $this.Add($Prefix, [Literal]$StringAst.Value) $Path = $Path.SubString($StringAst.Extent.EndOffset) } else { # Probably a quoting error $this.Add($Prefix, [Literal]$Path) $Path = $Null } } else { $Match = [regex]::Match($Path, '(?<=([^`]|^)(``)*)[\.\[\-\=]') if ($Match.Success -and $Match.Index -eq 0) { $IndexEnd = if ($Match.Value -eq '[') { $Path.IndexOf(']') } $Ancestors = if ($Match.Value -eq '.' -and $Path -Match '^\.\.+') { $Matches[0].Length - 1 } if ($IndexEnd -gt 0) { $Prefix = $Null $Index = $Path.SubString(1, ($IndexEnd - 1)) $CommandAst = [Parser]::ParseInput($Index, [ref]$Null, [ref]$Null).EndBlock.Statements.PipelineElements if ($CommandAst -is [CommandExpressionAst]) { $Index = $CommandAst.expression.Value } $this.Add('Index', $Index) $Path = $Path.SubString(($IndexEnd + 1)) } elseif ($Ancestors) { $Prefix = 'Child' $this.Add('Ancestor', $Ancestors) $Path = $Path.Substring($Ancestors + 1) } elseif ($Match.Value -in '.', '-', '=' -and $Match.Value -ne $Prefix) { $Prefix = $Match.Value $Path = $Path.Substring(1) } else { $Prefix = 'Error' $this.Add($Prefix, $Match.Value) $Path = $Path.Substring(1) } } elseif ($Match.Success) { if (-not $Prefix) { $Prefix = 'Child' } $Name = $Path.SubString(0, $Match.Index) $this.Add($Prefix, $Name) $Path = $Path.SubString($Match.Index) } else { $this.Add($Prefix, $Path) $Path = $Null } } } } [String] ToString([String]$VariableName, [Bool]$Color) { if ($Null -eq [XdnPath]::_PSReadLineOption) { if (Get-Command Get-PSReadLineOption -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { [XdnPath]::_PSReadLineOption = Get-PSReadLineOption } else { [XdnPath]::_PSReadLineOption = $false } } $Option = [XdnPath]::_PSReadLineOption if (-not $Option) { $Color = $false } $RegularColor = if ($Color) { $Option.VariableColor } $WildcardColor = if ($Color) { $Option.EmphasisColor } $CommandColor = if ($Color) { $option.CommandColor } $ErrorColor = if ($Color) { $Option.ErrorColor } $ResetColor = if ($Color) { [char]0x1b + '[39m' } $Path = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() $PreviousEntry = $Null foreach ($Entry in $this._Entries) { $Value = $Entry.Value $Append = Switch ($Entry.Key) { Root { "$CommandColor$VariableName$ResetColor" } Ancestor { "$CommandColor$('.' * $Value)$ResetColor" } Index { $Dot = if (-not $PreviousEntry -or $PreviousEntry.Key -eq 'Ancestor') { "$CommandColor." } if ([int]::TryParse($Value, [Ref]$Null)) { "$Dot$RegularColor[$Value]$ResetColor" } else { "$ErrorColor[$Value]$ResetColor" } } Child { if ($Value -is [Literal]) { "$RegularColor.$($Value.Quoted())$ResetColor" } elseif ($Value -NotMatch [XdnPath]::Verbatim) { "$ErrorColor.$Value$ResetColor" } elseif ($Value -Match '[\?\*]') { "$WildcardColor.$Value$ResetColor" } else { "$RegularColor.$Value$ResetColor" } } Descendant { if ($Value -is [Literal]) { "$CommandColor-$ErrorColor$($Value.Quoted())$ResetColor" } elseif ($Value -NotMatch [XdnPath]::Verbatim) { "$CommandColor-$ErrorColor$Value$ResetColor" } elseif ($Value -Match '[\?\*]') { "$CommandColor-$WildcardColor$Value$ResetColor" } else { "$CommandColor-$RegularColor$Value$ResetColor" } } Equals { if ($Value -is [Literal]) { "$CommandColor=$ErrorColor$($Value.Quoted())$ResetColor" } elseif ($Value -NotMatch [XdnPath]::Verbatim) { "$CommandColor=$ErrorColor$Value$ResetColor" } elseif ($Value -Match '[\?