function Invoke-OSDCloud { <# .SYNOPSIS This is the master OSDCloud Task Sequence .DESCRIPTION This is the master OSDCloud Task Sequence .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param () #region Initialize #region Global:OSDCloud $Global:OSDCloud = $null $Global:OSDCloud = [ordered]@{ LaunchMethod = $null AutomateAutopilot = $null AutomateProvisioning = $null AutomateShutdownScript = $null AutomateStartupScript = $null AutopilotJsonChildItem = $null AutopilotJsonItem = $null AutopilotJsonName = $null AutopilotJsonObject = $null AutopilotJsonString = $null AutopilotJsonUrl = $null AutopilotOOBEJsonChildItem = $null AutopilotOOBEJsonItem = $null AutopilotOOBEJsonName = $null AutopilotOOBEJsonObject = $null AzContext = $Global:AzContext AzOSDCloudBlobAutopilotFile = $Global:AzOSDCloudBlobAutopilotFile AzOSDCloudBlobDriverPack = $Global:AzOSDCloudBlobDriverPack AzOSDCloudBlobImage = $Global:AzOSDCloudBlobImage AzOSDCloudBlobPackage = $Global:AzOSDCloudBlobPackage AzOSDCloudBlobScript = $Global:AzOSDCloudBlobScript AzOSDCloudAutopilotFile = $Global:AzOSDCloudAutopilotFile AzOSDCloudDriverPack = $null AzOSDCloudImage = $Global:AzOSDCloudImage AzOSDCloudPackage = $null AzOSDCloudScript = $null AzStorageAccounts = $Global:AzStorageAccounts AzStorageContext = $Global:AzStorageContext BuildName = 'OSDCloud' ClearDiskConfirm = [bool]$true Debug = $false DevMode = $false DownloadDirectory = $null DownloadName = $null DownloadFullName = $null DriverPack = $null DriverPackBaseName = $null DriverPackExpand = [bool]$false DriverPackName = $null DriverPackOffline = $null DriverPackSource = $null DriverPackUrl = $null ExpandWindowsImage = $null Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name GetDiskFixed = $null GetFeatureUpdate = $null GetMyDriverPack = $null HPIADrivers = $null HPIAFirmware = $null HPIASoftware = $null HPTPMUpdate = $null HPBIOSUpdate = $null ImageFileFullName = $null ImageFileItem = $null ImageFileName = $null ImageFileSource = $null ImageFileDestination = $null ImageFileUrl = $null IsOnBattery = $(Get-OSDGather -Property IsOnBattery) IsTest = ($env:SystemDrive -ne 'X:') IsVirtualMachine = $(Test-IsVM) IsWinPE = ($env:SystemDrive -eq 'X:') IsoMountDiskImage = $null IsoGetDiskImage = $null IsoGetVolume = $null Logs = "$env:SystemDrive\OSDCloud\Logs" Manufacturer = Get-MyComputerManufacturer -Brief MSCatalogFirmware = $true MSCatalogDiskDrivers = $true MSCatalogNetDrivers = $true MSCatalogScsiDrivers = $true OOBEDeployJsonChildItem = $null OOBEDeployJsonItem = $null OOBEDeployJsonName = $null OOBEDeployJsonObject = $null ODTConfigFile = 'C:\OSDCloud\ODT\Config.xml' ODTFile = $null ODTFiles = $null ODTSetupFile = $null ODTSource = $null ODTTarget = 'C:\OSDCloud\ODT' ODTTargetData = 'C:\OSDCloud\ODT\Office' OperatingSystems = [array](Get-OSDCloudOperatingSystems) OSActivation = $null OSBuild = $null OSBuildMenu = $null OSBuildNames = $null OSEdition = $null OSEditionId = $null OSEditionMenu = $null OSEditionValues = $null OSImageIndex = 1 OSLanguage = $null OSLanguageMenu = $null OSLanguageNames = $null OSVersion = 'Windows 10' Product = Get-MyComputerProduct Restart = [bool]$false ScreenshotCapture = $false ScreenshotPath = "$env:TEMP\Screenshots" ScriptStartup = $null ScriptShutdown = $null SectionPassed = $true SetWiFi = $null Shutdown = [bool]$false ShutdownSetupComplete = [bool]$false SkipAllDiskSteps = [bool]$false SkipAutopilot = [bool]$false SkipAutopilotOOBE = [bool]$false SkipClearDisk = [bool]$false SkipODT = [bool]$false SkipOOBEDeploy = [bool]$false SkipNewOSDisk = [bool]$false SkipRecoveryPartition = [bool]$false SplashScreen = [bool]$false SyncMSUpCatDriverUSB = [bool]$false RecoveryPartition = $null TimeEnd = $null TimeSpan = $null TimeStart = [datetime](Get-Date) Transcript = $null USBPartitions = $null Version = [Version](Get-Module -Name OSD -ListAvailable | Sort-Object Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Version WindowsDefenderUpdate = $null WindowsUpdate = $null WindowsUpdateDrivers = $null WindowsImage = $null WindowsImageCount = $null ZTI = [bool]$false } #endregion #region Set Pre-Merge Defaults <# If this is a Virtual Machine and Skip Recovery Partition OVERRIDE: $Global:MyOSDCloud.RecoveryPartition = $true #> if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsVirtualMachine) { $Global:OSDCloud.SkipRecoveryPartition = $true } #endregion #region Merge Global Variables <# Overwrite the defaults from Invoke-OSDCloud by using custom variables MyOSDCloud is the last and final customization variable #> if ($Global:InvokeOSDCloud) { foreach ($Key in $Global:InvokeOSDCloud.Keys) { $Global:OSDCloud.$Key = $Global:InvokeOSDCloud.$Key } } if ($Global:StartOSDCloud) { foreach ($Key in $Global:StartOSDCloud.Keys) { $Global:OSDCloud.$Key = $Global:StartOSDCloud.$Key } } if ($Global:StartOSDCloudCLI) { foreach ($Key in $Global:StartOSDCloudCLI.Keys) { $Global:OSDCloud.$Key = $Global:StartOSDCloudCLI.$Key } } if ($Global:InvokeOSDCloud) { foreach ($Key in $Global:InvokeOSDCloud.Keys) { $Global:OSDCloud.$Key = $Global:InvokeOSDCloud.$Key } } if ($Global:MyOSDCloud) { foreach ($Key in $Global:MyOSDCloud.Keys) { $Global:OSDCloud.$Key = $Global:MyOSDCloud.$Key } } #endregion #region Install-Module LaunchMethod if ($Global:OSDCloud.LaunchMethod) { $null = Install-Module -Name $Global:OSDCloud.LaunchMethod -Force -ErrorAction Ignore -WarningAction Ignore } #endregion #region Helper Functions function Write-DarkGrayDate { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [System.String] $Message ) if ($Message) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) $Message" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) " -NoNewline } } function Write-DarkGrayHost { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [System.String] $Message ) Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray $Message } function Write-DarkGrayLine { [CmdletBinding()] param () Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "=========================================================================" } function Write-SectionHeader { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [System.String] $Message ) Write-DarkGrayLine Write-DarkGrayDate Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan $Message } function Write-SectionSuccess { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [System.String] $Message = 'Success!' ) Write-DarkGrayDate Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $Message } #endregion #region Set Post-Merge Defaults $Global:OSDCloud.Version = [Version](Get-Module -Name OSD -ListAvailable | Sort-Object Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Version if ($Global:OSDCloud.RecoveryPartition -eq $true) { $Global:OSDCloud.SkipRecoveryPartition = [bool]$false } if ($Global:OSDCloud.restartComputer -eq $true) { $Global:OSDCloud.Restart = [bool]$true } if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipAllDiskSteps -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.SkipAllDiskSteps = $true' $Global:OSDCloud.SkipClearDisk = $true $Global:OSDCloud.SkipNewOSDisk = $true } if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $false) { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.IsWinPE = $false' $Global:OSDCloud.SkipClearDisk = $true $Global:OSDCloud.SkipNewOSDisk = $true } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ZTI -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.ZTI = $true' $Global:OSDCloud.ClearDiskConfirm = $false } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.Logs Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud Logs' $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = $Global:OSDCloud.Logs ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE) { if (-not (Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.Logs)) { $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } } #endregion #endregion #region Initialize Gary #region Global:OSDCloud.DebugMode if ($Global:OSDCloud.DebugMode -eq $true){ Write-SectionHeader "DebugMode Write OSDCloud Vars" Write-DarkGrayHost "Writing OSDCloud Variables to $($env:temp)\OSDCloudVars.log" $OSDCloud | Out-File $env:temp\OSDCloudVars.log } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.SplashScreen if ($Global:OSDCloud.SplashScreen -eq $true){ Write-SectionHeader "Setup SplashScreen" $RegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\OSDCloud" if (!(Test-Path -Path $RegPath)){New-Item -Path $RegPath -Force} New-ItemProperty -Path $RegPath -Name "OSVersion" -Value $Global:OSDCloud.OSVersion New-ItemProperty -Path $RegPath -Name "OSReleaseID" -Value $Global:OSDCloud.OSReleaseID New-ItemProperty -Path $RegPath -Name "OSEdition" -Value $Global:OSDCloud.OSEdition New-ItemProperty -Path $RegPath -Name "OSLicense" -Value $Global:OSDCloud.OSActivation New-ItemProperty -Path $RegPath -Name "OSActivation" -Value $Global:OSDCloud.OSActivation } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.SetWiFi if ($Global:OSDCloud.SetWiFi -eq $true){ Write-SectionHeader "Gathering WiFi Information" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Please Supply the SSID & Press Enter - CASE SENSITIVE" if (!($SSID)){$SSID = Read-Host} Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Please Supply the Password & Press Enter - CASE SENSITIVE" if (!($PSK)){$PSK = Read-Host -AsSecureString} } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.MS365Install if ($Global:OSDCloud.MS365Install -eq $true){ Write-SectionHeader "Gathering M365 Information" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "Please Supply the CompanyName & Press Enter - CASE SENSITIVE" if (!