
Adds PowerShell and PowerShell Gallery support to ADK's x64 winpe.wim
Adds PowerShell and PowerShell Gallery support to ADK's x64 winpe.wim. This will speed things up with MDT and MEM CM going forward
.NOTES Initial Release

function Edit-AdkWinPEWIM {
    param ()

    # Start the Clock
    $StartTime = Get-Date
    # Blocks
    # Set VerbosePreference
    $CurrentVerbosePreference = $VerbosePreference
    $VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
    # Get ADK
    $WinPEArch = 'amd64'
    $WindowsAdkPaths = Get-WindowsAdkPaths -Architecture $WinPEArch

    if ($null -eq $WindowsAdkPaths) {
        Write-Warning "Could not get ADK going, sorry"
    # Get WinPE.wim
    $WimSourcePath = $WindowsAdkPaths.WimSourcePath
    if (-NOT (Test-Path $WimSourcePath)) {
        Write-Warning "Could not find $WimSourcePath, sorry"
    $WimSourceItem = Get-Item $WimSourcePath
    # Create Backup
    if (-NOT (Test-Path "$($WimSourceItem.Directory)\winpe.bak")) {
        $WimSourceItem | Copy-Item -Destination "$($WimSourceItem.Directory)\winpe.bak" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
    # Mount-MyWindowsImage
    $MountMyWindowsImage = Mount-MyWindowsImage $WimSourceItem
    $MountPath = $MountMyWindowsImage.Path
    # Add Packages
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Ignore'
    $WinPEOCs = $WindowsAdkPaths.WinPEOCs

    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"

    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    # cURL
    Write-Verbose "Adding curl.exe to $MountPath"
    if (Test-Path "$env:SystemRoot\System32\curl.exe") {
        robocopy "$env:SystemRoot\System32" "$MountPath\Windows\System32" curl.exe /ndl /nfl /njh /njs /b
    } else {
        Write-Warning "Could not find $env:SystemRoot\System32\curl.exe"
        Write-Warning "You must be using an old version of Windows"
    # PowerShell Execution Policy
    Write-Verbose "Setting PowerShell ExecutionPolicy to Bypass in $MountPath"
    Set-WindowsImageExecutionPolicy -Path $MountPath -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
    # Enable PowerShell Gallery
    Write-Verbose "Enabling PowerShell Gallery support in $MountPath"
    Enable-PEWindowsImagePSGallery -Path $MountPath

    #Write-Verbose "Saving OSD to $MountPath\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules"
    #Save-Module -Name OSD -Path "$MountPath\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" -Force
    # Startnet
    #Write-Verbose "Adding PowerShell.exe to Startnet.cmd"
    #Add-Content -Path "$MountPath\Windows\System32\Startnet.cmd" -Value 'start powershell.exe' -Force
    # DriverPath
<# foreach ($Driver in $DriverPath) {
        Add-WindowsDriver -Path "$($MountMyWindowsImage.Path)" -Driver "$Driver" -Recurse -ForceUnsigned
    } #>

    # Save WIM
    $MountMyWindowsImage | Dismount-MyWindowsImage -Save
    # Restore VerbosePreference
    $VerbosePreference = $CurrentVerbosePreference
    # Complete
    $EndTime = Get-Date
    $TimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray    "================================================"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow      "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) " -NoNewline
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan        "Completed in $($TimeSpan.ToString("mm' minutes 'ss' seconds'"))"
function Get-WindowsAdkInstallPath {
    Retrieves the installation path of the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK) from the registry.
    Retrieves the installation path of the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK) from the registry.
    Author: David Segura

    param ()

    $WindowsKitsInstallPath = Get-WindowsKitsInstallPath

    if ($WindowsKitsInstallPath) {
        $WindowsAdkInstallPath = Join-Path $WindowsKitsInstallPath 'Assessment and Deployment Kit'

        if (Test-Path "$WindowsAdkInstallPath") {
            Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))] Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit install path is $WindowsAdkInstallPath"
            return $WindowsAdkInstallPath
        else {
            Write-Warning "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))] Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit is not installed"
            return $null

    else {
        Write-Warning "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))] Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit is not installed"
        return $null
function Get-WindowsAdkInstallVersion {
    Retrieves the installed version of the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK) from the registry.
    Retrieves the installed version of the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK) from the registry.
    Author: David Segura

    param ()