\*]') { "$CommandColor=$WildcardColor$Value$ResetColor" } else { "$CommandColor=$RegularColor$Value$ResetColor" } } Default { "$ErrorColor$($Value)$ResetColor" } } $Path.Append($Append) $PreviousEntry = $Entry } return $Path.ToString() } [String] ToString() { return $this.ToString($Null , $false)} [String] ToString([String]$VariableName) { return $this.ToString($VariableName, $false)} [String] ToColorString() { return $this.ToString($Null, $true)} [String] ToColorString([String]$VariableName) { return $this.ToString($VariableName, $true)} static XdnPath() { # Use-ClassAccessors $FormatData = @' <Configuration> <ViewDefinitions> <View> <Name>XdnPath</Name> <OutOfBand /> <ViewSelectedBy> <TypeName>XdnPath</TypeName> </ViewSelectedBy> <CustomControl> <CustomEntries> <CustomEntry> <CustomItem> <ExpressionBinding> <ScriptBlock> <![CDATA[$_.ToColorString('<Root>')]]> </ScriptBlock> </ExpressionBinding> </CustomItem> </CustomEntry> </CustomEntries> </CustomControl> </View> </ViewDefinitions> </Configuration> '@ $TempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempPath() + "XdnPath.ps1xml" Out-File -InputObject $FormatData -LiteralPath $TempFile -Encoding ASCII Update-FormatData -PrependPath $TempFile } } enum PSNodeOrigin { Root; List; Map } Class PSNode { hidden static PSNode() { Use-ClassAccessors } static [int]$DefaultMaxDepth = 20 hidden $_Name [Int]$Depth hidden $_Value hidden [Int]$_MaxDepth = [PSNode]::DefaultMaxDepth hidden [PSNodeOrigin]$_NodeOrigin [PSNode]$ParentNode [PSNode]$RootNode = $this hidden [PSNode[]]$_Path = @() hidden [String]$_PathName hidden [Bool]$WarnedMaxDepth # Warn ones per item branch hidden [object] get_Value() { return ,$this._Value } hidden set_Value($Value) { if ($this.GetType().Name -eq [PSNode]::getPSNodeType($Value)) { # The root node is of type PSNode (always false) $this._Value = $Value $this.ParentNode.SetItem($this._Name, $Value) } else { Throw "The supplied value has a different PSNode type than the existing $($this.PathName). Use .ParentNode.SetItem() method and reload its child item(s)." } } hidden [Object] get_Name() { return ,$this._Name } hidden [Object] get_MaxDepth() { return $this.RootNode._MaxDepth } hidden set_MaxDepth($MaxDepth) { if (-not $this.ChildType) { $this._MaxDepth = $MaxDepth } else { Throw 'The MaxDepth can only be set at the root node: [PSNode].RootNode.MaxDepth = <Maximum Depth>' } } hidden [Object] get_NodeOrigin() { return [PSNodeOrigin]$this._NodeOrigin } hidden [Type] get_ValueType() { if ($Null -eq $this._Value) { return $Null } else { return $this._Value.getType() } } hidden static [String]GetPSNodeType($Object) { if ($Object -is [Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]) { return 'PSObjectNode' } elseif ($Object -is [ComponentModel.Component]) { return 'PSObjectNode' } elseif ($Object -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { return 'PSDictionaryNode' } elseif ($Object -is [Collections.ICollection]) { return 'PSListNode' } else { return 'PSLeafNode' } } static [PSNode] ParseInput($Object, $MaxDepth) { $Node = if ($Object -is [PSNode]) { $Object } else { switch ([PSNode]::getPSNodeType($object)) { 'PSObjectNode' { [PSObjectNode]::new($Object) } 'PSDictionaryNode' { [PSDictionaryNode]::new($Object) } 'PSListNode' { [PSListNode]::new($Object) } Default { [PSLeafNode]::new($Object) } } } $Node.RootNode = $Node if ($MaxDepth -gt 0) { $Node._MaxDepth = $MaxDepth } return $Node } static [PSNode] ParseInput($Object) { return [PSNode]::parseInput($Object, 0) } hidden [PSNode] Append($Object) { $Node = [PSNode]::ParseInput($Object) $Node.Depth = $this.Depth + 1 $Node.RootNode = [PSNode]$this.RootNode $Node.ParentNode = $this $Node._NodeOrigin = if ($this -is [PSListNode]) { 'List' } elseif ($this -is [PSMapNode]) { 'Map' } return $Node } hidden [Object] get_Path() { if ($this._Path.Count -eq 0) { if ($this.ParentNode) { $this._Path = $this.ParentNode.get_Path() + $this # This will