.LINK .SYNOPSIS Downloads OSDrivers from Amazon S3 Storage Requires PowerShell Module AWSPowerShell Install-Module -Name AWSPowerShell .DESCRIPTION Downloads OSDrivers from Amazon S3 Storage Requires PowerShell Module AWSPowerShell Install-Module -Name AWSPowerShell .PARAMETER DownloadPath Local Directory where OSDrivers will be downloaded to .PARAMETER WindowsProfile Filters an Operating System and Architecture for Driver Compatibility .PARAMETER AWSAccessKey Amazon AWS Access Key for Public OSDrivers Authentication .PARAMETER AWSSecretKey Amazon AWS Secret Key for Public OSDrivers Authentication .PARAMETER PublicCore Select Public\Core* Drivers to Download .PARAMETER PublicDell Select Public\Dell* Drivers to Download .PARAMETER PublicHP Select Public\HP* Drivers to Download .PARAMETER PublicLenovo Select Public\Lenovo* Drivers to Download .PARAMETER PublicVideo Select Public\Video* Drivers to Download .EXAMPLE Get-PublicOSDrivers -DownloadPath C:\DeploymentShare\OSDrivers -WindowsProfile "Win10 x64" -PublicCore -PublicVideo Downloads from AWS OSDrivers for Win10 x64 Public Core and Public Video to C:\DeploymentShare\OSDrivers .EXAMPLE Get-PublicOSDrivers -DownloadPath C:\DeploymentShare\OSDrivers -WindowsProfile "Win10 x64" -PublicDell Downloads from AWS OSDrivers for Win10 x64 Public Dell to C:\DeploymentShare\OSDrivers .NOTES NAME: Get-PublicOSDrivers.ps1 AUTHOR: David Segura, BLOG: CREATED: 02/17/2018 VERSION: #> function Get-PublicOSDrivers { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$DownloadPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateSet('Win10 x64', 'Win10 x86', 'Win7 x64', 'Win7 x86', 'All Operating Systems', 'All x64', 'All x86')] [string]$WindowsProfile, [string]$AWSAccessKey, [string]$AWSSecretKey, [switch]$PublicCore, [switch]$PublicDell, [switch]$PublicHP, [switch]$PublicLenovo, [switch]$PublicVideo ) $S3Bucket = "osdrivers-public" $AWSregion = "us-east-2" #Copy OSDrivers.vbs Copy-S3Object -BucketName $S3Bucket -Key "OSDrivers.vbs" -LocalFile ($DownloadPath + "\OSDrivers.vbs") -Region $AWSregion -AccessKey $AWSAccessKey -SecretKey $AWSSecretKey if ($PublicCore) { #Set Bucket Name $S3Bucket = "osdrivers-public" #Connect to S3 Bucket $FilesPublicCore = Get-S3Object -BucketName $S3Bucket -Region $AWSregion -AccessKey $AWSAccessKey -SecretKey $AWSSecretKey #Select the Core Files $FilesPublicCore = $FilesPublicCore | Where-Object {$_.key -like 'Public/Core*'} #Filter the Operating System if ($WindowsProfile -like 'Win10*') {$FilesPublicCore = $FilesPublicCore | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*Win7*'}} if ($WindowsProfile -like 'Win7*') {$FilesPublicCore = $FilesPublicCore | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*Win10*'}} if ($WindowsProfile -like '*x64') {$FilesPublicCore = $FilesPublicCore | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*x86*'}} if ($WindowsProfile -like '*x86') {$FilesPublicCore = $FilesPublicCore | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*x64*'}} #Exclude Directories $FilesPublicCore = $FilesPublicCore | Where-Object {$_.size -ne 0} #Prompt for Download $FilesPublicCore = $FilesPublicCore | Select-Object -Property Key,Size,LastModified | Out-GridView -Title "OSDrivers Core: Select Drivers to Download" -PassThru } if ($PublicVideo) { #Set Bucket Name $S3Bucket = "osdrivers-public" #Connect to S3 Bucket $FilesPublicVideo = Get-S3Object -BucketName $S3Bucket -Region $AWSregion -AccessKey $AWSAccessKey -SecretKey $AWSSecretKey #Select the Video Files $FilesPublicVideo = $FilesPublicVideo | Where-Object {$_.key -like 'Public/Video*'} #Filter the Operating System if ($WindowsProfile -like 'Win10*') {$FilesPublicVideo = $FilesPublicVideo | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*Win7*'}} if ($WindowsProfile -like 'Win7*') {$FilesPublicVideo = $FilesPublicVideo | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*Win10*'}} if ($WindowsProfile -like '*x64') {$FilesPublicVideo = $FilesPublicVideo | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*x86*'}} if ($WindowsProfile -like '*x86') {$FilesPublicVideo = $FilesPublicVideo | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*x64*'}} #Exclude Directories $FilesPublicVideo = $FilesPublicVideo | Where-Object {$_.size -ne 0} #Prompt for Download $FilesPublicVideo = $FilesPublicVideo | Select-Object -Property Key,Size,LastModified | Out-GridView -Title "OSDrivers Video: Select Drivers to Download" -PassThru } if ($PublicDell) { #Set Bucket Name $S3Bucket = "osdrivers-public-dell" #Connect to S3 Bucket $FilesPublicDell = Get-S3Object -BucketName $S3Bucket -Region $AWSregion -AccessKey $AWSAccessKey -SecretKey $AWSSecretKey #Select the Dell Files $FilesPublicDell = $FilesPublicDell | Where-Object {$_.key -like 'Public/Dell*'} #Filter the Operating System if ($WindowsProfile -like 'Win10*') {$FilesPublicDell = $FilesPublicDell | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*Win7*'}} if ($WindowsProfile -like 'Win7*') {$FilesPublicDell = $FilesPublicDell | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*Win10*'}} if ($WindowsProfile -like '*x64') {$FilesPublicDell = $FilesPublicDell | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*x86*'}} if ($WindowsProfile -like '*x86') {$FilesPublicDell = $FilesPublicDell | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*x64*'}} #Exclude Directories $FilesPublicDell = $FilesPublicDell | Where-Object {$_.size -ne 0} #Prompt for Download $FilesPublicDell = $FilesPublicDell | Select-Object -Property Key,Size,LastModified | Out-GridView -Title "OSDrivers Dell: Select Drivers to Download" -PassThru } if ($PublicHP) { #Set Bucket Name $S3Bucket = "osdrivers-public-hp" #Connect to S3 Bucket $FilesPublicHP = Get-S3Object -BucketName $S3Bucket -Region $AWSregion -AccessKey $AWSAccessKey -SecretKey $AWSSecretKey #Select the HP Files $FilesPublicHP = $FilesPublicHP | Where-Object {$_.key -like 'Public/HP*'} #Filter the Operating System if ($WindowsProfile -like 'Win10*') {$FilesPublicHP = $FilesPublicHP | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*Win7*'}} if ($WindowsProfile -like 'Win7*') {$FilesPublicHP = $FilesPublicHP | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*Win10*'}} if ($WindowsProfile -like '*x64') {$FilesPublicHP = $FilesPublicHP | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*x86*'}} if ($WindowsProfile -like '*x86') {$FilesPublicHP = $FilesPublicHP | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*x64*'}} #Exclude Directories $FilesPublicHP = $FilesPublicHP | Where-Object {$_.size -ne 0} #Prompt for Download $FilesPublicHP = $FilesPublicHP | Select-Object -Property Key,Size,LastModified | Out-GridView -Title "OSDrivers HP: Select Drivers to Download" -PassThru } if ($PublicLenovo) { #Set Bucket Name $S3Bucket = "osdrivers-public-lenovo" #Connect to S3 Bucket $FilesPublicLenovo = Get-S3Object -BucketName $S3Bucket -Region $AWSregion -AccessKey $AWSAccessKey -SecretKey $AWSSecretKey #Select the Lenovo Files $FilesPublicLenovo = $FilesPublicLenovo | Where-Object {$_.key -like 'Public/Lenovo*'} #Filter the Operating System if ($WindowsProfile -like 'Win10*') {$FilesPublicLenovo = $FilesPublicLenovo | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*Win7*'}} if ($WindowsProfile -like 'Win7*') {$FilesPublicLenovo = $FilesPublicLenovo | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*Win10*'}} if ($WindowsProfile -like '*x64') {$FilesPublicLenovo = $FilesPublicLenovo | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*x86*'}} if ($WindowsProfile -like '*x86') {$FilesPublicLenovo = $FilesPublicLenovo | Where-Object {$_.key -notlike '*x64*'}} #Exclude Directories $FilesPublicLenovo = $FilesPublicLenovo | Where-Object {$_.size -ne 0} #Prompt for Download $FilesPublicLenovo = $FilesPublicLenovo | Select-Object -Property Key,Size,LastModified | Out-GridView -Title "OSDrivers Lenovo: Select Drivers to Download" -PassThru } #Copy the Files if ($PublicCore) { $S3Bucket = "osdrivers-public" foreach ($S3File in $FilesPublicCore) { Copy-S3Object -BucketName $S3Bucket -LocalFile ($DownloadPath + "\" + $S3File.Key) -Key $S3File.Key -Region $AWSregion -AccessKey $AWSAccessKey -SecretKey $AWSSecretKey } } if ($PublicVideo) { $S3Bucket = "osdrivers-public" foreach ($S3File in $FilesPublicVideo) { Copy-S3Object -BucketName $S3Bucket -LocalFile ($DownloadPath + "\" + $S3File.Key) -Key $S3File.Key -Region $AWSregion -AccessKey $AWSAccessKey -SecretKey $AWSSecretKey } } if ($PublicDell) { $S3Bucket = "osdrivers-public-dell" foreach ($S3File in $FilesPublicDell) { Copy-S3Object -BucketName $S3Bucket -LocalFile ($DownloadPath + "\" + $S3File.Key) -Key $S3File.Key -Region $AWSregion -AccessKey $AWSAccessKey -SecretKey $AWSSecretKey } } if ($PublicHP) { $S3Bucket = "osdrivers-public-hp" foreach ($S3File in $FilesPublicDell) { Copy-S3Object -BucketName $S3Bucket -LocalFile ($DownloadPath + "\" + $S3File.Key) -Key $S3File.Key -Region $AWSregion -AccessKey $AWSAccessKey -SecretKey $AWSSecretKey } } if ($PublicLenovo) { $S3Bucket = "osdrivers-public-lenovo" foreach ($S3File in $FilesPublicDell) { Copy-S3Object -BucketName $S3Bucket -LocalFile ($DownloadPath + "\" + $S3File.Key) -Key $S3File.Key -Region $AWSregion -AccessKey $AWSAccessKey -SecretKey $AWSSecretKey } } } |