function Save-MsUpCatUpdate { [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [ValidateSet('Windows 10','Windows Server','Windows Server 2016','Windows Server 2019')] [Alias('OperatingSystem')] [string]$OS = 'Windows 11', [ValidateSet('x64','x86')] [Alias('Architecture')] [string]$Arch = 'x64', [ValidateSet('22H2','21H2','21H1','20H2',2004,1909,1903,1809,1803,1709,1703,1607,1511,1507)] [string]$Build = '22H2', [ValidateSet('LCU','SSU','DotNetCU')] [string]$Category = 'LCU', [ValidateSet('Preview')] [string[]]$Include, [string]$DestinationDirectory = "$env:TEMP\MsUpCat", [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter]$Latest ) #================================================= # MSCatalog PowerShell Module # Ryan-Jan # https://github.com/ryan-jan/MSCatalog # This excellent work is a good way to gather information from MS # Catalog #================================================= if (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name MSCatalog)) { Install-Module MSCatalog -Force -SkipPublisherCheck } #================================================= # Make sure the Module was installed first #================================================= if (Test-MicrosoftUpdateCatalog) { if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name MSCatalog -ErrorAction Ignore) { #================================================= # Details #================================================= Write-Verbose -Verbose "OperatingSystem: $OS" Write-Verbose -Verbose "Architecture: $Arch" Write-Verbose -Verbose "Category: $Category" #================================================= # Category #================================================= if ($Category -eq 'LCU') { $SearchString = "Cumulative Update $OS" } if ($Category -eq 'SSU') { $SearchString = "Servicing Stack Update $OS" } if ($Category -eq 'DotNetCU') { $SearchString = "Framework $OS" } if ($OS -eq 'Windows 10') { Write-Verbose -Verbose "Build: $Build" $SearchString = "$SearchString $Build $Arch" } elseif ($OS -eq 'Windows Server') { Write-Verbose -Verbose "Build: $Build" $SearchString = "$SearchString $Build $Arch" } else { $SearchString = "$SearchString $Arch" } #================================================= # Go #================================================= $CatalogUpdate = Get-MSCatalogUpdate -Search $SearchString -SortBy "Title" -AllPages -Descending |` Sort-Object LastUpdated -Descending |` Select-Object LastUpdated,Classification,Title,Size,Products,Guid #================================================= # Exclude #================================================= $CatalogUpdate = $CatalogUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Title -notmatch 'arm64'} $CatalogUpdate = $CatalogUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Title -notmatch 'Dynamic'} #================================================= # OperatingSystem #================================================= if ($OS -eq 'Windows 10') { $CatalogUpdate = $CatalogUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Title -match 'Windows 10'} $CatalogUpdate = $CatalogUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Products -notmatch 'Windows Server'} if ($Category -eq 'LCU') { #$CatalogUpdate = $CatalogUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Title -match "Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version $Build"} } if ($Category -eq 'SSU') { #$CatalogUpdate = $CatalogUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Title -match "Servicing Stack Update for Windows 10 Version $Build"} } } if ($OS -eq 'Windows Server') { $CatalogUpdate = $CatalogUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Products -eq 'Windows Server, version 1903 and later'} } if ($OS -eq 'Windows Server 2016') { $CatalogUpdate = $CatalogUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Products -eq 'Windows Server 2016'} } if ($OS -eq 'Windows Server 2019') { $CatalogUpdate = $CatalogUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Products -eq 'Windows Server 2019'} } #================================================= # Category #================================================= if ($Category -eq 'LCU') { $CatalogUpdate = $CatalogUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Title -notmatch '.NET'} } if ($Category -eq 'DotNetCU') { $CatalogUpdate = $CatalogUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Title -match "Framework"} } if ($Include -contains 'Preview') { Write-Verbose -Verbose "Include Preview Updates: True" } else { Write-Verbose -Verbose "Include Preview Updates: False" $CatalogUpdate = $CatalogUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Title -notmatch 'Preview'} } $CatalogUpdate = $CatalogUpdate | Where-Object {$_.Products -notmatch 'Insider'} #================================================= # Select #================================================= if ($Latest.IsPresent) { $CatalogUpdate = $CatalogUpdate | Select-Object -First 1 } else { $CatalogUpdate = $CatalogUpdate | Out-GridView -Title 'Select a Microsoft Update to download' -PassThru } #================================================= # Download #================================================= foreach ($Update in $CatalogUpdate) { Save-UpdateCatalog -Guid $Update.Guid -DestinationDirectory $DestinationDirectory } #================================================= } else { Write-Warning "Save-MsUpCatUpdate: Could not install required PowerShell Module MSCatalog" } } else { Write-Warning "Save-MsUpCatUpdate: Could not reach https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/" } #================================================= } |