($M365CompanyName)){$M365CompanyName = Read-Host} if ($M365CompanyName -eq ""){$M365CompanyName = "Organization"} } #endregion #endregion #region Initialize David #region Global:OSDCloud.ScriptStartup <# David Segura These scripts will be in the OSDCloud Workspace in Config\Scripts\Startup When Edit-OSDCloudWinPE is executed then these files should be copied to the mounted WinPE In WinPE, the scripts will exist in X:\OSDCloud\Config\Scripts\* #> $Global:OSDCloud.ScriptStartup = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne 'C'} | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem "$($_.Root)OSDCloud\Config\Scripts\Startup\" -Include "*.ps1" -File -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ScriptStartup) { Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud Config Startup Scripts' $Global:OSDCloud.ScriptStartup = $Global:OSDCloud.ScriptStartup | Sort-Object -Property FullName foreach ($Item in $Global:OSDCloud.ScriptStartup) { Write-DarkGrayHost "$($Item.FullName)" & "$($Item.FullName)" } } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.AutomateAutopilot $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateAutopilot = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne 'C'} | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem "$($_.Root)OSDCloud\Automate" -Include "AutopilotConfigurationFile.json" -File -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutomateAutopilot) { Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud Automate Autopilot Configuration' $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateAutopilot = $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateAutopilot | Sort-Object -Property FullName | Select-Object -First 1 foreach ($Item in $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateAutopilot) { Write-DarkGrayHost "$($Item.FullName)" } } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.AutomateProvisioning $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateProvisioning = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne 'C'} | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem "$($_.Root)OSDCloud\Automate\Provisioning" -Include "*.ppkg" -File -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutomateProvisioning) { Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud Automate Provisioning Packages' $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateProvisioning = $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateProvisioning | Sort-Object -Property FullName foreach ($Item in $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateProvisioning) { Write-DarkGrayHost "$($Item.FullName)" } } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.AutomateStartupScript #This is for testing only $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateStartupScript = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne 'C'} | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem "$($_.Root)OSDCloud\Automate\Startup" -Include "*.ps1" -File -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutomateStartupScript) { Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud Automate Startup Scripts' $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateStartupScript = $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateStartupScript | Sort-Object -Property FullName foreach ($Item in $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateStartupScript) { Write-DarkGrayHost "$($Item.FullName)" } } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.AutomateShutdownScript #This is for testing only $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateShutdownScript = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne 'C'} | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem "$($_.Root)OSDCloud\Automate\Shutdown" -Include "*.ps1" -File -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutomateShutdownScript) { Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud Automate Shutdown Scripts' $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateShutdownScript = $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateShutdownScript | Sort-Object -Property FullName foreach ($Item in $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateShutdownScript) { Write-DarkGrayHost "$($Item.FullName)" } } #endregion #endregion #region Validation #region Validate Operating System Source Write-SectionHeader "Validate Operating System Source" $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $false if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage) { $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $true } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileItem) { $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $true } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination) { $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $true } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl) { $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $true } if ($Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed -eq $false) { Write-Warning "OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "An Operating System Source was not specified by any required Variables" Write-Warning "Invoke-OSDCloud should not be run directly unless you know what you are doing" Write-Warning "Try using Start-OSDCloud, Start-OSDCloudGUI, or Start-OSDCloudAzure" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } else { #Write-SectionSuccess } #endregion #region Autopilot Profiles if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipAutopilot -ne $true) { Write-SectionHeader "Validate Autopilot Configuration" if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject) { Write-DarkGrayHost 'Importing AutopilotJsonObject' } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonUrl) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Importing Autopilot Configuration $($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonUrl)" if (Test-WebConnection -Uri $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonUrl) { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonUrl).Content | ConvertFrom-Json } } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem) { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem = Find-OSDCloudFile -Name $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem.Name -Path '\OSDCloud\Autopilot\Profiles\' | Sort-Object FullName $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem += Find-OSDCloudFile -Name $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem.Name -Path '\OSDCloud\Config\AutopilotJSON\' | Sort-Object FullName $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem = $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "C*"} | Select-Object -First 1 if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem) { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject = Get-Content $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json } } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonName) { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem = Find-OSDCloudFile -Name $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonName -Path '\OSDCloud\Autopilot\Profiles\' | Sort-Object FullName $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem += Find-OSDCloudFile -Name $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonName -Path '\OSDCloud\Config\AutopilotJSON\' | Sort-Object FullName $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem = $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "C*"} | Select-Object -First 1 if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem) { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject = Get-Content $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json } } else { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem = Find-OSDCloudFile -Name "*.json" -Path '\OSDCloud\Autopilot\Profiles\' | Sort-Object FullName $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem += Find-OSDCloudFile -Name "*.json" -Path '\OSDCloud\Config\AutopilotJSON\' | Sort-Object FullName $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem = $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "C*"} if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem) { if ($Global:OSDCloud.ZTI -eq $true) { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem = $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem | Select-Object -First 1 } else { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem = Select-OSDCloudAutopilotJsonItem } if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem) { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject = Get-Content $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json } } } if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject) { Write-DarkGrayHost "OSDCloud will apply the following Autopilot Configuration as AutopilotConfigurationFile.json" $($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject) | Out-Host | Format-List } else { Write-Warning "AutopilotConfigurationFile.json will not be configured for this deployment" } } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipODT -ne $true) { $Global:OSDCloud.ODTFiles = Find-OSDCloudODTFile if ($Global:OSDCloud.ODTFiles) { Write-SectionHeader "Select Office Deployment Tool Configuration" $Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile = Select-OSDCloudODTFile if ($Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Office Config: $($Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile.FullName)" } else { Write-Warning "OSDCloud Office Config will not be configured for this deployment" } } } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE Write-SectionHeader "Validate WinPE" if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $false) { Write-Warning "OSDCloud can only be run from WinPE" Write-Warning "OSDCloud is running in Test mode" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } #endregion #endregion #region Disk #region Validate Fixed Disk Write-SectionHeader 'Validate Fixed Disks' $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $false $Global:OSDCloud.GetDiskFixed = Get-LocalDisk | Where-Object {$_.IsBoot -eq $false} | Sort-Object Number if ($Global:OSDCloud.GetDiskFixed) { $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $true } else { $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $false } if ($Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed -eq $false) { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "Unable to locate a Fixed Disk. You may need to add additional HDC Drivers to WinPE" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } else { #Write-SectionSuccess } #endregion #region Remove-PartitionAccessPath <# Partition Access Paths are being removed from USB Drive Letters This prevents issues when Drive Letters are reassigned #> $Global:OSDCloud.USBPartitions = Get-USBPartition if ($Global:OSDCloud.USBPartitions) { Write-SectionHeader "Removing USB drive letters" if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { foreach ($USBPartition in $Global:OSDCloud.USBPartitions) { $RemovePartitionAccessPath = @{ AccessPath = "$($USBPartition.DriveLetter):" DiskNumber = $USBPartition.DiskNumber PartitionNumber = $USBPartition.PartitionNumber } Remove-PartitionAccessPath @RemovePartitionAccessPath -ErrorAction Stop Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 } } } #endregion #region Clear-Disk <# Fixed Disks must be cleared before new partitions can be created #> Write-SectionHeader "Clear-Disk" if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipClearDisk -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.SkipClearDisk = $true' } if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipClearDisk -eq $false) { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.SkipClearDisk = $false' if (($Global:OSDCloud.GetDiskFixed | Measure-Object).Count -ge 2) { Write-DarkGrayHost 'More than 1 Fixed Disk is present, Clear-Disk Confirm is required' $Global:OSDCloud.ClearDiskConfirm = $true } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ClearDiskConfirm -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.ClearDiskConfirm = $true' Clear-LocalDisk -Force -NoResults -ErrorAction Stop } else { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.ClearDiskConfirm = $false' Clear-LocalDisk -Force -NoResults -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } } #endregion #region New-OSDisk <# New Partitions will be created using Microsoft Standard Layout #> Write-SectionHeader "New-OSDisk" if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipNewOSDisk -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.SkipNewOSDisk = $true' } if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipNewOSDisk -eq $false) { if ($Global:OSDCloud.DiskPart -eq $true) { Start-OSDDiskPart Write-Host "=========================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "| SYSTEM | MSR | WINDOWS | RECOVERY |" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "=========================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan $LocalVolumes = Get-Volume | Where-Object {$_.DriveType -eq "Fixed"} Write-Output $LocalVolumes } else { if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipRecoveryPartition -eq $true) { New-OSDisk -PartitionStyle GPT -NoRecoveryPartition -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "=========================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "| SYSTEM | MSR | WINDOWS |" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "=========================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan } else { New-OSDisk -PartitionStyle GPT -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "=========================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "| SYSTEM | MSR | WINDOWS | RECOVERY |" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "=========================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan #Wait a few seconds to make sure the Disk is set Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } } #Make sure that there is a PSDrive if (-NOT (Get-PSDrive -Name 'C')) { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "New-OSDisk didn't work. There is no PSDrive FileSystem at C:\" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } } #endregion #region Add-PartitionAccessPath if ($Global:OSDCloud.USBPartitions) { Write-SectionHeader 'Restoring USB Drive Letters' if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { foreach ($USBPartition in $Global:OSDCloud.USBPartitions) { $ParamAddPartitionAccessPath = @{ AssignDriveLetter = $true DiskNumber = $USBPartition.DiskNumber PartitionNumber = $USBPartition.PartitionNumber } Add-PartitionAccessPath @ParamAddPartitionAccessPath; Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } } } #endregion #endregion Disk #region Global:OSDCloud.ScreenshotCapture if ($Global:OSDCloud.ScreenshotCapture) { Write-SectionHeader "Moving Screenshots to C:\OSDCloud\Screenshots" Write-Verbose -Message "" Stop-ScreenPNGProcess Invoke-Exe robocopy "$($Global:OSDCloud.ScreenshotPath)" C:\OSDCloud\Screenshots *.* /s /ndl /nfl /njh /njs Start-ScreenPNGProcess -Directory 'C:\OSDCloud\Screenshots' $Global:OSDCloud.ScreenshotPath = 'C:\OSDCloud\Screenshots' } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.Transcript Write-SectionHeader "Saving PowerShell Transcript to C:\OSDCloud\Logs" Write-Verbose -Message "" if (-NOT (Test-Path 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs')) { New-Item -Path 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs' -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } $Global:OSDCloud.Transcript = "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss'))-Deploy-OSDCloud.log" Start-Transcript -Path (Join-Path 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs' $Global:OSDCloud.Transcript) -ErrorAction Ignore #endregion #region Powercfg High Performance # Write-SectionHeader "Powercfg High Performance" if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsOnBattery -eq $true) { $Win32Battery = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Battery -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -Property *) if ($Win32Battery.BatteryStatus -eq 1) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Device has $($Win32Battery.EstimatedChargeRemaining)% battery remaining" } Write-DarkGrayHost "High Performance will not be enabled while on battery" } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $false) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Device is not running in WinPE. Performance will not be adjusted" } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.Debug -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Device is running in debug mode. Performance will not be adjusted" } else { Write-DarkGrayHost "Enable powercfg High Performance" Invoke-Exe powercfg.exe -SetActive 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c } #endregion #region Windows Image #region Copy-Item Offline WindowsImage if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileItem) { Write-SectionHeader "Copy Offline Windows Image (Copy-Item)" Write-Verbose -Message "Copying Microsoft Windows Image from Offline Source" #It's possible that Drive Letters may have changed if a USB is used #Check to see if the image file exists already after the USB Drive has been reinitialized if (Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileItem.FullName) { $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource = Get-Item -Path $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileItem.FullName } #Set the ImageFile Name if it does not exist if (!($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileName)) { $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileName = Split-Path -Path $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileItem.FullName -Leaf } #If the Source did not exist after the USB, have to do a best guess if (!($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource)) { $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource = Find-OSDCloudFile -Name $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileName -Path (Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileItem.FullName -Parent) -NoQualifier) | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "C:*"} | Select-Object -First 1 } #Now that we have an ImageFileSource, everything is good if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource) { Write-DarkGrayHost "-Source $($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource.FullName)" if (!(Test-Path 'C:\OSDCloud\OS')) { New-Item -Path 'C:\OSDCloud\OS' -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } Copy-Item -Path $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource.FullName -Destination 'C:\OSDCloud\OS' -Force if (Test-Path "C:\OSDCloud\OS\$($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource.Name)") { $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Get-Item -Path "C:\OSDCloud\OS\$($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource.Name)" } } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination) { Write-DarkGrayHost "-Destination $($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName)" $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl = $null } else { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "Could not copy the Windows Image to C:\OSDCloud\OS" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } } #endregion #region Get-OSDCloudOperatingSystems if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage) { #AzOSDCloud } elseif (!($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination) -and (!($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl))) { Write-SectionHeader "Get-OSDCloudOperatingSystems" Write-Warning "Invoke-OSDCloud was not set properly with an OS to Download" Write-Warning "You should be using Start-OSDCloud or Start-OSDCloudGUI" Write-Warning "Invoke-OSDCloud should not be run directly unless you know what you are doing" Write-Warning "Windows 10 Enterprise is being downloaded and installed out of convenience only" if (!($Global:OSDCloud.GetFeatureUpdate)) { $Global:OSDCloud.GetFeatureUpdate = Get-FeatureUpdate } if ($Global:OSDCloud.GetFeatureUpdate) { $Global:OSDCloud.GetFeatureUpdate = $Global:OSDCloud.GetFeatureUpdate | Select-Object -Property CreationDate,KBNumber,Title,UpdateOS,UpdateBuild,UpdateArch,FileName, @{Name='SizeMB';Expression={[int]($_.Size /1024/1024)}},FileUri,Hash,AdditionalHash $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileName = $Global:OSDCloud.GetFeatureUpdate.FileName $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl = $Global:OSDCloud.GetFeatureUpdate.FileUri $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = 6 } else { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "Unable to locate a Windows Feature Update" Write-Warning "OSDCloud cannot continue" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } } #endregion #region WindowsImage Download Azure Storage if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage) { Write-SectionHeader "OSDCloud Azure Storage Windows Image Download" $Global:OSDCloud.DownloadDirectory = "C:\OSDCloud\Azure\$($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage.BlobClient.AccountName)\$($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage.BlobClient.BlobContainerName)" $Global:OSDCloud.DownloadName = $(Split-Path $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage.Name -Leaf) $Global:OSDCloud.DownloadFullName = "$($Global:OSDCloud.DownloadDirectory)\$($Global:OSDCloud.DownloadName)" #Export Image Information $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs\AzOSDCloudImage.json' -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 $ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent = @{ CloudBlob = $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage.ICloudBlob Context = $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage.Context Destination = $Global:OSDCloud.DownloadFullName Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $ParamGetItem = @{ Path = $Global:OSDCloud.DownloadFullName ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = $Global:OSDCloud.DownloadDirectory ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if (Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.DownloadFullName) { Write-DarkGrayHost -Message "$($Global:OSDCloud.DownloadFullName) already exists" $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Get-Item @ParamGetItem | Select-Object -First 1 | Select-Object -First 1 if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage.Length -eq $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.Length) { Write-DarkGrayHost -Message "Destination file size matches Azure Storage, skipping previous download" } else { Write-DarkGrayHost -Message "Existing file does not match Azure Storage, downloading updated file" try { Get-AzStorageBlobContent @ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent } catch { Get-AzStorageBlobContent @ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent } } } else { if (-not (Test-Path "$($Global:OSDCloud.DownloadDirectory)")) { Write-DarkGrayHost -Message "Creating directory $($Global:OSDCloud.DownloadDirectory)" $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } try { Get-AzStorageBlobContent @ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent } catch { Get-AzStorageBlobContent @ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent } } $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Get-Item @ParamGetItem | Select-Object -First 1 | Select-Object -First 1 } #endregion #region WindowsImage Download if (!