
Returns a PowerShell Object of the HP Model Packs
Returns a PowerShell Object of the HP Model Packs by parsing the HP Client Driver Pack Catalog from"
.PARAMETER DownloadPath
Directory containing the downloaded HP Model Packs. This allows the function to validate if the Driver Pack was downloaded by updating OSDStatus

function Get-HpModelPack {
    Param (
    # OSDDrivers.json
<# if (Test-Path "$env:ProgramData\OSDDrivers\OSDDrivers.json") {
        $OSDDrivers = Get-Content "$env:ProgramData\OSDDrivers\OSDDrivers.json"
    } #>

    # DownloadPath
    if (-not($DownloadPath)) {$DownloadPath = $env:TEMP}
    Write-Verbose "DownloadPath: $DownloadPath"
    # Dell Variables
    # Define Dell Download Sources
    $HpDownloadsListUrl = ""
    $HpDownloadsBaseUrl = ""
    $HpDriverListUrl = ""
    $HpCommunityUrl = ""
    $Hp64BiosUtilityUtl = ""
    # Define Dell Download Sources
    $DriverPackCatalog = ""
    $HpCatalogPcUrl = ""
    # Define Dell Cabinet/XL Names and Paths
    $HpCabFile = [string]($DriverPackCatalog | Split-Path -Leaf)
    $HpCatalogFile = [string]($HpCatalogPcUrl | Split-Path -Leaf)
    # DriverPackCatalog
    if (-not(Test-Path "$DownloadPath")) {New-Item "$DownloadPath" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null}
    (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($DriverPackCatalog, "$DownloadPath\")

    Expand "$DownloadPath\" "$DownloadPath\DriverPackCatalog.xml" | Out-Null

    if (Test-Path "$DownloadPath\") {
        Remove-Item -Path "$DownloadPath\" -Force | Out-Null

    [xml]$DriverPackageCatalog = Get-Content "$DownloadPath\DriverPackCatalog.xml" -ErrorAction Stop
    $HpSoftPaqList = $DriverPackageCatalog.NewDataSet.HPClientDriverPackCatalog.SoftPaqList.SoftPaq
    #$HpSoftPaqList | Out-GridView
    $HpProductOSDriverPackList = $DriverPackageCatalog.NewDataSet.HPClientDriverPackCatalog.ProductOSDriverPackList.ProductOSDriverPack
    #$HpProductOSDriverPackList | Out-GridView
    Write-Warning "HpModelPack results are limited to Windows 10 x64"
    # ForEach
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    $DriverResults = @()
    $DriverResults = foreach ($DriverPackage in $HpSoftPaqList) {
        # Skip
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'IOT') {Continue}
        # Defaults
        $OSDVersion = $(Get-Module -Name OSDDrivers | Sort-Object Version | Select-Object Version -Last 1).Version
        $LastUpdate = [datetime] $DriverPackage.DateReleased
        $OSDStatus = $null
        $OSDType = 'ModelPack'
        $OSDGroup = 'HPModel'

        $DriverName = $DriverPackage.Name
        if ($DriverName -match 'x86') {Continue}
        if ($DriverName -match 'Win7') {Continue}
        if ($DriverName -match 'Win 7') {Continue}
        if ($DriverName -match 'Windows 7') {Continue}
        if ($DriverName -match 'Win 8') {Continue}
        if ($DriverName -match 'Windows 8') {Continue}

        $DriverName = ($DriverName).Replace('/',' ')
        $DriverName = ($DriverName).Replace(' x64','')
        $DriverName = ($DriverName).Replace(' x86','')
        $DriverName = ($DriverName).Replace(' Win7','')
        $DriverName = ($DriverName).Replace(' Win10','')
        $DriverName = ($DriverName).Replace(' Win 7','')
        $DriverName = ($DriverName).Replace(' Win 10','')
        $DriverName = ($DriverName).Replace(' Windows 7','')
        $DriverName = ($DriverName).Replace(' Windows 10','')
        $DriverName = ($DriverName).Replace(' Driver Pack','')

        $DriverVersion = $DriverPackage.Version.Trim()
        $DriverReleaseId = ($DriverPackage.Url | Split-Path -Leaf).Replace('.exe','').ToUpper()
        $DriverGrouping = $null
        # Matching
        $MatchingList = @()
        $MatchingList = $HpProductOSDriverPackList | Where-Object {$_.SoftPaqId -match $DriverReleaseId}

        $OperatingSystem = @()
        $OsVersion = $null
        $OsArch = $null
        $OsBuildMax = @()
        $OsBuildMin = @()

        $Make = 'HP'
        $MakeNe = @()
        $MakeLike = @()
        $MakeNotLike = @()
        $MakeMatch = @()
        $MakeNotMatch = @()

        $Generation = 'G0'
        $SystemFamily = $null

        $Model = ($MatchingList | Select-Object -Property SystemName -Unique)
        $Model = ($Model).SystemName
        #$Model = $null
        $ModelNe = @()
        $ModelLike = @()
        $ModelNotLike = @()
        $ModelMatch = @()
        $ModelNotMatch = @()

