Using NameSpace System.Management.Automation.Language <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the child nodes of an object-graph .DESCRIPTION Gets the items and child items in one or more specified locations of an object-graph .EXAMPLE # Select all leaf nodes in a object graph Given the following object graph: $Object = @{ Comment = 'Sample ObjectGraph' Data = @( @{ Index = 1 Name = 'One' Comment = 'First item' } @{ Index = 2 Name = 'Two' Comment = 'Second item' } @{ Index = 3 Name = 'Three' Comment = 'Third item' } ) } The following example will receive all leaf nodes: $Object | Get-ChildNode -Recurse -Leaf PathName Name Depth Value -------- ---- ----- ----- .Data[0].Comment Comment 3 First item .Data[0].Name Name 3 One .Data[0].Index Index 3 1 .Data[1].Comment Comment 3 Second item .Data[1].Name Name 3 Two .Data[1].Index Index 3 2 .Data[2].Comment Comment 3 Third item .Data[2].Name Name 3 Three .Data[2].Index Index 3 3 .Comment Comment 1 Sample ObjectGraph .EXAMPLE # update a property The following example selects all child nodes named `Comment` at a depth of `3`. Than filters the one that has an `Index` sibling with the value `2` and eventually sets the value (of the `Comment` node) to: 'Two to the Loo'. $Object | Get-ChildNode -AtDepth 3 -Include Comment | Where-Object { $_.ParentNode.GetChildNode('Index').Value -eq 2 } | ForEach-Object { $_.Value = 'Two to the Loo' } ConvertTo-Expression $Object @{ Data = @{ Comment = 'First item' Name = 'One' Index = 1 }, @{ Comment = 'Two to the Loo' Name = 'Two' Index = 2 }, @{ Comment = 'Third item' Name = 'Three' Index = 3 } Comment = 'Sample ObjectGraph' } See the [PowerShell Object Parser][1] For details on the `[PSNode]` properties and methods. .PARAMETER InputObject The concerned object graph or node. .PARAMETER Path Specifies the path to a specific node in the object graph. The path might be either: * As [String] a "dot-property" selection as defined by the `PathName` property a specific node. * A array of strings (dictionary keys or Property names) and/or Integers (list indices). * A object (`PSNode[]`) list where each `Name` property defines the path .PARAMETER Recurse Recursively iterates through all embedded property objects (nodes) to get the selected nodes. The maximum depth of of a specific node that might be retrieved is define by the `MaxDepth` of the (root) node. To change the maximum depth the (root) node needs to be loaded first, e.g.: Get-Node <InputObject> -Depth 20 | Get-ChildNode ... (See also: [`Get-Node`][2]) > [!NOTE] > If the [AtDepth] parameter is supplied, the object graph is recursively searched anyways > for the selected nodes up till the deepest given `AtDepth` value. .PARAMETER AtDepth When defined, only returns nodes at the given depth(s). > [!NOTE] > The nodes below the `MaxDepth` can not be retrieved. .PARAMETER ListChild Returns only nodes derived from a **list node**. .PARAMETER Include Returns only nodes derived from a **map node** including only the ones specified by one or more string patterns defined by this parameter. Wildcard characters are permitted. > [!NOTE] > The [-Include] and [-Exclude] parameters can be used together. However, the exclusions are applied > after the inclusions, which can affect the final output. .PARAMETER Exclude Returns only nodes derived from a **map node** excluding the ones specified by one or more string patterns defined by this parameter. Wildcard characters are permitted. > [!NOTE] > The [-Include] and [-Exclude] parameters can be used together. However, the exclusions are applied > after the inclusions, which can affect the final output. .PARAMETER Literal The values of the [-Include] - and [-Exclude] parameters are used exactly as it is typed. No characters are interpreted as wildcards. .PARAMETER Leaf Only return leaf nodes. Leaf nodes are nodes at the end of a branch and do not have any child nodes. You can use the [-Recurse] parameter with the [-Leaf] parameter. .PARAMETER IncludeSelf Includes the current node with the returned child nodes. .LINK [1]: "PowerShell Object Parser" [2]: "Get-Node" #> function Get-ChildNode { [OutputType([PSNode[]])] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='ListChild')] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)] $InputObject, [ValidateNotNull()] $Path, [switch] $Recurse, [ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)] [int[]] $AtDepth, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ListChild')] [switch] $ListChild, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='MapChild')] [string[]] $Include, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='MapChild')] [string[]] $Exclude, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='MapChild')] [switch] $Literal, [switch] $Leaf, [Alias('Self')][switch] $IncludeSelf ) process { $Self = [PSNode]::ParseInput($InputObject, $MaxDepth) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path')) { $Self = $Self.GetNode($Path) } $SearchDepth = if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AtDepth')) { [System.Linq.Enumerable]::Max($AtDepth) - $Node.Depth - 1 } elseif ($Recurse) { -1 } else { 0 } $Nodes = $Self.GetChildNodes($SearchDepth) if ($IncludeSelf) { $ChildNodes = $Nodes $Nodes = [Collections.Generic.List[PSNode]]$Self $Nodes.AddRange($ChildNodes) } foreach ($Node in $Nodes) { if ( ( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AtDepth') -or $Node.Depth -in $AtDepth ) -and ( -not $Leaf -or $Node -is [PSLeafNode] ) -and ( $Node.NodeOrigin -eq 'Root' -or ( $Node.NodeOrigin -eq 'List' -and -not ($Include -or $Exclude) ) -or ( $Node.NodeOrigin -eq 'Map' -and -Not $ListChild -and ( -not $Include -or ( ($Literal -and $Node.Name -in $Include) -or (-not $Literal -and $Include.where({ $Node.Name -like $_ }, 'first')) ) ) -and -not ( $Exclude -and ( ($Literal -and $Node.Name -in $Exclude) -or (-not $Literal -and $Exclude.where({ $Node.Name -like $_ }, 'first')) ) ) ) ) ) { $Node } } } } |