    $Result = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | `
    Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq 'Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayVersion -First 1

    return $Result
function Get-WindowsAdkPaths {
    Retrieves the command paths of the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK).
    Retrieves the command paths of the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK).
    Author: David Segura

    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        # Windows ADK architecture to get. Valid values are 'amd64', 'x86', and 'arm64'.
        [ValidateSet('amd64', 'x86', 'arm64')]
        [string]$Architecture = $Env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE,

        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        # Path to the Windows ADK root directory. Typically 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit'
            if (!($_ | Test-Path)) {
                throw 'Path does not exist'
            if (!($_ | Test-Path -PathType Container)) {
                throw 'Path must be a directory'
            if (!(Test-Path "$($_.FullName)\Deployment Tools")) {
                throw 'Path does not contain a Deployment Tools directory'
            if (!(Test-Path "$($_.FullName)\Windows Preinstallation Environment")) {
                throw 'Path does not contain a Windows Preinstallation Environment directory'
            return $true
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Start"
    # region Get Windows ADK information from the Registry
    if (-not $WindowsAdkRoot) {
        $InstalledRoots32 = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots'
        $InstalledRoots64 = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots'
        $RegistryValue = 'KitsRoot10'
        $KitsRoot10 = $null
        if (Test-Path -Path $InstalledRoots64) {
            $RegistryKey = Get-Item -Path $InstalledRoots64
            if ($null -ne $RegistryKey.GetValue($RegistryValue)) {
                $KitsRoot10 = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $InstalledRoots64 -Name $RegistryValue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        if (-NOT ($KitsRoot10)) {
            if (Test-Path -Path $InstalledRoots32) {
                $RegistryKey = Get-Item -Path $InstalledRoots32
                if ($null -ne $RegistryKey.GetValue($RegistryValue)) {
                    $KitsRoot10 = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $InstalledRoots32 -Name $RegistryValue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        if ($KitsRoot10) {
            $WindowsAdkRoot = Join-Path $KitsRoot10 'Assessment and Deployment Kit'
        else {
            Write-Warning "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Unable to determine ADK Path"
    # region Validate Windows ADK Path
    $WinPERoot = Join-Path $WindowsAdkRoot 'Windows Preinstallation Environment'
    if (-NOT (Test-Path $WinPERoot -PathType Container)) {
        Write-Warning "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))] WinPERoot is not a valid path $WinPERoot"
        $WinPERoot = $null
    # region Set ADK Paths
    $PathDeploymentTools = Join-Path $WindowsAdkRoot (Join-Path 'Deployment Tools' $Architecture)
    $PathWinPE = Join-Path $WinPERoot $Architecture
    # region Build Results
    $Results = [PSCustomObject] @{
        #KitsRoot = $KitsRoot10
        AdkRoot             = $WindowsAdkRoot
        PathBCDBoot         = Join-Path $PathDeploymentTools 'BCDBoot'
        PathDeploymentTools = $PathDeploymentTools
        PathDISM            = Join-Path $PathDeploymentTools 'DISM'
        PathOscdimg         = Join-Path $PathDeploymentTools 'Oscdimg'
        PathUsmt            = Join-Path $WindowsAdkRoot (Join-Path 'User State Migration Tool' $Architecture)
        PathWinPE           = Join-Path $WinPERoot $Architecture
        PathWinPEMedia      = Join-Path $PathWinPE 'Media'
        PathWinSetup        = Join-Path $WindowsAdkRoot (Join-Path 'Windows Setup' $Architecture)
        WinPEOCs            = Join-Path $PathWinPE 'WinPE_OCs'
        WinPERoot           = $WinPERoot
        WimSourcePath       = Join-Path $PathWinPE 'en-us\winpe.wim'