        $SystemSku = @()
        $SystemSku = ($MatchingList | Select-Object -Property SystemId -Unique)
        $SystemSku = ($SystemSku).SystemId
        #$SystemSku = $SystemSku | Select-Object SystemId -ExpandProperty
        $SystemSkuNe = @()

        $DriverBundle = $null
        $DriverWeight = 100

        $DownloadFile = $DriverPackage.Url | Split-Path -Leaf
        $SizeMB = ($DriverPackage.Size.Trim() | Select-Object -Unique) / 1024
        $DriverUrl = $DriverPackage.Url
        $DriverInfo = $DriverPackage.CvaFileUrl
        $DriverDescription = $DriverPackage.ReleaseNotesUrl
        $Hash = $DriverPackage.MD5.Trim()
        $OSDGuid = $(New-Guid)
        # Get Values
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'x64') {$OsArch = 'x64'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'x86') {$OsArch = 'x86'}
        if ($null -eq $OsArch) {$OsArch = 'x64'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'Win7') {$OsVersion = '6.1'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'Win 7') {$OsVersion = '6.1'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'Window 7') {$OsVersion = '6.1'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'Windows 7') {$OsVersion = '6.1'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'Win8') {$OsVersion = '6.3'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'Win 8') {$OsVersion = '6.3'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'Windows 8') {$OsVersion = '6.3'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'Win10') {$OsVersion = '10.0'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'Win 10') {$OsVersion = '10.0'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'Windows 10') {$OsVersion = '10.0'}

        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'G1') {$Generation = 'G1'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'G2') {$Generation = 'G2'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'G3') {$Generation = 'G3'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'G4') {$Generation = 'G4'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'G5') {$Generation = 'G5'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'G6') {$Generation = 'G6'}
        if ($DriverPackage.Name -match 'G7') {$Generation = 'G7'}
        # SystemFamily
        # Corrections
        if ($SystemSku -contains '81C6') {$Generation = 'G4'}
        if ($SystemSku -contains '81C7') {$Generation = 'G4'}
        if ($SystemSku -contains '824C') {$Generation = 'G4'}
        # Customizations
        if (Test-Path "$DownloadPath\$DownloadFile") {
            $OSDStatus = 'Downloaded'
        # Create Object
        $ObjectProperties = @{
            OSDVersion              = [string]$OSDVersion
            LastUpdate              = $(($LastUpdate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
            OSDStatus               = $OSDStatus
            OSDType                 = $OSDType
            OSDGroup                = $OSDGroup

            DriverName              = "$DriverName $OsVersion $OsArch $DriverVersion"
            DriverVersion           = $DriverVersion
            DriverReleaseId         = $DriverReleaseID

            OperatingSystem         = $OperatingSystem
            OsVersion               = $OsVersion
            OsArch                  = $OsArch
            OsBuildMax              = $OsBuildMax
            OsBuildMin              = $OsBuildMin

            Make                    = $Make
            MakeNe                  = $MakeNe
            MakeLike                = $MakeLike
            MakeNotLike             = $MakeNotLike
            MakeMatch               = $MakeMatch
            MakeNotMatch            = $MakeNotMatch

            Generation              = $Generation
            SystemFamily            = $SystemFamily

            Model                   = $Model
            ModelNe                 = $ModelNe
            ModelLike               = $ModelLike
            ModelNotLike            = $ModelNotLike
            ModelMatch              = $ModelMatch
            ModelNotMatch           = $ModelNotMatch

            SystemSku               = $SystemSku -split(',')
            SystemSkuNe             = $SystemSkuNe

            DriverGrouping          = "$DriverName $OsVersion $OsArch"
            DriverBundle            = $DriverBundle
            DriverWeight            = [int] $DriverWeight

            DownloadFile            = $DownloadFile
            SizeMB                  = [int] $SizeMB
            DriverUrl               = $DriverUrl
            DriverInfo              = $DriverInfo
            DriverDescription       = $DriverDescription
            Hash                    = $Hash
            OSDGuid                 = $OSDGuid
            IsSuperseded            = [bool] $IsSuperseded
        New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ObjectProperties
    # Supersedence
    $DriverResults = $DriverResults | Sort-Object LastUpdate -Descending
    $CurrentOSDDriverHpModelPack = @()
    foreach ($HpModelPack in $DriverResults) {
        if ($CurrentOSDDriverHpModelPack.DriverGrouping -match $HpModelPack.DriverGrouping) {
            $HpModelPack.IsSuperseded = $true
        } else { 
            $CurrentOSDDriverHpModelPack += $HpModelPack
    $DriverResults = $DriverResults | Where-Object {$_.IsSuperseded -eq $false}
    # Select-Object
    $DriverResults = $DriverResults | Select-Object LastUpdate,`
    OSDType, OSDGroup, OSDStatus, `
    DriverGrouping, DriverName, Make, Generation, Model, SystemSku,`
    DriverVersion, DriverReleaseId,`
    OsVersion, OsArch,`
    DownloadFile, SizeMB, DriverUrl, DriverInfo, DriverDescription,
    Hash, OSDGuid, OSDVersion
    # Sort Object
    $DriverResults = $DriverResults | Sort-Object LastUpdate -Descending
    # Return
    Return $DriverResults