
  "Title": "Update for Removal of Adobe Flash Player for Windows Server 2019 for x64-based systems (KB4577586)",
  "Id": "4577586",
  "Architecture": "x64",
  "Language": "",
  "Hotfix": null,
  "Description": "This update will remove Adobe Flash Player from your Windows machine. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.",
  "LastModified": "2021-02-16",
  "Size": "160 KB",
  "Classification": "Updates",
  "SupportedProducts": "Windows Server 2019",
  "MSRCNumber": null,
  "MSRCSeverity": "n/a",
  "RebootBehavior": "Can request restart",
  "RequestsUserInput": false,
  "ExclusiveInstall": "",
  "NetworkRequired": false,
  "UninstallNotes": "This update cannot be uninstalled. See the associated Microsoft Knowledge Base article for more information.",
  "UninstallSteps": null,
  "UpdateId": "f26a0046-1e1a-4305-8743-19c92c3095a5",
  "Supersedes": null,
  "SupersededBy": null,
  "Link": "",
  "InputObject": "4577586"