($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination) -and ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl)) { Write-SectionHeader "Download Operating System" Write-DarkGrayHost "$($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl)" $null = New-Item -Path 'C:\OSDCloud\OS' -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore if (Test-WebConnection -Uri $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl) { if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileName) { #================================================= # Cache to USB #================================================= $OSDCloudUSB = Get-USBVolume | Where-Object {($_.FileSystemLabel -match 'OSDCloud') -or ($_.FileSystemLabel -match 'BHIMAGE')} | Where-Object {$_.SizeGB -ge 8} | Where-Object {$_.SizeRemainingGB -ge 5} | Select-Object -First 1 if ($OSDCloudUSB -and $Global:OSDCloud.OSVersion -and $Global:OSDCloud.OSReleaseID) { $OSDownloadChildPath = "$($OSDCloudUSB.DriveLetter):\OSDCloud\OS\$($Global:OSDCloud.OSVersion) $($Global:OSDCloud.OSReleaseID)" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Downloading to OSDCloudUSB at $OSDownloadChildPath" $OSDCloudUsbOS = Save-WebFile -SourceUrl $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl -DestinationDirectory "$OSDownloadChildPath" -DestinationName $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileName if ($OSDCloudUsbOS) { Write-SectionHeader "Copying Operating System to C:\OSDCloud\OS\$($OSDCloudUsbOS.Name)" $null = Copy-Item -Path $OSDCloudUsbOS.FullName -Destination "C:\OSDCloud\OS" -Force $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Get-Item "C:\OSDCloud\OS\$($OSDCloudUsbOS.Name)" } } else { $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Save-WebFile -SourceUrl $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl -DestinationDirectory 'C:\OSDCloud\OS' -DestinationName $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileName -ErrorAction Stop } } else { $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Save-WebFile -SourceUrl $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl -DestinationDirectory 'C:\OSDCloud\OS' -ErrorAction Stop } if (!(Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName)) { $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\OSDCloud\OS\*' -Include *.wim,*.esd,*.iso | Select-Object -First 1 } } else { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "Could not verify an Internet connection for the Windows ImageFile" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination) { Write-Verbose -Message "ImageFileDestination: $($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName)" } } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination if (-not ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination)) { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "The Windows Image Source did not download properly to the Destination" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } #endregion #region ISO Disk Image File if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.Extension -eq '.iso') { Write-SectionHeader "OSDCloud Windows ISO Deployment" $Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetDiskImage = Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName #ISO is already mounted (which should not be happening) if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetDiskImage.Attached) { $Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetVolume = $Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetDiskImage | Get-Volume Write-DarkGrayHost "Windows ISO is attached to Drive Letter $($Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetVolume.DriveLetter)" } else { Write-DarkGrayHost "Mounting Windows ISO $($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName)" $Global:OSDCloud.IsoMountDiskImage = Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsoMountDiskImage.Attached) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 $Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetVolume = $Global:OSDCloud.IsoMountDiskImage | Get-Volume Write-DarkGrayHost "Windows ISO is attached to Drive Letter $($Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetVolume.DriveLetter)" } else { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "The Windows ISO did not mount properly" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } } $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetVolume.DriveLetter):\*" -Include *.wim,*.esd -Recurse | Sort-Object Length -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 if (-not ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination)) { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "Unable to find a WIM or ESD file on the Mounted Windows ISO" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } } #endregion #region Validate WindowsImage Index Write-SectionHeader "Validate WindowsImage Index" if (Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName) { $Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImage = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName -ErrorAction Stop $Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImageCount = ($Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImage).Count #Bad Image if ($null -eq $Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImageCount) { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "Could not read the Windows Image properly" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Stop-Computer -Force Exit } #TODO: Make sure the ImageIndex is 1 elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImageCount -eq 1) { $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = 1 } #AUTO ImageIndex elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex -match 'AUTO') { $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = 'AUTO' } elseif (-not ($Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex)) { $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = 'AUTO' } elseif ($null -eq $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex) { $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = 'AUTO' } if ($Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex -ne 'AUTO') { #Home Single Language Correction if (($OSActivation -eq 'Retail') -and ($Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImageCount -eq 9)) { if ($OSEdition -eq 'Home Single Language') { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "This ESD does not contain a Home Single Edition Index" Write-Warning "Restart OSDCloud and select a different Edition" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Stop-Computer -Force Exit } if ($OSEdition -notmatch 'Home') { Write-DarkGrayHost "This ESD does not contain a Home Single Edition Index" Write-DarkGrayHost "Adjusting selected ImageIndex by -1" $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = ($Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex - 1) Write-DarkGrayHost "ImageIndex: $($Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex)" } } } } else { #================================================= # FAILED #================================================= Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "Could not find a proper Windows Image for deployment" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } if ($Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex -eq 'AUTO') { Write-SectionHeader "Select the Windows Image to expand" $SelectedWindowsImage = $Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImage | Where-Object {$_.ImageSize -gt 3000000000} if ($SelectedWindowsImage) { $SelectedWindowsImage | Select-Object -Property ImageIndex, ImageName | Format-Table | Out-Host do { $SelectReadHost = Read-Host -Prompt "Select an Image to apply by ImageIndex [Number]" } until (((($SelectReadHost -ge 0) -and ($SelectReadHost -in $SelectedWindowsImage.ImageIndex)))) #$Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = $SelectedWindowsImage | Where-Object {$_.ImageIndex -eq $SelectReadHost} $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = $SelectReadHost } } else { $Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImage | Where-Object {$_.ImageSize -gt 3000000000} | Select-Object -Property ImageIndex, ImageName | Format-Table | Out-Host } #endregion #region Expand-WindowsImage Write-SectionHeader "Expand-WindowsImage" Write-DarkGrayHost "ApplyPath: 'C:\'" Write-DarkGrayHost "ImagePath: $($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName)" Write-DarkGrayHost "Index: $($Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex)" Write-DarkGrayHost "ScratchDirectory: 'C:\OSDCloud\Temp'" $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = 'C:\OSDCloud\Temp' ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if (-NOT (Test-Path 'C:\OSDCloud\Temp')) { Write-DarkGrayHost -Message 'Creating ScratchDirectory C:\OSDCloud\Temp' $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } $ExpandWindowsImage = @{ ApplyPath = 'C:\' ImagePath = $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName Index = $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex ScratchDirectory = 'C:\OSDCloud\Temp' ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $Global:OSDCloud.ExpandWindowsImage = $ExpandWindowsImage if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost -Message 'Expand-WindowsImage' Expand-WindowsImage @ExpandWindowsImage } #endregion #region Get-WindowsEdition if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { Write-SectionHeader 'Get-WindowsEdition' $WindowsEdition = (Get-WindowsEdition -Path 'C:\' | Out-String).Trim() $WindowsEdition | Write-Host } #endregion #region BCDBoot if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { Write-SectionHeader 'BCDBoot' # #Updated configuration that should clear existing UEFI Boot entires and fix the Dell issue Invoke-Exe C:\Windows\System32\bcdboot.exe C:\Windows /v /c } #endregion #endregion WindowsImage #region Content Directories Write-SectionHeader 'Create Content Directories' if (-NOT (Test-Path 'C:\Drivers')) { $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = 'C:\Drivers' ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Write-DarkGrayHost -Message 'Creating C:\Drivers' $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } if (-NOT (Test-Path 'C:\OSDCloud\Packages')) { $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = 'C:\OSDCloud\Packages' ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Write-DarkGrayHost -Message 'Creating C:\OSDCloud\Packages' $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } if (-NOT (Test-Path 'C:\OSDCloud\Scripts')) { $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = 'C:\OSDCloud\Scripts' ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Write-DarkGrayHost -Message 'Creating C:\OSDCloud\Scripts' $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } if (-NOT (Test-Path 'C:\Windows\Panther')) { $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = 'C:\Windows\Panther' ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Write-DarkGrayHost -Message 'Creating C:\Windows\Panther' $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } if (-NOT (Test-Path 'C:\Windows\Provisioning\Autopilot')) { $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = 'C:\Windows\Provisioning\Autopilot' ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Write-DarkGrayHost -Message 'Creating C:\Windows\Provisioning\Autopilot' $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } if (-NOT (Test-Path 'C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts')) { $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = 'C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts' ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Write-DarkGrayHost -Message 'Creating C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts' $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } #endregion #region Get-OSDCloudDriverPack Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud DriverPack' #Check the Global Variables for a Driver Pack name if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackName) { if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackName -match 'None') { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack is set to None" $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack = $null } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackName -match 'Microsoft Update Catalog') { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack is set to Microsoft Update Catalog" $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack = $null } else { $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack = Get-OSDCloudDriverPacks | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackName} | Select-Object -First 1 } } else { if ($Global:OSDCloud.Product) { $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack = Get-OSDCloudDriverPack -Product $Global:OSDCloud.Product | Select-Object -First 1 } else { $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack = Get-OSDCloudDriverPack | Select-Object -First 1 } } if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack) { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack has been matched to $($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.Name)" $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackBaseName = ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.FileName).Split('.')[0] } if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudBlobDriverPack -and $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackBaseName) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Searching for DriverPack in Azure Storage" $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack = $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudBlobDriverPack | Where-Object {$_.Name -match $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackBaseName} | Select-Object -First 1 if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack) { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack has been located in Azure Storage" $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs\AzOSDCloudDriverPack.json' -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 } } if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack) { $SaveMyDriverPack = $null $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackBaseName = ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.FileName).Split('.')[0] Write-DarkGrayHost "Matching DriverPack identified" Write-DarkGrayHost "-Name $($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.Name)" Write-DarkGrayHost "-BaseName $($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackBaseName)" Write-DarkGrayHost "-Product $($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.Product)" Write-DarkGrayHost "-FileName $($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.FileName)" Write-DarkGrayHost "-Url $($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.Url)" $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline = Find-OSDCloudFile -Name $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.FileName -Path '\OSDCloud\DriverPacks\' | Sort-Object FullName $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline = $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "C*"} | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "X*"} | Select-Object -First 1 if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline) { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack is available on OSDCloudUSB and will not be downloaded" Write-DarkGrayHost $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.Name Write-DarkGrayHost $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline.FullName #$Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackSource = Find-OSDCloudFile -Name (Split-Path -Path $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline -Leaf) -Path (Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline.FullName -Parent) -NoQualifier) | Select-Object -First 1 $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackSource = $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline } if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackSource) { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack is being copied from OSDCloudUSB at $($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackSource.FullName) to C:\Drivers" Copy-Item -Path $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackSource.FullName -Destination 'C:\Drivers' -Force $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackExpand = $true } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack) { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack is being downloaded from Azure Storage to C:\Drivers" try { Get-AzStorageBlobContent -CloudBlob $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack.ICloudBlob -Context $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack.Context -Destination "C:\Drivers\$(Split-Path $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack.Name -Leaf)" } catch { Get-AzStorageBlobContent -CloudBlob $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack.ICloudBlob -Context $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack.Context -Destination "C:\Drivers\$(Split-Path $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack.Name -Leaf)" } $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackExpand = $true } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.Guid) { $SaveMyDriverPack = Save-MyDriverPack -DownloadPath 'C:\Drivers' -Expand -Guid $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.Guid } if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackExpand) { $DriverPacks = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Drivers' -File foreach ($Item in $DriverPacks) { $SaveMyDriverPack = $Item.FullName $ExpandFile = $Item.FullName Write-Verbose -Verbose "DriverPack: $ExpandFile" #================================================= # Cab #================================================= if ($Item.Extension -eq '.cab') { $DestinationPath = Join-Path $Item.Directory $Item.BaseName if (-NOT (Test-Path "$DestinationPath")) { New-Item $DestinationPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack CAB is being expanded to $DestinationPath" Expand -R "$ExpandFile" -F:* "$DestinationPath" | Out-Null } Continue } #================================================= # Zip #================================================= if ($Item.Extension -eq '.zip') { $DestinationPath = Join-Path $Item.Directory $Item.BaseName if (-NOT (Test-Path "$DestinationPath")) { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack ZIP is being expanded to $DestinationPath" Expand-Archive -Path $ExpandFile -DestinationPath $DestinationPath -Force } Continue } #================================================= # Dell Update Package #================================================= if ($Item.Extension -eq '.exe' -and $Global:OSDCloud.Manufacturer -eq 'Dell') { $DestinationPath = Join-Path $Item.Directory $Item.BaseName if (-NOT (Test-Path "$DestinationPath")) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Dell Update Package is being expanded to $DestinationPath" Start-Process -FilePath $ExpandFile -ArgumentList "/s /e=$DestinationPath" -Wait } Continue } #================================================= } } if ($SaveMyDriverPack) { if (-not ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackSource)) { #================================================= # Cache to OSDCloudUSB #================================================= $OSDCloudUSB = Get-USBVolume | Where-Object {($_.FileSystemLabel -match 'OSDCloud') -or ($_.FileSystemLabel -match 'BHIMAGE')} | Where-Object {$_.SizeGB -ge 8} | Where-Object {$_.SizeRemainingGB -ge 2} | Select-Object -First 1 if ($OSDCloudUSB) { $OSDCloudUSBDestination = "$($OSDCloudUSB.DriveLetter):\OSDCloud\DriverPacks\$($Global:OSDCloud.Manufacturer)" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Copying Driver Pack to OSDCloudUSB at $OSDCloudUSBDestination" If (! (Test-Path $OSDCloudUSBDestination)) { $null = New-Item -Path $OSDCloudUSBDestination -ItemType Directory -Force } $null = Copy-Item -Path $SaveMyDriverPack.FullName -Destination $OSDCloudUSBDestination -Force -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop } } } } #endregion #region Save-SystemFirmwareUpdate Write-SectionHeader "Microsoft Update Catalog Firmware" if ($OSDCloud.IsOnBattery -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Microsoft Update Catalog Firmware is not enabled for devices on battery power" } elseif ($OSDCloud.IsVirtualMachine) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Microsoft Update Catalog Firmware is not enabled for Virtual Machines" } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.MSCatalogFirmware -eq $false) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Microsoft Update Catalog Firmware is not enabled for this deployment" } else { if (Test-MicrosoftUpdateCatalog) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Firmware Updates will be downloaded from Microsoft Update Catalog to C:\Drivers\Firmware" Write-DarkGrayHost "Some systems do not support a driver Firmware Update" Write-DarkGrayHost "You may have to enable this setting in your BIOS or Firmware Settings" Save-SystemFirmwareUpdate -DestinationDirectory 'C:\Drivers\Firmware' } else { Write-Warning "Unable to download or find firware for his Device" } } #endregion #region Save-MsUpCatDriver Write-SectionHeader "Microsoft Update Catalog Drivers" if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackName -eq 'None') { Write-DarkGrayHost "Drivers from Microsoft Update Catalog will not be applied for this deployment" } else { if (Test-MicrosoftUpdateCatalog) { $DestinationDirectory = 'C:\Drivers\MsUpCatDrivers' if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackName -eq 'Microsoft Update Catalog') { Write-DarkGrayHost "Drivers for all devices will be downloaded from Microsoft Update Catalog to $DestinationDirectory" Save-MsUpCatDriver -DestinationDirectory $DestinationDirectory } elseif ($null -eq $SaveMyDriverPack) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Drivers for all devices will be downloaded from Microsoft Update Catalog to $DestinationDirectory" Save-MsUpCatDriver -DestinationDirectory $DestinationDirectory } else { if ($OSDCloud.MSCatalogDiskDrivers) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Drivers for PNPClass DiskDrive will be downloaded from Microsoft Update Catalog to $DestinationDirectory" Save-MsUpCatDriver -DestinationDirectory $DestinationDirectory -PNPClass 'DiskDrive' } if ($OSDCloud.MSCatalogNetDrivers) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Drivers for PNPClass Net will be downloaded from Microsoft Update Catalog to $DestinationDirectory" Save-MsUpCatDriver -DestinationDirectory $DestinationDirectory -PNPClass 'Net' } if ($OSDCloud.MSCatalogScsiDrivers) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Drivers for PNPClass SCSIAdapter will be downloaded from Microsoft Update Catalog to $DestinationDirectory" Save-MsUpCatDriver -DestinationDirectory $DestinationDirectory -PNPClass 'SCSIAdapter' } } } } #endregion #region Add-OfflineServicingWindowsDriver Write-SectionHeader "Add Windows Driver with Offline Servicing (Add-OfflineServicingWindowsDriver)" Write-Verbose -Message "" Write-DarkGrayHost "Drivers in C:\Drivers are being added to the offline Windows Image" Write-DarkGrayHost "This process can take up to 20 minutes" Write-Verbose -Message "Add-OfflineServicingWindowsDriver" if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { Add-OfflineServicingWindowsDriver } #endregion #region Invoke-OSDCloudDriverPackPPKG if ($Global:OSDCloud.OSDCloudUnattend -eq $true) { Write-SectionHeader "Set Specialize Unattend.xml (Set-OSDCloudUnattendSpecialize)" Write-DarkGrayHost "C:\Windows\Panther\Invoke-OSDSpecialize.xml is being applied as an Unattend file" Write-DarkGrayHost "This will enable the extraction and installation of HP, Lenovo, and Microsoft Surface Drivers if necessary" if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { if ($Global:OSDCloud.DevMode -eq $true){ Write-DarkGrayHost "Running in DEV Mode, running Set-OSDCloudUnattendSpecializeDEV instead" Set-OSDCloudUnattendSpecializeDev } else { Set-OSDCloudUnattendSpecialize #Set-OSDxCloudUnattendSpecialize -Verbose } } } else { Write-SectionHeader "OSDCloud DriverPack Provisioning Package" Write-DarkGrayHost "This will enable the extraction and installation of HP, Dell, Lenovo, and Microsoft Surface Drivers" Invoke-OSDCloudDriverPackPPKG } #endregion #region GaryB - Create SetupComplete.cmd if (Test-WebConnection -Uri "") { $WebConnection = $True } if (!($SSID)){ $SSID = Get-WiFiActiveProfileSSID if ($SSID){ $PSK = Get-WiFiProfileKey -SSID $SSID if ($PSK){ $Global:OSDCloud.SetWiFi = $true } } } if ($Global:OSDCloud.SetWiFi -eq $true){ Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Adding WiFi Tasks into JSON Config File for Action during Specialize" $PSKText = [System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new("", $PSK).Password $HashTable = @{ 'Addons' = @{ 'SSID' = $SSID 'PSK' = $PSKText } } $HashVar = $HashTable | ConvertTo-Json $ConfigPath = "c:\osdcloud\configs" $ConfigFile = "$ConfigPath\WiFi.JSON" try {[void][System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($ConfigPath)} catch {} $HashVar | Out-File $ConfigFile } Write-SectionHeader "Creating SetupComplete Files and populating with requested tasks." #Creates the SetupComplete.cmd & SetupComplete.ps1 files in C:\Windows\Setup\scripts #SetupComplete.cmd calls SetupComplete.ps1, which does all of the actual work Set-SetupCompleteCreateStart if ($Global:OSDCloud.SetWiFi -eq $true) { $SetWiFi = $true Set-SetupCompleteSetWiFi } if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { if ($Global:OSDCloud.WindowsDefenderUpdate -eq $true){ if ($WebConnection -eq $True -or $SetWiFi -eq $True){ Write-DarkGrayHost "Configuring Defender Updates for during SetupComplete" Set-SetupCompleteDefenderUpdate } else {Write-DarkGrayHost "No Internet or Future WiFi Configured, disabling Defender Updates"} } if ($Global:OSDCloud.WindowsUpdate -eq $true){ if ($WebConnection -eq $True -or $SetWiFi -eq $True){ Write-DarkGrayHost "Configuring Windows Updates for running during SetupComplete" Set-SetupCompleteStartWindowsUpdate } else {Write-DarkGrayHost "No Internet or Future WiFi Configured, disabling Windows Updates"} } if ($Global:OSDCloud.WindowsUpdateDrivers -eq $true){ if ($WebConnection -eq $True -or $SetWiFi -eq $True){ Write-DarkGrayHost "Configuring Windows Update Drivers for running during SetupComplete" Set-SetupCompleteStartWindowsUpdateDriver } else {Write-DarkGrayHost "No Internet or Future WiFi Configured, disabling Windows Update Driver Updates"} } #Under Development if ($Global:OSDCloud.DevMode -eq $true){ if ($Global:OSDCloud.NetFx3 -eq $true){ if ($WebConnection -eq $True -or $SetWiFi -eq $True){ Write-DarkGrayHost "Configuring NetFX Install for during SetupComplete" Set-SetupCompleteNetFX } else {Write-DarkGrayHost "No Internet or Future WiFi Configured, disabling NetFX Install"} } if ($Global:OSDCloud.SetTimeZone -eq $true){ if ($WebConnection -eq $true){ Set-TimeZoneFromIP } else { Write-DarkGrayHost "Configuring TimeZone Settings for during SetupComplete" Set-SetupCompleteTimeZone } } if ($Global:OSDCloud.OEMActivation -eq $true){ Write-DarkGrayHost "Configuring OEM Activation for during SetupComplete" Set-SetupCompleteOEMActivation } } } #================================================= #region Dell Updates Config for Specialize Phase if (($Global:OSDCloud.DevMode -eq $true) -and ($WebConnection -eq $true)){ if (($Global:OSDCloud.DCUInstall -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.DCUDrivers -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.DCUFirmware -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.DCUBIOS -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.DCUAutoUpdateEnable -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.DellTPMUpdate -eq $true)){ #Set Enable Specialize to be triggered later $EnableSpecialize = $true Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Adding Dell Tasks into JSON Config File for Action during Specialize" Write-DarkGrayHost "Install Dell Command Update = $($Global:OSDCloud.DCUInstall) | Run DCU Drivers = $($Global:OSDCloud.DCUDrivers) | Run DCU Firmware = $($Global:OSDCloud.DCUFirmware)" Write-DarkGrayHost "Run DCU BIOS = $($Global:OSDCloud.DCUBIOS) | Enable DCU Auto Update = $($Global:OSDCloud.DCUAutoUpdateEnable) | DCU TPM Update = $($Global:OSDCloud.DellTPMUpdate) " $HashTable = @{ 'Updates' = @{ 'DCUInstall' = $Global:OSDCloud.DCUInstall 'DCUDrivers' = $Global:OSDCloud.DCUDrivers 'DCUFirmware' = $Global:OSDCloud.DCUFirmware 'DCUBIOS' = $Global:OSDCloud.DCUBIOS 'DCUAutoUpdateEnable' = $Global:OSDCloud.DCUAutoUpdateEnable 'DellTPMUpdate' = $Global:OSDCloud.DellTPMUpdate } } $HashVar = $HashTable | ConvertTo-Json $ConfigPath = "c:\osdcloud\configs" $ConfigFile = "$ConfigPath\DELL.JSON" try {[void][System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($ConfigPath)} catch {} $HashVar | Out-File $ConfigFile } } #endregion #================================================= #region HP Updates Config for Specialize Phase #Set Specialize JSON if (($Global:OSDCloud.HPIAAll -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.HPIADrivers -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.HPIAFirmware -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.HPIASoftware -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.HPTPMUpdate -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate -eq $true)){ if ($WebConnection) { #This all requires the device to be online to download updates if (Test-HPIASupport){ #Set Enable Specialize to be triggered later $EnableSpecialize = $true Write-SectionHeader "HP Enterprise Options Setup" Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray " Confirmed Internet Connectivity" Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray " Confirmed HP Tools Supported [Test-HPIASupport]" $HPFeaturesEnabled = $true write-host -ForegroundColor DarkGray " Confirm HPCMSL Installed [Install-ModuleHPCMSL]" Install-ModuleHPCMSL #If BIOS Update Desired, Confirm Update Available, if Not, set to False if ($Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate -eq $true){ [version]$HPBIOSVersion = Get-HPBIOSVersion [version]$Latest = $((Get-HPBIOSUpdates -Latest).ver) Write-Output "Checking HP BIOS Version via HPCMSL" Write-Output " HP BIOS Ver Available: $Latest" Write-Output " Installed BIOS Ver: $HPBIOSVersion" #If Latest BIOS Available is Less than or Equal to Installed BIOS, Disable BIOS Update if ($Latest -le $HPBIOSVersion){ $Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate = $false } } #Get Sure Admin State $HPSureAdminState = Get-HPSureAdminState -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($HPSureAdminState) {$HPSureAdminMode = $HPSureAdminState.SureAdminMode} if (($Global:OSDCloud.HPTPMUpdate -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate -eq $true)){ if ($HPSureAdminMode -eq "On"){ Write-Host "HP Sure Admin Enabled, Unable to Modify HP BIOS Settings or Perform HP BIOS / TPM Updates" -ForegroundColor Yellow if ($Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate -eq $true){ $Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate = $false #Set to False if Sure Admin Enable $HPBIOSWinUpdate = $true #Attempt to use Windows Update Version Instead } $Global:OSDCloud.HPTPMUpdate = $false } else { #Sure Admin Mode is Off if ($Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate -eq $true){ if (Get-HPBIOSSetupPasswordIsSet){ #Test for BIOS Password Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Device currently has BIOS Setup Password, Attempting to use Get-HPBIOSWindowsUpdate Later in Process" $HPBIOSWinUpdate = $true } else{ #No Password & No Sure Recover and there must be an update, so lets try to update it. Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray "Starting HP BIOS Update Process using HPCMSL [Get-HPBIOSUpdates -Flash -Yes -Offline -BitLocker Ignore]" Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "Current Firmware: $(Get-HPBIOSVersion)" Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "Staging Update: $((Get-HPBIOSUpdates -Latest).ver) " #Details: Get-HPBIOSUpdates -Flash -Yes -Offline -BitLocker Ignore -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate = $false $HPBIOSUpdateNotes = "Attempted in WinPE - Update to $((Get-HPBIOSUpdates -Latest).ver)" } } } } if ($Global:OSDCloud.HPTPMUpdate -eq $true){ Set-HPTPMBIOSSettings if (Get-HPTPMDetermine -ne "False"){ Invoke-HPTPMEXEDownload } else { $Global:OSDCloud.HPTPMUpdate = $false } } if ($Null -eq $Global:OSDCloud.HPIADrivers){$Global:OSDCloud.HPIADrivers = $false} if ($Null -eq $Global:OSDCloud.HPIAFirmware){$Global:OSDCloud.HPIAFirmware = $false} if ($Null -eq $Global:OSDCloud.HPIASoftware){$Global:OSDCloud.HPIASoftware = $false} if ($Null -eq $Global:OSDCloud.HPIAALL){$Global:OSDCloud.HPIAALL = $false} if ($Null -eq $Global:OSDCloud.HPTPMUpdate){$Global:OSDCloud.HPTPMUpdate = $false} if ($Null -eq $Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate){$Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate = $false} if ($Null -eq $HPBIOSUpdateNotes){$HPBIOSUpdateNotes = "NA"} if ($Null -eq $HPBIOSWinUpdate){$HPBIOSWinUpdate = $false} Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "Adding HP Tasks into JSON Config File for Action during Specialize and Setup Complete" Write-DarkGrayHost "HPIA Drivers = $($Global:OSDCloud.HPIADrivers) | HPIA Firmware = $($Global:OSDCloud.HPIAFirmware) | HPIA