Function Get-SetupCompleteOSDCloudUSB { <# .SYNOPSIS This function checks for the presence of an OSDCloud SetupComplete Folder on any drive other than 'C'. .DESCRIPTION This function checks for the presence of an OSDCloud SetupComplete Folder on any drive other than 'C'. Sorts the drives in Descending order and returns $true if the SetupComplete Folder with files inside is found. .NOTES Sorting in descending order is done to try and have the USB Drive take precedence over any other drives. #> # Get all available Drives that aren't 'C' $Drives = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Where-Object { $_.Root -match '[a-bd-zA-BD-Z]:\\' } | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending $SetupCompleteFound = $false # Check if any drives were found if ($Drives) { # Loop through the Drives foreach ($Drive in $Drives) { # Set the Path to the OSDCloud SetupComplete Folder $SetupCompletePath = $null $SetupCompletePath = "$($Drive.Name):\OSDCloud\Config\Scripts\SetupComplete" # Check if the Path exists $SetupComplete = $null if (Test-Path $SetupCompletePath) { $SetupComplete = Get-ChildItem $SetupCompletePath # Check if the Folder has any files if ($SetupComplete) { $SetupCompleteFound = $true } } } } return $SetupCompleteFound } function Set-SetupCompleteOSDCloudUSB { <# .SYNOPSIS This function copies SetupComplete Files to the Local OSDCloud SetupComplete Folder Then onfigures the System SetupComplete.ps1 File to run the Custom Scripts from the OSDCloud SetupComplete Folder. .DESCRIPTION This function checks for the presence of an OSDCLoud SetupComplete Folder on any drive other than 'C'. Sorts the drives in Descending order and returns $true if the SetupComplete Folder with files inside is found. Copies the SetupComplete Files to the Local OSDCloud SetupComplete Folder. Then onfigures the System SetupComplete.ps1 File to run the Custom Scripts from the OSDCloud SetupComplete Folder. .NOTES Sorting in descending order is done to try and have the USB Drive take precedence over any other drives. #> # Get all available Drives that aren't 'C' $Drives = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Where-Object { $_.Root -match '[a-bd-zA-BD-Z]:\\' } | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending # Check if any drives were found if ($Drives) { # Loop through the Drives $ConfigureSetupCompleteCustom = $false foreach ($Drive in $Drives) { # Set the Path to the OSDCloud SetupComplete Folder $SetupCompletePath = $null $SetupCompletePath = "$($Drive.Name):\OSDCloud\Config\Scripts\SetupComplete" # Check if the Path exists $SetupComplete = $null if (Test-Path $SetupCompletePath) { $SetupComplete = Get-ChildItem $SetupCompletePath } # Check if the Folder has any files if ($SetupComplete) { # Create the Local SetupComplete Folder try { [void][System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory("C:\OSDCloud\Scripts") [void][System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory("C:\OSDCloud\Scripts\SetupComplete") } catch { throw } # Copy the SetupComplete Files to the Local SetupComplete Folder Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "Found SetupComplete Files in [$($SetupCompletePath)], Copying to 'C'" Copy-Item -Path $SetupCompletePath\* -Destination "C:\OSDCloud\Scripts\SetupComplete" -Recurse -Force $ConfigureSetupCompleteCustom = $true } } # If Custom SetupComplete Files were Copied, Configure to run them if ($ConfigureSetupCompleteCustom) { # Define the Local SetupComplete Scripts Path $ScriptsPath = "C:\Windows\Setup\scripts" # Define the SetupComplete Scripts $RunScript = @(@{ Script = "SetupComplete"; BatFile = 'SetupComplete.cmd'; ps1file = 'SetupComplete.ps1'; Type = 'Setup'; Path = "$ScriptsPath" }) # Build the Path to the SetupComplete.ps1 File $PSFilePath = "$($RunScript.Path)\$($RunScript.ps1File)" # Check if the SetupComplete.ps1 File exists if (Test-Path -Path $PSFilePath) { # Add the SetupComplete Script to the SetupComplete.ps1 File Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "Write-OutPut 'Running Scripts in Custom OSDCloud SetupComplete Folder'" Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath '$SetupCompletePath = "C:\OSDCloud\Scripts\SetupComplete\SetupComplete.cmd"' Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath 'if (Test-Path $SetupCompletePath) { $SetupComplete = Get-ChildItem $SetupCompletePath -Filter SetupComplete.cmd }' Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath 'if ($SetupComplete){ cmd.exe /start /wait /c $SetupComplete.FullName }' Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "Write-Output '-------------------------------------------------------------'" } else { Write-Output "$PSFilePath - Not Found" } } } } function Set-SetupCompleteOSDCloudCustom { $OSDCloudSetupCompletePath = "C:\OSDCloud\Scripts\SetupComplete" try { [void][System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory("C:\OSDCloud\Scripts") [void][System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory("$OSDCloudSetupCompletePath") } catch { throw } $ScriptsPath = "C:\Windows\Setup\scripts" $RunScript = @(@{ Script = "SetupComplete"; BatFile = 'SetupComplete.cmd'; ps1file = 'SetupComplete.ps1'; Type = 'Setup'; Path = "$ScriptsPath" }) $PSFilePath = "$($RunScript.Path)\$($RunScript.ps1File)" if (Test-Path -Path $PSFilePath) { Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "Write-OutPut 'Running Scripts in Custom OSDCloud SetupComplete Folder'" Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath '$SetupCompletePath = "C:\OSDCloud\Scripts\SetupComplete\SetupComplete.cmd"' Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath 'if (Test-Path $SetupCompletePath){$SetupComplete = Get-ChildItem $SetupCompletePath -Filter SetupComplete.cmd}' Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath 'if ($SetupComplete){cmd.exe /start /wait /c $SetupComplete.FullName}' Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "Write-Output '-------------------------------------------------------------'" } else { Write-Output "$PSFilePath - Not Found" } } |