.SYNOPSIS Serializes an object to a PowerShell expression. .DESCRIPTION The ConvertTo-Expression cmdlet converts (serializes) an object to a PowerShell expression. The object can be stored in a variable, file or any other common storage for later use or to be ported to another system. An expression can be restored to an object using the native Invoke-Expression cmdlet: $Object = Invoke-Expression ($Object | ConvertTo-Expression) Or Converting it to a [ScriptBlock] and invoking it with cmdlets along with Invoke-Command or using the call operator (&): $Object = &([ScriptBlock]::Create($Object | ConvertTo-Expression)) An expression that is stored in a PowerShell (.ps1) file might also be directly invoked by the PowerShell dot-sourcing technique, e.g.: $Object | ConvertTo-Expression | Out-File .\Expression.ps1 $Object = . .\Expression.ps1 Warning: Invoking partly trusted input with Invoke-Expression or [ScriptBlock]::Create() methods could be abused by malicious code injections. .INPUTS Any. Each objects provided through the pipeline will converted to an expression. To concatinate all piped objects in a single expression, use the unary comma operator, e.g.: ,$Object | ConvertTo-Expression .OUTPUTS String[]. ConvertTo-Expression returns a PowerShell [String] expression for each input object. .PARAMETER InputObject Specifies the objects to convert to a PowerShell expression. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects. You can also pipe one or more objects to ConvertTo-Expression. .PARAMETER MaxDepth Specifies how many levels of contained objects are included in the PowerShell representation. The default value is 9. .PARAMETER IndentSize Specifies how many IndentChars to write for each level in the hierarchy. .PARAMETER IndentChar Specifies which character to use for indenting. .LINK #> function ConvertTo-Expression { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseApprovedVerbs', '')] [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([Object[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $True)] $InputObject, [Int]$Expand = [Int]::MaxValue, [int]$IndentSize = 4, [string]$IndentChar = ' ', [Alias('Depth')][int]$MaxDepth = [PSNode]::DefaultMaxDepth ) begin { $Script:Indent = $IndentChar * $IndentSize function ConvertToExpression( [String]$Indent, [String]$Prefix, [PSNode]$Node, [String]$Suffix, [Int]$Expand = $Expand ) { if ($Node -is [PSListNode]) { $Indent1 = if ($Indent -or $Prefix) { $Indent + $Script:Indent } $ChildNodes = $Node.ChildNodes if ($ChildNodes) { if ($Indent1) { "$Indent$Prefix@(" } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ChildNodes.Count; $i++) { $Suffix = if ($i -lt $ChildNodes.Count - 1) { ',' } ConvertToExpression -Indent $Indent1 -Node $ChildNodes[$i] -Suffix $Suffix } if ($Indent1) { "$Indent)$Suffix" } } else { "$Indent$Prefix@()$Suffix" } } elseif ($Node -is [PSMapNode]) { $Indent1 = $Indent + $Script:Indent $ChildNodes = $Node.ChildNodes if ($ChildNodes) { "$Indent$Prefix@{" foreach ($ChildNode in $ChildNodes) { $Name = if ($ChildNode.Name -is [String] -and $ChildNode.Name -Match [XdnPath]::Verbatim) { $ChildNode.Name } elseif ($ChildNode.Type.IsPrimitive) { $ChildNode.Name } else { "'$($ChildNode.Name)'" } ConvertToExpression -Indent $Indent1 -Prefix "$Name = " -Node $ChildNode } "$Indent}$Suffix" } else { "$Indent$Prefix@{}$Suffix" } } else { # if ($Node -is [PSLeafNode]) $Value = $Node.Value $Expression = if ($Null -eq $Value) { '$Null' } elseif ($Value -is [Boolean]) { if ($Value) { '$True' } else { '$False' } } elseif ('ADSI' -as [type] -and $Value -is [ADSI]) { "'$($Value.ADsPath)'" } elseif ($Node.Type -in 'Char', 'MailAddress', 'Regex', 'Semver', 'Type', 'Version', 'Uri') { "'$($Value)'" } elseif ($Type.IsPrimitive) { "$Value" } elseif ($Value -is [String]) { "'$Value'" } # Check for here string #elseif ($Value -is [SecureString]) { "'$($Value | ConvertFrom-SecureString)'" -Convert 'ConvertTo-SecureString' } #elseif ($Value -is [PSCredential]) { $Value.Username, $Value.Password -Convert 'New-Object PSCredential' } elseif ($Value -is [DateTime]) { "'$($Value.ToString('o'))'" } elseif ($Value -is [Enum]) { "'$Value'" } elseif ($Value -is [ScriptBlock]) { if ($Value -match "\#.*?$") { "{ $Value$NewLine }" } else { "{ $Value }" } } elseif ($Value -is [RuntimeTypeHandle]) { "$($Value.Value)" } else { $Value } "$Indent$Prefix$Expression$Suffix" } } } process { $Node = [PSNode]::ParseInput($InputObject, $MaxDepth) ConvertToExpression -Node $Node } } |