.LINK .SYNOPSIS Finds specified file types, estimates size, option to remove Parent directory .DESCRIPTION Finds specified file types, estimates size, option to remove Parent directory .PARAMETER Path Directory to search for INF files. This should be your Driver Repository .PARAMETER Type Select Drivers by Type .PARAMETER RemoveSelected Removes the directory containing the file .EXAMPLE Find-OSDriverByType -Type "Intel Wireless" -Path C:\OSDrivers\Intel Finds directories containing Intel Wireless Drivers .EXAMPLE Find-OSDriverByType -Type "Intel Wireless" -Path C:\OSDrivers\Intel -RemoveSelected Finds directories containing Intel Wireless Drivers. Removes Parent directory of selected files .NOTES NAME: Find-OSDriverByType.ps1 AUTHOR: David Segura, BLOG: CREATED: 02/17/2018 VERSION: #> function Find-OSDriverByType { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateSet('AMD Video', 'Intel Bluetooth', 'Intel Ethernet', 'Intel Thunderbolt', 'Intel Video', 'Intel Wireless', 'Nvidia Video', 'Realtek Audio')] [string]$Type, [switch]$RemoveSelected ) Write-Host "***** Calculating Size of $Path *****" $SizeStart = "{0:N2} GB" -f ((Get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum -ErrorAction Stop).Sum / 1GB) Write-Host $Type if ($Type -eq 'AMD Video') {$Files = "amdave32.dl*","amdkmpfd.inf"} if ($Type -eq 'Intel Bluetooth') {$Files = "ibt*.inf"} if ($Type -eq 'Intel Ethernet') {$Files = "e1*.inf"} if ($Type -eq 'Intel Thunderbolt') {$Files = "tbt*.inf"} if ($Type -eq 'Intel Video') {$Files = "igfx*.cpl"} if ($Type -eq 'Intel Wireless') {$Files = "netw*.inf"} if ($Type -eq 'Nvidia Video') {$Files = "nvapi.dl*"} if ($Type -eq 'Realtek Audio') {$Files = "hdxadc.inf","hd*.inf"} #Display the Files $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "$Path" -Recurse -Include ($Files) -File | Select-Object -Property Directory,Name,Length,FullName,CreationTime | Out-Gridview -Title 'Select INF Files to Estimate and Remove' -PassThru foreach ($i in $a) { #Set the Name of the Directory $DirName = $i.Directory.FullName if ( $DirName -eq $LastDirName ) { #We have already measured this directory } Else { #Calculate the Size of the Directory $DirSize = (Get-ChildItem $DirName -Recurse | Measure-Object -Property length -sum).Sum $TotalSize = $TotalSize + $DirSize $DirSize = $DirSize /1MB Write-Host ("{0:N2} MB " -f $DirSize + $DirName) if ($RemoveSelected) { Write-Host Deleting ($DirName + "\*") Remove-Item -Path ($DirName + "\*") -Recurse } #Set the Directory Name $LastDirName = $DirName } } #Convert the Total Size to GB $TotalSize = $TotalSize /1GB if ($RemoveSelected) { Write-Host "***** Calculating Size of $Path *****" $SizeFinish = "{0:N2} GB" -f ((Get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum -ErrorAction Stop).Sum / 1GB) Write-Host "Old Repository Size: " $SizeStart Write-Host "New Repository Size: " $SizeFinish } Else { Write-Host "Repository Size: " $SizeStart Write-Host ("{0:N2} GB" -f $TotalSize + " can be recovered") } } |