
    OSDCloud Cloud Module for
    OSDCloud Cloud Module for
    This module is designed for OOBE
    Invoke-Expression (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '')

#region Functions
function osdcloud-StartOOBE {
    param (
        #Install Autopilot Support

        #Show Windows Settings Display

        #Show Windows Settings Display

        #Show Windows Settings Display

        #Install Azure support

        #Install Azure KeyVault support




    if ($Display) {
    if ($Language) {
    if ($DateTime) {
    osdcloud-InstallPowerShellModule -Name Pester
    osdcloud-InstallPowerShellModule -Name PSReadLine

    if ($InstallWinGet) {

        if ($WinGetUpgrade) {
            if (Get-Command 'WinGet' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] winget upgrade --all --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements"
                winget upgrade --all --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements

        if ($WinGetPwsh) {

    if ($SkipOSD) {
        # do nothing
    else {
        osdcloud-InstallPowerShellModule -Name OSD
        #Add Azure KeuVault Support
        if ($Azure) {
            osdcloud-InstallPowerShellModule -Name 'Az.Accounts'
            osdcloud-InstallPowerShellModule -Name 'Az.KeyVault'
        #Add Azure KeuVault Support
        if ($KeyVault) {
            osdcloud-InstallPowerShellModule -Name 'Az.Accounts'
            osdcloud-InstallPowerShellModule -Name 'Az.KeyVault'
        #Get Autopilot information from the device
        $TestAutopilotProfile = osdcloud-TestAutopilotProfile
        #If the device has an Autopilot Profile, show the information
        if ($TestAutopilotProfile -eq $true) {
            $Autopilot = $false
        #Install the required Autopilot Modules
        if ($Autopilot) {
            if ($TestAutopilotProfile -eq $false) {
                osdcloud-InstallPowerShellModule -Name 'AzureAD'
New-Alias -Name 'Start-OOBE' -Value 'osdcloud-StartOOBE' -Description 'OSDCloud' -Force