shallow copy the parent path } else { $this._Path = $this } } return $this._Path } [String] GetPathName() { if ($Null -eq $this._PathName) { $ParentPathName = if ($this.ParentNode) { $this.ParentNode.GetPathName() } $Name = if ($this._NodeOrigin -eq 'List') { "[$($this._Name)]" } elseif ($this._NodeOrigin -eq 'Map') { $Dot = if ($this.ParentNode.ParentNode) { '.' } if ($this.Name -is [ValueType]) { "$Dot$($this._Name)" } elseif ($this.Name -isnot [String]) { "$Dot[$($this._Name.GetType())]'$($this._Name)'" } elseif ($this.Name -Match '^[_,a-z]+\w*$') { "$Dot$($this._Name)" } else { "$Dot'$($this._Name)'" } } $this._PathName = $ParentPathName + $Name } return $this._PathName } [String] GetPathName($VariableName) { $PathName = $this.GetPathName() if ($PathName -and $PathName[0] -in '.', '-', '[' ) { return "$VariableName$PathName" } else { return "$VariableName.$PathName" } } hidden [String] get_PathName() { return $this.GetPathName() } hidden CollectNodes($NodeTable, [XdnPath]$Path, [Int]$PathIndex) { $Entry = $Path._Entries[$PathIndex] $NextIndex = if ($PathIndex -lt $Path._Entries.Count -1) { $PathIndex + 1 } switch ($Entry.Key) { Root { $Node = $this.RootNode if ($NextIndex) { $Node.CollectNodes($NodeTable, $Path, $NextIndex) } else { $NodeTable[$Node.get_PathName()] = $Node } } Ancestor { $Node = $this for($i = $Entry.Value; $i -gt 0 -and $Node.ParentNode; $i--) { $Node = $Node.ParentNode } if ($i -eq 0) { # else: reached root boundary if ($NextIndex) { $Node.CollectNodes($NodeTable, $Path, $NextIndex) } else { $NodeTable[$Node.get_PathName()] = $Node } } } Index { if ($this -is [PSListNode] -and [Int]::TryParse($Entry.Value, [Ref]$Null)) { $Node = $this.GetChildNode([Int]$Entry.Value) if ($NextIndex) { $Node.CollectNodes($NodeTable, $Path, $NextIndex) } else { $NodeTable[$Node.get_PathName()] = $Node } } } Default { # Child, Descendant if ($this -is [PSListNode]) { # Member access enumeration foreach ($Node in $this.get_ChildNodes()) { $Node.CollectNodes($NodeTable, $Path, $PathIndex) } } elseif ($this -is [PSMapNode]) { $Found = $False $ChildNodes = $this.get_ChildNodes() foreach ($Node in $ChildNodes) { $Exists = if ($Entry.Value -is [Literal]) { $Node.Name -eq $Entry.Value } else { $Node.Name -like $Entry.Value } if ($Exists) { $Found = $True if ($NextIndex) { $Node.CollectNodes($NodeTable, $Path, $NextIndex) } else { $NodeTable[$Node.get_PathName()] = $Node } } } if (-not $Found -and $Entry.Key -eq 'Descendant') { foreach ($Node in $ChildNodes) { $Node.CollectNodes($NodeTable, $Path, $PathIndex) } } } } } } [Object] GetNode([XdnPath]$Path) { $NodeTable = [system.collections.generic.dictionary[String, PSNode]]::new() # Case sensitive (case insensitive map nodes use the same name) $this.CollectNodes($NodeTable, $Path, 0) if ($NodeTable.Count -eq 0) { return @() } if ($NodeTable.Count -eq 1) { return $NodeTable[$NodeTable.Keys] } else { return [PSNode[]]$NodeTable.Values } } } Class PSLeafNode : PSNode { hidden PSLeafNode($Object) { if ($Object -is [PSNode]) { $this._Value = $Object._Value } else { $this._Value = $Object } } [Int]GetHashCode() { if ($Null -ne $this._Value) { return $this._Value.GetHashCode() } else { return '$Null'.GetHashCode() } } } Class PSCollectionNode : PSNode { hidden static PSCollectionNode() { Use-ClassAccessors } hidden [bool]MaxDepthReached() { $MaxDepthReached = $this.Depth -ge $this.RootNode._MaxDepth if ($MaxDepthReached -and -not $this.WarnedMaxDepth) { Write-Warning "$($this.Path) reached the maximum depth of $($this.RootNode._MaxDepth)." $this.WarnedMaxDepth = $true } return $MaxDepthReached } hidden WarnSelector ([PSCollectionNode]$Node, [String]$Name) { if ($Node -is [PSListNode]) { $SelectionName = "'$Name'" $CollectionType = 'list' } else { $SelectionName = "[$Name]" $CollectionType = 'list' } Write-Warning "Expected $SelectionName to be a $CollectionType selector for: <Object>$($Node.PathName)" } hidden [List[Ast]] GetAstSelectors ($Ast) { $List = [List[Ast]]::new() if ($Ast -isnot [Ast]) { $Ast = [Parser]::ParseInput("`$_$Ast", [ref]$Null, [ref]$Null) $Ast = $Ast.EndBlock.Statements.PipeLineElements.Expression } if ($Ast -is [IndexExpressionAst]) { $List.AddRange($this.GetAstSelectors($Ast.Target)) $List.Add($Ast) } elseif ($Ast -is [MemberExpressionAst]) { $List.AddRange($this.GetAstSelectors($Ast.Expression)) $List.Add($Ast) } elseif ($Ast.Extent.Text -ne '$_') { Throw "Parse error: $($Ast.Extent.Text)" } return $List } [List[PSNode]]GetChildNodes($Levels, [PSNodeOrigin]$NodeOrigin, [Bool]$Leaf) { $NodeList = [List[PSNode]]::new() $this.CollectChildNodes($NodeList, $Levels, $NodeOrigin, $Leaf) return $NodeList } [List[PSNode]]GetChildNodes() { return $this.GetChildNodes(0, 0, $false) } [List[PSNode]]GetChildNodes([Int]$Levels) { return $this.GetChildNodes($Levels, 0, $false) } [List[PSNode]]GetChildNodes([PSNodeOrigin]$NodeOrigin, [Bool]$Leaf) { return $this.GetChildNodes(0, $NodeOrigin, $Leaf) } hidden [PSNode[]]get_ChildNodes() { return $this.GetChildNodes(0, 0, $false) } hidden [PSNode[]]get_ListChildNodes() { return [PSNode[]]$this.GetChildNodes(0, 'List', $false) } hidden [PSNode[]]get_MapChildNodes() { return [PSNode[]]$this.GetChildNodes(0, 'Map', $false) } hidden [PSNode[]]get_DescendantNodes() { return $this.GetChildNodes(-1, 0, $false) } hidden [PSNode[]]get_LeafNodes() { return $this.GetChildNodes(-1, 0, $true) } hidden [PSNode]_($Name) { return $this.GetChildNode($Name) } # CLI Shorthand ("alias") for GetChildNode (don't use in scripts) # hidden [Object]Get($Path) { return $this.GetDescendantNode($Path) } # CLI Shorthand ("alias") for GetDescendantNode (don't use in scripts) } Class PSListNode : PSCollectionNode { hidden static PSListNode() { Use-ClassAccessors } hidden PSListNode($Object) { if ($Object -is [PSNode]) { $this._Value = $Object._Value } else { $this._Value = $Object } } hidden [Object]get_Count() { return $this._Value.get_Count() } hidden [Object]get_Names() { if ($this._Value.Length) { return ,@(0..($this._Value.Length - 1)) } return ,@() } hidden [Object]get_Values() { return ,@($this._Value) } [Bool]Contains($Index) { return $Index -ge 0 -and $Index -lt $this.get_Count() } [Object]GetItem($Index) { return $this._Value[$Index] } SetItem($Index, $Value) { $this._Value[$Index] = $Value } hidden CollectChildNodes($NodeList, [Int]$Levels, [PSNodeOrigin]$NodeOrigin, [Bool]$Leaf) { if (-not $this.MaxDepthReached()) { for ($Index = 0; $Index -lt $this._Value.get_Count(); $Index++) { $Node = $this.Append($this._Value[$Index]) $Node._Name = $Index if ($NodeOrigin -in 0, 'List' -and (-not $Leaf -or $Node -is [PSLeafNode])) { $NodeList.Add($Node) } if ($Node -is [PSCollectionNode] -and ($Levels -ne 0 -or $NodeOrigin -eq 'Map')) { # $NodeOrigin -eq 'Map' --> Member Access Enumeration $Levels_1 = if ($Levels -gt 0) { $Levels - 1 } else { $Levels } $Node.CollectChildNodes($NodeList, $Levels_1, $NodeOrigin, $Leaf) } } } } [Object]GetChildNode([Int]$Index) { if ($this.MaxDepthReached()) { return $Null } $Count = $this._Value.get_Count() if ($Index -lt -$Count -or $Index -ge $Count) { throw "The <Object>$($this.PathName) doesn't contain a child index: $Index" } $Node = $this.Append($this._Value[$Index]) $Node._Name = $Index return $Node } [Int]GetHashCode() { $HashCode = '@()'.GetHashCode() foreach ($Node in $this.GetChildNodes(-1)) { $HashCode = $HashCode -bxor $Node.GetHashCode() } # Shift the bits to make the level unique $HashCode = if ($HashCode -band 1) { $HashCode -shr 1 } else { $HashCode -shr 1 -bor 1073741824 } return $HashCode -bxor 0xa5a5a5a5 } } Class PSMapNode : PSCollectionNode { hidden static PSMapNode() { Use-ClassAccessors } [Int]GetHashCode() { $HashCode = '@{}'.GetHashCode() foreach ($Node in $this.GetChildNodes(-1)) { $HashCode = $HashCode -bxor "$($Node._Name)=$($Node.GetHashCode())".GetHashCode() } return $HashCode } } Class PSDictionaryNode : PSMapNode { hidden static PSDictionaryNode() { Use-ClassAccessors } hidden PSDictionaryNode($Object) { if ($Object -is [PSNode]) { $this._Value = $Object._Value } else { $this._Value = $Object } } hidden [Object]get_Count() { return $this._Value.get_Count() } hidden [Object]get_Names() { return ,$this._Value.get_Keys() } hidden [Object]get_Values() { return ,$this._Value.get_Values() } [Bool]Contains($Key) { return $this._Value.Contains($Key) } [Object]GetItem($Key) { return $this._Value[$Key] } SetItem($Key, $Value) { $this._Value[$Key] = $Value } hidden CollectChildNodes($NodeList, [Int]$Levels, [PSNodeOrigin]$NodeOrigin, [Bool]$Leaf) { if (-not $this.MaxDepthReached()) { foreach($Key in $this._Value.get_Keys()) { $Node = $this.Append($this._Value[$Key]) $Node._Name = $Key if ($NodeOrigin -in 0, 'Map' -and (-not $Leaf -or $Node -is [PSLeafNode])) { $NodeList.Add($Node) } if ($Node -is [PSCollectionNode] -and ($Levels -ne 0 -or $NodeOrigin -eq 'List')) { $Levels_1 = if ($Levels -gt 0) { $Levels - 1 } else { $Levels } $Node.CollectChildNodes($NodeList, $Levels_1, $NodeOrigin, $Leaf) } } } } [Object]GetChildNode($Key) { if ($this.MaxDepthReached()) { return $Null } if (-not $this._Value.Contains($Key)) { Throw "The <Object>$($this.PathName) doesn't contain a child named: $Key" } $Node = $this.Append($this._Value[$Key]) $Node._Name = $Key return $Node } } Class PSObjectNode : PSMapNode { hidden static PSObjectNode() { Use-ClassAccessors } hidden PSObjectNode($Object) { if ($Object -is [PSNode]) { $this._Value = $Object._Value } else { $this._Value = $Object } } hidden [Object]get_Count() { return @($this._Value.PSObject.Properties).get_Count() } hidden [Object]get_Names() { return ,$this._Value.PSObject.Properties.Name } hidden [Object]get_Values() { return ,$this._Value.PSObject.Properties.Value } [Bool]Contains($Name) { return $this._Value.PSObject.Properties[$Name] } [Object]GetItem($Name) { return $this._Value.PSObject.Properties[$Name].Value } SetItem($Name, $Value) { $this._Value.PSObject.Properties[$Name].Value = $Value } hidden CollectChildNodes($NodeList, [Int]$Levels, [PSNodeOrigin]$NodeOrigin, [Bool]$Leaf) { if (-not $this.MaxDepthReached()) { foreach($Property in $this._Value.PSObject.Properties) { $Node = $this.Append($Property.Value) $Node._Name = $Property.Name if ($NodeOrigin -in 0, 'Map' -and (-not $Leaf -or $Node -is [PSLeafNode])) { $NodeList.Add($Node) } if ($Node -is [PSCollectionNode] -and ($Levels -ne 0 -or $NodeOrigin -eq 'List')) { $Levels_1 = if ($Levels -gt 0) { $Levels - 1 } else { $Levels } $Node.CollectChildNodes($NodeList, $Levels_1, $NodeOrigin, $Leaf) } } } } [Object]GetChildNode([String]$Name) { if ($this.MaxDepthReached()) { return $Null } if ($Name -NotIn $this._Value.PSObject.Properties.Name) { Throw "The <Object>$($this.PathName) doesn't contain a child named: $Name" } $Node = $this.Append($this._Value.PSObject.Properties[$Name].Value) $Node._Name = $Name return $Node } } Update-TypeData -TypeName PSNode -DefaultDisplayPropertySet PathName, Name, Depth, Value -Force |