
Creates an .iso file from a bootable media directory. ADK is required
Creates a .iso file from a bootable media directory. ADK is required
Directory containing the bootable media
.PARAMETER isoFileName
File Name of the ISO
Label of the ISO. Limited to 16 characters
.PARAMETER OpenExplorer
Opens Windows Explorer to the parent directory of the ISO File
21.3.16 Initial Release

function New-AdkISO {
    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Warning "New-AdkISO has been replaced by New-WindowsAdkISO. Please update your scripts"
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
    # Blocks
    # Get Adk Paths
    if ($WindowsAdkRoot) {
        $AdkPaths = Get-WindowsAdkPaths -WindowsAdkRoot $WindowsAdkRoot
    } else {
        $AdkPaths = Get-WindowsAdkPaths
    if ($null -eq $AdkPaths) {
        Write-Warning "Could not get ADK going, sorry"
    $WorkspacePath = (Get-Item -Path $MediaPath -ErrorAction Stop).Parent.FullName
    $IsoFullName = Join-Path $WorkspacePath $isoFileName
    $PathOscdimg = $AdkPaths.PathOscdimg
    $oscdimgexe = $AdkPaths.oscdimgexe

    Write-Verbose "WorkspacePath: $WorkspacePath"
    Write-Verbose "IsoFullName: $IsoFullName"
    Write-Verbose "PathOscdimg: $PathOscdimg"
    Write-Verbose "oscdimgexe: $oscdimgexe"
    # Test Paths
    $DestinationBoot = Join-Path $MediaPath 'boot'
    if (-NOT (Test-Path $DestinationBoot)) {
        Write-Warning "Cannot locate $DestinationBoot"
        Write-Warning "This does not appear to be a valid bootable ISO"
    $DestinationEfiBoot = Join-Path $MediaPath 'efi\microsoft\boot'
    if (-NOT (Test-Path $DestinationEfiBoot)) {
        Write-Warning "Cannot locate $DestinationEfiBoot"
        Write-Warning "This does not appear to be a valid bootable ISO"
    # etfsboot.com
    $etfsbootcom = $AdkPaths.etfsbootcom
    Copy-Item -Path $etfsbootcom -Destination $DestinationBoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop
    $Destinationetfsbootcom = Join-Path $DestinationBoot 'etfsboot.com'
    # efisys.bin and efisys_noprompt.bin
    $efisysbin = $AdkPaths.efisysbin
    Copy-Item -Path $efisysbin -Destination $DestinationEfiBoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop
    $Destinationefisysbin = Join-Path $DestinationEfiBoot 'efisys.bin'

    $efisysnopromptbin = $AdkPaths.efisysnopromptbin
    Copy-Item -Path $efisysnopromptbin -Destination $DestinationEfiBoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop
    $Destinationefisysnopromptbin = Join-Path $DestinationEfiBoot 'efisys_noprompt.bin'

<# if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoPrompt')) {
        $efisysbin = $AdkPaths.efisysnopromptbin
        Copy-Item -Path $efisysbin -Destination $DestinationEfiBoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        $Destinationefisysbin = Join-Path $DestinationEfiBoot 'efisys_noprompt.bin'
    } else {
        $efisysbin = $AdkPaths.efisysbin
        Copy-Item -Path $efisysbin -Destination $DestinationEfiBoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        $Destinationefisysbin = Join-Path $DestinationEfiBoot 'efisys.bin'
    } #>

    Write-Verbose  "DestinationBoot: $DestinationBoot"
    Write-Verbose  "etfsbootcom: $etfsbootcom"
    Write-Verbose  "Destinationetfsbootcom: $Destinationetfsbootcom"

    Write-Verbose  "DestinationEfiBoot: $DestinationEfiBoot"
    Write-Verbose  "efisysbin: $efisysbin"
    Write-Verbose  "Destinationefisysbin: $Destinationefisysbin"
    Write-Verbose  "efisysnopromptbin: $efisysnopromptbin"
    Write-Verbose  "Destinationefisysnopromptbin: $Destinationefisysnopromptbin"
    # Strings
    $isoLabelString = '-l"{0}"' -f "$isoLabel"
    Write-Verbose  "isoLabelString: $isoLabelString"
    # Create Prompt ISO
    $BootDataString = '2#p0,e,b"{0}"#pEF,e,b"{1}"' -f "$Destinationetfsbootcom", "$Destinationefisysbin"
    Write-Verbose  "BootDataString: $BootDataString"

    $Process = Start-Process $oscdimgexe -args @("-m","-o","-u2","-bootdata:$BootDataString",'-u2','-udfver102',$isoLabelString,"`"$MediaPath`"", "`"$IsoFullName`"") -PassThru -Wait -NoNewWindow

    if (-NOT (Test-Path $IsoFullName)) {
        Write-Error "Something didn't work"
    $PromptIso = Get-Item -Path $IsoFullName
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) ISO created at $PromptIso"
    # Create NoPrompt ISO
    $IsoFullName = "$($PromptIso.Directory)\$($PromptIso.BaseName)_NoPrompt.iso"
    $BootDataString = '2#p0,e,b"{0}"#pEF,e,b"{1}"' -f "$Destinationetfsbootcom", "$Destinationefisysnopromptbin"
    Write-Verbose  "BootDataString: $BootDataString"

    $Process = Start-Process $oscdimgexe -args @("-m","-o","-u2","-bootdata:$BootDataString",'-u2','-udfver102',$isoLabelString,"`"$MediaPath`"", "`"$IsoFullName`"") -PassThru -Wait -NoNewWindow

    if (-NOT (Test-Path $IsoFullName)) {
        Write-Error "Something didn't work"
    $NoPromptIso = Get-Item -Path $IsoFullName
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) ISO created at $NoPromptIso"
    # OpenExplorer
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OpenExplorer')) {
        explorer $WorkspacePath
    # Return Get-Item
    Return $PromptIso

<# $Results += [pscustomobject]@{
        FullName = $IsoFullName
        Name = $isoFileName
        Label = $isoLabel
        isoDirectory = $MediaPath
    Return $Results #>