        bcdbootexe          = Join-Path $PathDeploymentTools (Join-Path 'BCDBoot' 'bcdboot.exe')
        bcdeditexe          = Join-Path $PathDeploymentTools (Join-Path 'BCDBoot' 'bcdedit.exe')
        bootsectexe         = Join-Path $PathDeploymentTools (Join-Path 'BCDBoot' 'bootsect.exe')
        dismexe             = Join-Path $PathDeploymentTools (Join-Path 'DISM' 'dism.exe')
        efisysbin           = Join-Path $PathDeploymentTools (Join-Path 'Oscdimg' 'efisys.bin')
        efisysnopromptbin   = Join-Path $PathDeploymentTools (Join-Path 'Oscdimg' 'efisys_noprompt.bin')
        etfsbootcom         = if ($Architecture -eq 'arm64') {
            # ARM64 does not have a | Redirect to amd64 folder
            Join-Path (Join-Path $WindowsAdkRoot (Join-Path 'Deployment Tools' 'amd64')) (Join-Path 'Oscdimg' '')
        else {
            Join-Path $PathDeploymentTools (Join-Path 'Oscdimg' '')
        imagexexe           = Join-Path $PathDeploymentTools (Join-Path 'DISM' 'imagex.exe')
        oa3toolexe          = Join-Path $PathDeploymentTools (Join-Path 'Licensing\OA30' 'oa3tool.exe')
        oscdimgexe          = Join-Path $PathDeploymentTools (Join-Path 'Oscdimg' 'oscdimg.exe')
        pkgmgrexe           = Join-Path $PathDeploymentTools (Join-Path 'DISM' 'pkgmgr.exe')
    Return $Results
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] End"
function Get-WindowsKitsInstallPath {
    Retrieves the installation path of the Windows Kit directory.
    Retrieves the installation path of the Windows Kit directory.
    Author: David Segura

    param ()

    # 32-bit Registry
    $InstalledRoots32 = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots'
    # 64-bit Registry
    $InstalledRoots64 = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots'
    $RegistryValue = 'KitsRoot10'
    $KitsRoot10 = $null

    # Test for 64-bit Registry
    if (Test-Path -Path $InstalledRoots64) {
        $RegistryKey = Get-Item -Path $InstalledRoots64
        if ($null -ne $RegistryKey.GetValue($RegistryValue)) {
            $KitsRoot10 = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $InstalledRoots64 -Name $RegistryValue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if (-not ($KitsRoot10)) {
        if (Test-Path -Path $InstalledRoots32) {
            $RegistryKey = Get-Item -Path $InstalledRoots32
            if ($null -ne $RegistryKey.GetValue($RegistryValue)) {
                $KitsRoot10 = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $InstalledRoots32 -Name $RegistryValue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($KitsRoot10) {
        if (Test-Path "$KitsRoot10") {
            Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))] Windows Kits install path is $KitsRoot10"
            return $KitsRoot10
        else {
            Write-Warning "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))] Windows Kits install path from the registry does not exist at $KitsRoot10"
            return $null
    else {
        Write-Warning "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))] Windows Kits is not installed"
        return $null
Creates an ADK CopyPE Working Directory
Creates an ADK CopyPE Working Directory
.NOTES Resolved issue with paths Renamed to make it easier to understand what it does
21.3.10 Initial Release

function New-AdkCopyPE {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string]$WinPEArch = 'amd64'

    # Require Admin Rights
    if ((Get-OSDGather -Property IsAdmin) -eq $false) {
        Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) requires Admin Rights ELEVATED"
    # Get Adk Paths
    $WindowsAdkPaths = Get-WindowsAdkPaths -Architecture $WinPEArch
    $Destination = $Path

    $AdkWimSourcePath = $WindowsAdkPaths.WimSourcePath
    $AdkPathOscdimg = $WindowsAdkPaths.PathOscdimg
    $AdkPathWinPEMedia = $WindowsAdkPaths.PathWinPEMedia

    $DestinationMedia = Join-Path $Destination 'media'
    if (-NOT (Test-Path $DestinationMedia)) {
        New-Item -Path $DestinationMedia -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

    $DestinationMount = Join-Path $Destination 'mount'
    if (-NOT (Test-Path $DestinationMount)) {
        New-Item -Path $DestinationMount -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

    $DestinationFirmwareFiles = Join-Path $Destination 'fwfiles'
    if (-NOT (Test-Path $DestinationFirmwareFiles)) {
        New-Item -Path $DestinationFirmwareFiles -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

    $DestinationSources = Join-Path $DestinationMedia 'sources'
    if (-NOT (Test-Path $DestinationSources)) {
        New-Item -Path $DestinationSources -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

    xcopy /herky "$AdkPathWinPEMedia" "$DestinationMedia\"