Software = $($Global:OSDCloud.HPIADrivers) | HPIA All = $($Global:OSDCloud.HPIAAll) " Write-DarkGrayHost "HP TPM Update = $($Global:OSDCloud.HPTPMUpdate) | HP BIOS Update = $($Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate) | HP BIOS WU Update = $HPBIOSWinUpdate" $HPHashTable = @{ 'HPUpdates' = @{ 'HPIADrivers' = $Global:OSDCloud.HPIADrivers 'HPIAFirmware' = $Global:OSDCloud.HPIAFirmware 'HPIASoftware' = $Global:OSDCloud.HPIASoftware 'HPIAAll' = $Global:OSDCloud.HPIAALL 'HPTPMUpdate' = $Global:OSDCloud.HPTPMUpdate 'HPBIOSUpdate' = $Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate 'HPBIOSWinUpdate' = $HPBIOSWinUpdate 'HPBIOSUpdateNotes' = $HPBIOSUpdateNotes } } if (($Global:OSDCloud.HPIAALL -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.HPIADrivers -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.HPIASoftware -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.HPIAFirmware -eq $true)){ Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Running HPIA during Setup Complete will add about 20 Minutes to OOBE (Just a moment...)" } $HPHashVar = $HPHashTable | ConvertTo-Json $ConfigPath = "c:\osdcloud\configs" $ConfigFile = "$ConfigPath\HP.JSON" try {[void][System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($ConfigPath)} catch {} $HPHashVar | Out-File $ConfigFile #Leverage SetupComplete.cmd to run HP Tools Set-SetupCompleteHPAppend } else { Write-DarkGrayHost "Failed Function Test-HPIASupport Function:This is Not a Supported HP Device, Skipping HP Enterprise Functions"} } else { Write-DarkGrayHost "No Interent Found, Skipping HP Device Updates"} } #endregion #================================================= #Extra Items Config for Specialize Phase if (($Global:OSDCloud.PauseSpecialize -eq $true) -and ($Global:OSDCloud.DevMode -eq $true)){ #Set Enable Specialize to be triggered later $EnableSpecialize = $true if ($WebConnection){ Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Adding Pause Tasks into JSON Config File for Action during Specialize" $HashTable = @{ 'Addons' = @{ 'Pause' = $Global:OSDCloud.PauseSpecialize } } $HashVar = $HashTable | ConvertTo-Json $ConfigPath = "c:\osdcloud\configs" $ConfigFile = "$ConfigPath\Extras.JSON" try {[void][System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($ConfigPath)} catch {} $HashVar | Out-File $ConfigFile } } #Required for some HP & Dell Updates - Will get set to True in the Dell / HP sections if needed if ($EnableSpecialize -eq $true){ if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Set-OSDCloudUnattendSpecializeDEV" Set-OSDCloudUnattendSpecializeDev } } #Bitlocker Stuff if ($Global:OSDCloud.Bitlocker -eq $true){ Set-BitlockerRegValuesXTS256 Set-SetupCompleteBitlocker } # HERE #endregion #region AutopilotConfigurationFile.json if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject) { Write-SectionHeader "Applying AutopilotConfigurationFile.json" Write-DarkGrayHost 'C:\Windows\Provisioning\Autopilot\AutopilotConfigurationFile.json' $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Windows\Provisioning\Autopilot\AutopilotConfigurationFile.json' -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force } #endregion #region SetupDisplayedEula Write-SectionHeader "Set SetupDisplayedEula Registry for TPM" Invoke-Exe reg load HKLM\TempSOFTWARE "C:\Windows\System32\Config\SOFTWARE" Invoke-Exe reg add HKLM\TempSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OOBE /v SetupDisplayedEula /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001 /f Invoke-Exe reg unload HKLM\TempSOFTWARE #endregion #region OSDeploy.OOBEDeploy.json if ($Global:OSDCloud.OOBEDeployJsonObject) { Write-SectionHeader "Applying OSDeploy.OOBEDeploy.json" Write-DarkGrayHost 'C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy\OSDeploy.OOBEDeploy.json' If (!(Test-Path "C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy")) { New-Item "C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } $Global:OSDCloud.OOBEDeployJsonObject | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy\OSDeploy.OOBEDeploy.json' -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force #================================================ # WinPE PostOS # Set OOBEDeploy CMD.ps1 #================================================ $SetCommand = @' @echo off :: Set the PowerShell Execution Policy PowerShell -NoL -Com Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force :: Add PowerShell Scripts to the Path set path=%path%;C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts :: Open and Minimize a PowerShell instance just in case start PowerShell -NoL -W Mi :: Install the latest OSD Module start "Install-Module OSD" /wait PowerShell -NoL -C Install-Module OSD -Force -Verbose :: Start-OOBEDeploy :: The next line assumes that you have a configuration saved in C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy\OSDeploy.OOBEDeploy.json start "Start-OOBEDeploy" PowerShell -NoL -C Start-OOBEDeploy exit '@ $SetCommand | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Windows\OOBEDeploy.cmd" -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force } #endregion #region OSDeploy.AutopilotOOBE.json if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotOOBEJsonObject) { Write-SectionHeader "Applying OSDeploy.AutopilotOOBE.json" Write-DarkGrayHost 'C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy\OSDeploy.AutopilotOOBE.json' If (!(Test-Path "C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy")) { New-Item "C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotOOBEJsonObject | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy\OSDeploy.AutopilotOOBE.json' -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force } #endregion #region Stage Office Config <# This region was added to enble installing Office in the Specialize phase It is probably not recommended to run this section, just showing that it is possible Recommended to remove this region by end of 2022 David Segura #> if ($Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile) { Write-SectionHeader "Stage Office Config" if (!(Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTTarget)) { New-Item -Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTTarget -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } if (Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile.FullName) { Copy-Item -Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile.FullName -Destination $Global:OSDCloud.ODTConfigFile -Force } $Global:OSDCloud.ODTSetupFile = Join-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile.Directory 'setup.exe' Write-Verbose -Verbose "ODTSetupFile: $($Global:OSDCloud.ODTSetupFile)" if (Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTSetupFile) { Copy-Item -Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTSetupFile -Destination $Global:OSDCloud.ODTTarget -Force } $Global:OSDCloud.ODTSource = Join-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile.Directory 'Office' Write-Verbose -Verbose "ODTSource: $($Global:OSDCloud.ODTSource)" if (Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTSource) { Invoke-Exe robocopy "$($Global:OSDCloud.ODTSource)" "$($Global:OSDCloud.ODTTargetData)" *.* /s /ndl /nfl /z /b } } #endregion #region Export OS Information <# The goal of this section is to export TXT files that contain information about the deployed Operating System This information can then be reviewed after deployment in C:\OSDCloud\Logs You can use this information to write scripts to remove AppxProvisionedPackage, or perform other tasks This region has no dependencies with anything else in OSDCloud and can be removed if needed David Segura #> if (Get-Command Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -ErrorAction Ignore) { Write-SectionHeader "Export Operating System Information" Write-DarkGrayHost 'Export WinPE PowerShell Commands to C:\OSDCloud\Logs\Get-CommandWinPE.txt' $Report = Get-Command -ErrorAction Ignore | Where-Object {($_.CommandType -eq 'Cmdlet') -or ($_.CommandType -eq 'Function')} | Where-Object {$_.ModuleName -gt 0} | Sort-Object ModuleName, Name, Version $Report | Select-Object ModuleName, Name, Version | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs\Get-CommandWinPE.txt' -Force -Encoding ascii if (Get-Command Get-AppxProvisionedPackage) { Write-DarkGrayHost 'Export Appx Provisioned Packages to C:\OSDCloud\Logs\Get-AppxProvisionedPackage.txt' $Report = Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Path C:\ -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object * | Sort-Object DisplayName $Report | Select-Object DisplayName | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs\Get-AppxProvisionedPackage.txt' -Force -Encoding ascii } if (Get-Command Get-WindowsCapability) { Write-DarkGrayHost 'Export Windows Capability to C:\OSDCloud\Logs\Get-WindowsCapability.txt' $Report = Get-WindowsCapability -Path C:\ -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object * | Sort-Object Name $Report | Select-Object Name, State | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs\Get-WindowsCapability.txt' -Force -Encoding ascii } if (Get-Command Get-WindowsEdition) { Write-DarkGrayHost 'Export Windows Edition to C:\OSDCloud\Logs\Get-WindowsEdition.txt' $Report = Get-WindowsEdition -Path C:\ -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object * | Sort-Object Edition $Report | Select-Object Edition | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs\Get-WindowsEdition.txt' -Force -Encoding ascii } if (Get-Command Get-WindowsOptionalFeature) { Write-DarkGrayHost 'Export Windows Optional Features to C:\OSDCloud\Logs\Get-WindowsOptionalFeature.txt' $Report = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Path C:\ -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object * | Sort-Object FeatureName $Report | Select-Object FeatureName, State | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs\Get-WindowsOptionalFeature.txt' -Force -Encoding ascii } if (Get-Command Get-WindowsPackage) { Write-DarkGrayHost 'Export Windows Packages to C:\OSDCloud\Logs\Get-WindowsPackage.txt' $Report = Get-WindowsPackage -Path C:\ -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object * | Sort-Object PackageName $Report | Select-Object PackageName, PackageState, ReleaseType | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs\Get-WindowsPackage.txt' -Force -Encoding ascii } } #endregion #region Save-Module Write-SectionHeader "Saving PowerShell Modules and Scripts" if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { $PowerShellSavePath = 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell' if (-NOT (Test-Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Configuration")) { New-Item -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Configuration" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } if (-NOT (Test-Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules")) { New-Item -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } if (-NOT (Test-Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Scripts")) { New-Item -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Scripts" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } if (Test-WebConnection -Uri "") { Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name OSD -Destination "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" try { Save-Module -Name OSD -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Unable to Save-Module OSD to $PowerShellSavePath\Modules" } try { Save-Module -Name PackageManagement -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Unable to Save-Module PackageManagement to $PowerShellSavePath\Modules" } try { Save-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Unable to Save-Module PowerShellGet to $PowerShellSavePath\Modules" } try { Save-Module -Name WindowsAutopilotIntune -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Unable to Save-Module WindowsAutopilotIntune to $PowerShellSavePath\Modules" } try { Save-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Scripts" -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Unable to Save-Script Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo to $PowerShellSavePath\Scripts" } if ($HPFeaturesEnabled) { try { Save-Module -Name HPCMSL -AcceptLicense -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Unable to Save-Module HPCMSL to $PowerShellSavePath\Modules" } } } else { Write-Verbose -Verbose "Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name OSD to $PowerShellSavePath\Modules" Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name OSD -Destination "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name PackageManagement -Destination "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name PowerShellGet -Destination "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name WindowsAutopilotIntune -Destination "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" if ($HPFeaturesEnabled) { Write-Verbose -Verbose "Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name HPCMSL to $PowerShellSavePath\Modules" Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name HPCMSL -Destination "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" } $OSDCloudOfflinePath = Find-OSDCloudOfflinePath foreach ($Item in $OSDCloudOfflinePath) { if (Test-Path "$($Item.FullName)\PowerShell\Required") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Applying PowerShell Modules and Scripts in $($Item.FullName)\PowerShell\Required" robocopy "$($Item.FullName)\PowerShell\Required" "$PowerShellSavePath" *.* /s /ndl /njh /njs } } } } #endregion #region GaryB - Debug and Dev Mode if ($WebConnection -eq $True){ if ($Global:OSDCloud.DebugMode -eq $true){ Write-SectionHeader "DebugMode Enabled" Invoke-Expression (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '') Invoke-Expression (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '') osdcloud-addcmtrace osdcloud-addmouseoobe osdcloud-UpdateModuleFilesManually #osdcloud-WinpeUpdateDefender } } #endregion #region GaryB - Finish SetupComplete.cmd #Checks for SetupComplete.cmd file on USB Drive, if finds one, sets OSD process to run the SetupComplete #Flashdrive\OSDCloud\Config\Scripts\SetupComplete if (Get-SetupCompleteOSDCloudUSB -eq $true){ Set-SetupCompleteOSDCloudUSB } #This appends the two lines at the end of SetupComplete Script to Stop Transcription and to Restart Computer Set-SetupCompleteCreateFinish #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.ScriptShutdown <# David Segura These scripts will be in the OSDCloud Workspace in Config\Scripts\Shutdown When Edit-OSDCloudWinPE is executed then these files should be copied to the mounted WinPE In WinPE, the scripts will exist in X:\OSDCloud\Config\Scripts\* #> $Global:OSDCloud.ScriptShutdown = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne 'C'} | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem "$($_.Root)OSDCloud\Config\Scripts\Shutdown" -Include "*.ps1" -File -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ScriptShutdown) { Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud Config Shutdown Scripts' $Global:OSDCloud.ScriptShutdown = $Global:OSDCloud.ScriptShutdown | Sort-Object -Property FullName foreach ($Item in $Global:OSDCloud.ScriptShutdown) { Write-DarkGrayHost "$($Item.FullName)" & "$($Item.FullName)" } } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.AutomateAutopilot $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateAutopilot = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne 'C'} | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem "$($_.Root)OSDCloud\Automate" -Include "AutopilotConfigurationFile.json" -File -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutomateAutopilot) { Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud Automate Autopilot Configuration' $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateAutopilot = $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateAutopilot | Sort-Object -Property FullName | Select-Object -First 1 foreach ($Item in $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateAutopilot) { Write-DarkGrayHost "$($Item.FullName)" $null = Copy-Item -Path $Item.FullName -Destination 'C:\Windows\Provisioning\Autopilot\AutopilotConfigurationFile.json' -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudAutopilotFile if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudAutopilotFile) { Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud Azure Autopilot Configuration File' Write-DarkGrayHost 'Autopilot Configuration File will be downloaded to C:\Windows\Provisioning\Autopilot' foreach ($Item in $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudAutopilotFile) { $ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent = @{ CloudBlob = $Item.ICloudBlob Context = $Item.Context Destination = 'C:\Windows\Provisioning\Autopilot\' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } try { Get-AzStorageBlobContent @ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent } catch { Get-AzStorageBlobContent @ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent } } } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.AutomateProvisioning #This is for testing only $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateProvisioning = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne 'C'} | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem "$($_.Root)OSDCloud\Automate\Provisioning" -Include "*.ppkg" -File -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutomateProvisioning) { Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud Automate Provisioning Packages' $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateProvisioning = $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateProvisioning | Sort-Object -Property FullName foreach ($Item in $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateProvisioning) { Write-DarkGrayHost "$($Item.FullName)" $ArgumentList = "/Image=C:\ /Add-ProvisioningPackage /PackagePath:`"$($Item.FullName)`"" $null = Start-Process -FilePath 'dism.exe' -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -Wait -NoNewWindow } } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudPackage if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudPackage) { Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud Azure Provisioning Packages' Write-DarkGrayHost 'Provisioning Packages will be downloaded to C:\OSDCloud\Packages' foreach ($Item in $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudPackage) { $ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent = @{ CloudBlob = $Item.ICloudBlob Context = $Item.Context Destination = 'C:\OSDCloud\Packages\' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } try { Get-AzStorageBlobContent @ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent } catch { Get-AzStorageBlobContent @ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent } } $Packages = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\OSDCloud\Packages\' *.ppkg -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore if ($Packages) { Write-DarkGrayHost 'Adding Provisioning Packages from C:\OSDCloud\Packages' foreach ($Item in $Packages) { Write-DarkGrayHost "$($Item.FullName)" $ArgumentList = "/Image=C:\ /Add-ProvisioningPackage /PackagePath:`"$($Item.FullName)`"" $null = Start-Process -FilePath 'dism.exe' -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -Wait -NoNewWindow } } } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.AutomateShutdownScript $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateShutdownScript = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne 'C'} | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem "$($_.Root)OSDCloud\Automate\Shutdown" -Include "*.ps1" -File -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutomateShutdownScript) { Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud Automate Shutdown Scripts' $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateShutdownScript = $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateShutdownScript | Sort-Object -Property FullName foreach ($Item in $Global:OSDCloud.AutomateShutdownScript) { Write-DarkGrayHost "$($Item.FullName)" & "$($Item.FullName)" } } #endregion #region Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudScript if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudScript) { Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud Automate Azure WinPE Shutdown Scripts' foreach ($Item in $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudScript) { $ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent = @{ CloudBlob = $Item.ICloudBlob Context = $Item.Context Destination = 'C:\OSDCloud\Scripts\' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } try { Get-AzStorageBlobContent @ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent } catch { Get-AzStorageBlobContent @ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent } } $AzOSDCloudPostScript = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\OSDCloud\Scripts\' Invoke-WinPEShutdown*.ps1 -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore foreach ($Item in $AzOSDCloudPostScript) { Write-DarkGrayHost "$($Item.FullName)" & "$($Item.FullName)" } } #endregion #region Complete Write-SectionHeader "OSDCloud Finished" $Global:OSDCloud.TimeEnd = Get-Date $Global:OSDCloud.TimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Start $Global:OSDCloud.TimeStart -End $Global:OSDCloud.TimeEnd $Global:OSDCloud | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs\OSDCloud.json' -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force Write-DarkGrayHost "Completed in $($Global:OSDCloud.TimeSpan.ToString("mm' minutes 'ss' seconds'"))" if ($Global:OSDCloud.Screenshot) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Stop-ScreenPNGProcess Write-DarkGrayHost "Screenshots: $($Global:OSDCloud.Screenshot)" } if ($Global:OSDCloud.Restart) { Write-Warning "WinPE is restarting in 30 seconds" Write-Warning "Press CTRL + C to cancel" Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { Restart-Computer } } if ($Global:OSDCloud.Shutdown) { Write-Warning "WinPE will shutdown in 30 seconds" Write-Warning "Press CTRL + C to cancel" Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { Stop-Computer } } if ($OSDCloud.Test -eq $true) { Stop-Transcript } #endregion } |