    Copy-Item "$AdkWimSourcePath" "$DestinationSources\boot.wim"
    Copy-Item "$AdkPathOscdimg\efisys.bin" "$DestinationFirmwareFiles"
    Copy-Item "$AdkPathOscdimg\" "$DestinationFirmwareFiles"
Creates an .iso file from a bootable media directory. ADK is required
Creates a .iso file from a bootable media directory. ADK is required
Directory containing the bootable media
.PARAMETER isoFileName
File Name of the ISO
Label of the ISO. Limited to 16 characters
.PARAMETER OpenExplorer
Opens Windows Explorer to the parent directory of the ISO File
21.3.16 Initial Release

function New-AdkISO {
    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Warning "New-AdkISO has been replaced by New-WindowsAdkISO. Please update your scripts"
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
    # Blocks
    # Get Adk Paths
    if ($WindowsAdkRoot) {
        $AdkPaths = Get-WindowsAdkPaths -WindowsAdkRoot $WindowsAdkRoot
    } else {
        $AdkPaths = Get-WindowsAdkPaths
    if ($null -eq $AdkPaths) {
        Write-Warning "Could not get ADK going, sorry"
    $WorkspacePath = (Get-Item -Path $MediaPath -ErrorAction Stop).Parent.FullName
    $IsoFullName = Join-Path $WorkspacePath $isoFileName
    $PathOscdimg = $AdkPaths.PathOscdimg
    $oscdimgexe = $AdkPaths.oscdimgexe

    Write-Verbose "WorkspacePath: $WorkspacePath"
    Write-Verbose "IsoFullName: $IsoFullName"
    Write-Verbose "PathOscdimg: $PathOscdimg"
    Write-Verbose "oscdimgexe: $oscdimgexe"
    # Test Paths
    $DestinationBoot = Join-Path $MediaPath 'boot'
    if (-NOT (Test-Path $DestinationBoot)) {
        Write-Warning "Cannot locate $DestinationBoot"
        Write-Warning "This does not appear to be a valid bootable ISO"
    $DestinationEfiBoot = Join-Path $MediaPath 'efi\microsoft\boot'
    if (-NOT (Test-Path $DestinationEfiBoot)) {
        Write-Warning "Cannot locate $DestinationEfiBoot"
        Write-Warning "This does not appear to be a valid bootable ISO"
    $etfsbootcom = $AdkPaths.etfsbootcom
    Copy-Item -Path $etfsbootcom -Destination $DestinationBoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop
    $Destinationetfsbootcom = Join-Path $DestinationBoot ''
    # efisys.bin and efisys_noprompt.bin
    $efisysbin = $AdkPaths.efisysbin
    Copy-Item -Path $efisysbin -Destination $DestinationEfiBoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop
    $Destinationefisysbin = Join-Path $DestinationEfiBoot 'efisys.bin'

    $efisysnopromptbin = $AdkPaths.efisysnopromptbin
    Copy-Item -Path $efisysnopromptbin -Destination $DestinationEfiBoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop
    $Destinationefisysnopromptbin = Join-Path $DestinationEfiBoot 'efisys_noprompt.bin'

<# if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoPrompt')) {
        $efisysbin = $AdkPaths.efisysnopromptbin
        Copy-Item -Path $efisysbin -Destination $DestinationEfiBoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        $Destinationefisysbin = Join-Path $DestinationEfiBoot 'efisys_noprompt.bin'
    } else {
        $efisysbin = $AdkPaths.efisysbin
        Copy-Item -Path $efisysbin -Destination $DestinationEfiBoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        $Destinationefisysbin = Join-Path $DestinationEfiBoot 'efisys.bin'
    } #>

    Write-Verbose  "DestinationBoot: $DestinationBoot"
    Write-Verbose  "etfsbootcom: $etfsbootcom"
    Write-Verbose  "Destinationetfsbootcom: $Destinationetfsbootcom"

    Write-Verbose  "DestinationEfiBoot: $DestinationEfiBoot"
    Write-Verbose  "efisysbin: $efisysbin"
    Write-Verbose  "Destinationefisysbin: $Destinationefisysbin"
    Write-Verbose  "efisysnopromptbin: $efisysnopromptbin"
    Write-Verbose  "Destinationefisysnopromptbin: $Destinationefisysnopromptbin"
    # Strings
    $isoLabelString = '-l"{0}"' -f "$isoLabel"
    Write-Verbose  "isoLabelString: $isoLabelString"
    # Create Prompt ISO
    $BootDataString = '2#p0,e,b"{0}"#pEF,e,b"{1}"' -f "$Destinationetfsbootcom", "$Destinationefisysbin"
    Write-Verbose  "BootDataString: $BootDataString"

    $Process = Start-Process $oscdimgexe -args @("-m","-o","-u2","-bootdata:$BootDataString",'-u2','-udfver102',$isoLabelString,"`"$MediaPath`"", "`"$IsoFullName`"") -PassThru -Wait -NoNewWindow

    if (-NOT (Test-Path $IsoFullName)) {
        Write-Error "Something didn't work"
    $PromptIso = Get-Item -Path $IsoFullName
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) ISO created at $PromptIso"
    # Create NoPrompt ISO
    $IsoFullName = "$($PromptIso.Directory)\$($PromptIso.BaseName)_NoPrompt.iso"
    $BootDataString = '2#p0,e,b"{0}"#pEF,e,b"{1}"' -f "$Destinationetfsbootcom", "$Destinationefisysnopromptbin"
    Write-Verbose  "BootDataString: $BootDataString"

    $Process = Start-Process $oscdimgexe -args @("-m","-o","-u2","-bootdata:$BootDataString",'-u2','-udfver102',$isoLabelString,"`"$MediaPath`"", "`"$IsoFullName`"") -PassThru -Wait -NoNewWindow

    if (-NOT (Test-Path $IsoFullName)) {
        Write-Error "Something didn't work"
    $NoPromptIso = Get-Item -Path $IsoFullName
    #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) ISO created at $NoPromptIso"
    # OpenExplorer
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OpenExplorer')) {
        explorer $WorkspacePath
    # Return Get-Item
    Return $PromptIso

<# $Results += [pscustomobject]@{
        FullName = $IsoFullName
        Name = $isoFileName
        Label = $isoLabel
        isoDirectory = $MediaPath
    Return $Results #>

function New-WindowsAdkISO {
        Creates an .iso file from a bootable media directory. ADK is required
        Creates a .iso file from a bootable media directory. ADK is required
        David Segura
        25.02.26 Initial Release replacing New-AdkISO
        25.03.01 Updated to use Get-WindowsAdkPaths

    param (
        # Path to the Windows ADK root directory. Typically 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit'
                if (-NOT ($_ | Test-Path)) { throw "Path does not exist: $_" }
                if (-NOT ($_ | Test-Path -PathType Container)) { throw "Path must be a directory: $_" }
                if (-NOT (Test-Path "$($_.FullName)\Deployment Tools")) { throw "Path does not contain a Deployment Tools subfolder: $_" }
                # if (-NOT (Test-Path "$($_.FullName)\Windows Preinstallation Environment")) { throw "Path does not contain a Windows Preinstallation Environment directory: $_"}
                return $true

        # Directory containing the bootable media
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
                if (-NOT ($_ | Test-Path)) { throw "Path does not exist: $_" }
                if (-NOT ($_ | Test-Path -PathType Container)) { throw "Path must be a directory: $_" }
                return $true

        # File Name of the ISO
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # Label of the ISO. Limited to 16 characters
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        # Opens Windows Explorer to the parent directory of the ISO File
    # Start
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Start"
    # Blocks
    # Get Adk Paths
    if ($WindowsAdkRoot) {
        $WindowsAdkPaths = Get-WindowsAdkPaths -WindowsAdkRoot $WindowsAdkRoot
    } else {
        $WindowsAdkPaths = Get-WindowsAdkPaths
    if ($null -eq $WindowsAdkPaths) {
        Write-Warning "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Could not get ADK going, sorry"
    $WorkspacePath = (Get-Item -Path $MediaPath -ErrorAction Stop).Parent.FullName
    $IsoFullName = Join-Path $WorkspacePath $isoFileName
    $PathOscdimg = $WindowsAdkPaths.PathOscdimg
    $oscdimgexe = $WindowsAdkPaths.oscdimgexe

    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] WorkspacePath: $WorkspacePath"
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] IsoFullName: $IsoFullName"
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] PathOscdimg: $PathOscdimg"
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] oscdimgexe: $oscdimgexe"
    # Test Paths
    $DestinationBoot = Join-Path $MediaPath 'boot'
    if (-NOT (Test-Path $DestinationBoot)) {
        Write-Warning "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Cannot locate $DestinationBoot"
        Write-Warning "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] This does not appear to be a valid bootable ISO"
    $DestinationEfiBoot = Join-Path $MediaPath 'efi\microsoft\boot'
    if (-NOT (Test-Path $DestinationEfiBoot)) {
        Write-Warning "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Cannot locate $DestinationEfiBoot"
        Write-Warning "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] This does not appear to be a valid bootable ISO"
    $etfsbootcom = $WindowsAdkPaths.etfsbootcom
    $Destinationetfsbootcom = Join-Path $DestinationBoot ''
    if (Test-Path $Destinationetfsbootcom) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Using existing $Destinationetfsbootcom"
    else {
        Copy-Item -Path $etfsbootcom -Destination $DestinationBoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop
    # efisys.bin and efisys_noprompt.bin
    $efisysbin = $WindowsAdkPaths.efisysbin
    $Destinationefisysbin = Join-Path $DestinationEfiBoot 'efisys.bin'
    if (Test-Path $Destinationefisysbin) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Using existing $Destinationefisysbin"
    else {
        Copy-Item -Path $efisysbin -Destination $DestinationEfiBoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop

    $efisysnopromptbin = $WindowsAdkPaths.efisysnopromptbin
    $Destinationefisysnopromptbin = Join-Path $DestinationEfiBoot 'efisys_noprompt.bin'
    if (Test-Path $Destinationefisysnopromptbin) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Using existing $Destinationefisysnopromptbin"
    else {
        Copy-Item -Path $efisysnopromptbin -Destination $DestinationEfiBoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop

<# if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoPrompt')) {
        $efisysbin = $WindowsAdkPaths.efisysnopromptbin
        Copy-Item -Path $efisysbin -Destination $DestinationEfiBoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        $Destinationefisysbin = Join-Path $DestinationEfiBoot 'efisys_noprompt.bin'
    } else {
        $efisysbin = $WindowsAdkPaths.efisysbin
        Copy-Item -Path $efisysbin -Destination $DestinationEfiBoot -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        $Destinationefisysbin = Join-Path $DestinationEfiBoot 'efisys.bin'
    } #>

    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] DestinationBoot: $DestinationBoot"
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] etfsbootcom: $etfsbootcom"
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Destinationetfsbootcom: $Destinationetfsbootcom"
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] DestinationEfiBoot: $DestinationEfiBoot"
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] efisysbin: $efisysbin"
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Destinationefisysbin: $Destinationefisysbin"
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] efisysnopromptbin: $efisysnopromptbin"
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Destinationefisysnopromptbin: $Destinationefisysnopromptbin"
    # Strings
    $isoLabelString = '-l"{0}"' -f "$isoLabel"
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] isoLabelString: $isoLabelString"
    # Create Prompt ISO
    $BootDataString = '2#p0,e,b"{0}"#pEF,e,b"{1}"' -f "$Destinationetfsbootcom", "$Destinationefisysbin"
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] BootDataString: $BootDataString"

    $Process = Start-Process $oscdimgexe -args @('-m', '-o', '-u2', "-bootdata:$BootDataString", '-u2', '-udfver102', $isoLabelString, "`"$MediaPath`"", "`"$IsoFullName`"") -PassThru -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden

    if (-NOT (Test-Path $IsoFullName)) {
        Write-Error "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Something didn't work"
    $PromptIso = Get-Item -Path $IsoFullName
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkCyan "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] ISO created at $PromptIso"
    # Create NoPrompt ISO
    $IsoFullName = "$($PromptIso.Directory)\$($PromptIso.BaseName)_NoPrompt.iso"
    $BootDataString = '2#p0,e,b"{0}"#pEF,e,b"{1}"' -f "$Destinationetfsbootcom", "$Destinationefisysnopromptbin"
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] BootDataString: $BootDataString"

    $Process = Start-Process $oscdimgexe -args @('-m', '-o', '-u2', "-bootdata:$BootDataString", '-u2', '-udfver102', $isoLabelString, "`"$MediaPath`"", "`"$IsoFullName`"") -PassThru -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden

    if (-NOT (Test-Path $IsoFullName)) {
        Write-Error "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Something didn't work"
    $NoPromptIso = Get-Item -Path $IsoFullName
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkCyan "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))][$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] ISO created at $NoPromptIso"
    # Open Windows Explorer
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OpenExplorer')) {
        explorer $WorkspacePath
    # Return Get-Item
    Return $PromptIso

    <# $Results += [pscustomobject]@{
        FullName = $IsoFullName
        Name = $isoFileName
        Label = $isoLabel
        isoDirectory = $MediaPath
    Return $Results #>
