function Get-Win11Readiness { <# Modified for OSD by @gwblok Changes 2022.01.28 - Changed Get-TPM to using Get-CimInstance -Namespace "ROOT\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftTpm" -ClassName Win32_TPM 2022.07.01 - Modified for OSDCloud #> #============================================================================================================================= # # # Script Name: HardwareReadiness.ps1 # Description: Verifies the hardware compliance. Return code 0 for success. # In case of failure, returns non zero error code along with error message. # This script is not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service and is distributed under the MIT license # Copyright (C) 2021 Microsoft Corporation # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation # files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, # modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software # is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR # COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, # ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #============================================================================================================================= $CurrentVersion = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' if ($CurrentVersion.EditionID -match "WindowsPE"){$InWinPE = $true} $exitCode = 0 [int]$MinOSDiskSizeGB = 64 [int]$MinMemoryGB = 4 [Uint32]$MinClockSpeedMHz = 1000 [Uint32]$MinLogicalCores = 2 [Uint16]$RequiredAddressWidth = 64 $PASS_STRING = "PASS" $FAIL_STRING = "FAIL" $FAILED_TO_RUN_STRING = "FAILED TO RUN" $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING = "UNDETERMINED" $UNDETERMINED_STRING = "Undetermined" $CAPABLE_STRING = "Capable" $NOT_CAPABLE_STRING = "Not capable" $CAPABLE_CAPS_STRING = "CAPABLE" $NOT_CAPABLE_CAPS_STRING = "NOT CAPABLE" $STORAGE_STRING = "Storage" $OS_DISK_SIZE_STRING = "OSDiskSize" $MEMORY_STRING = "Memory" $SYSTEM_MEMORY_STRING = "System_Memory" $GB_UNIT_STRING = "GB" $TPM_STRING = "TPM" $TPM_VERSION_STRING = "TPMVersion" $PROCESSOR_STRING = "Processor" $SECUREBOOT_STRING = "SecureBoot" $I7_7820HQ_CPU_STRING = "i7-7820hq CPU" # 0=name of check, 1=attribute checked, 2=value, 3=PASS/FAIL/UNDETERMINED $logFormat = '{0}: {1}={2}. {3}; ' # 0=name of check, 1=attribute checked, 2=value, 3=unit of the value, 4=PASS/FAIL/UNDETERMINED $logFormatWithUnit = '{0}: {1}={2}{3}. {4}; ' # 0=name of check. $logFormatReturnReason = '{0}, ' # 0=exception. $logFormatException = '{0}; ' # 0=name of check, 1= attribute checked and its value, 2=PASS/FAIL/UNDETERMINED $logFormatWithBlob = '{0}: {1}. {2}; ' # return returnCode is -1 when an exception is thrown. 1 if the value does not meet requirements. 0 if successful. -2 default, script didn't run. $outObject = @{ returnCode = -2; returnResult = $FAILED_TO_RUN_STRING; returnReason = ""; logging = "" } # NOT CAPABLE(1) state takes precedence over UNDETERMINED(-1) state function Private:UpdateReturnCode { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateRange(-2, 1)] [int] $ReturnCode ) Switch ($ReturnCode) { 0 { if ($outObject.returnCode -eq -2) { $outObject.returnCode = $ReturnCode } } 1 { $outObject.returnCode = $ReturnCode } -1 { if ($outObject.returnCode -ne 1) { $outObject.returnCode = $ReturnCode } } } } $Source = @" using Microsoft.Win32; using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class CpuFamilyResult { public bool IsValid { get; set; } public string Message { get; set; } } public class CpuFamily { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SYSTEM_INFO { public ushort ProcessorArchitecture; ushort Reserved; public uint PageSize; public IntPtr MinimumApplicationAddress; public IntPtr MaximumApplicationAddress; public IntPtr ActiveProcessorMask; public uint NumberOfProcessors; public uint ProcessorType; public uint AllocationGranularity; public ushort ProcessorLevel; public ushort ProcessorRevision; } [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] internal static extern void GetNativeSystemInfo(ref SYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo); public enum ProcessorFeature : uint { ARM_SUPPORTED_INSTRUCTIONS = 34 } [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] static extern bool IsProcessorFeaturePresent(ProcessorFeature processorFeature); private const ushort PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X86 = 0; private const ushort PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM64 = 12; private const ushort PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X64 = 9; private const string INTEL_MANUFACTURER = "GenuineIntel"; private const string AMD_MANUFACTURER = "AuthenticAMD"; private const string QUALCOMM_MANUFACTURER = "Qualcomm Technologies Inc"; public static CpuFamilyResult Validate(string manufacturer, ushort processorArchitecture) { CpuFamilyResult cpuFamilyResult = new CpuFamilyResult(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(manufacturer)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Manufacturer is null or empty"; return cpuFamilyResult; } string registryPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Hardware\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0"; SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo = new SYSTEM_INFO(); GetNativeSystemInfo(ref sysInfo); switch (processorArchitecture) { case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM64: if (manufacturer.Equals(QUALCOMM_MANUFACTURER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { bool isArmv81Supported = IsProcessorFeaturePresent(ProcessorFeature.ARM_SUPPORTED_INSTRUCTIONS); if (!isArmv81Supported) { string registryName = "CP 4030"; long registryValue = (long)Registry.GetValue(registryPath, registryName, -1); long atomicResult = (registryValue >> 20) & 0xF; if (atomicResult >= 2) { isArmv81Supported = true; } } cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = isArmv81Supported; cpuFamilyResult.Message = isArmv81Supported ? "" : "Processor does not implement ARM v8.1 atomic instruction"; } else { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "The processor isn't currently supported for Windows 11"; } break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X64: case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X86: int cpuFamily = sysInfo.ProcessorLevel; int cpuModel = (sysInfo.ProcessorRevision >> 8) & 0xFF; int cpuStepping = sysInfo.ProcessorRevision & 0xFF; if (manufacturer.Equals(INTEL_MANUFACTURER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { try { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = true; cpuFamilyResult.Message = ""; if (cpuFamily >= 6 && cpuModel <= 95 && !(cpuFamily == 6 && cpuModel == 85)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = ""; } else if (cpuFamily == 6 && (cpuModel == 142 || cpuModel == 158) && cpuStepping == 9) { string registryName = "Platform Specific Field 1"; int registryValue = (int)Registry.GetValue(registryPath, registryName, -1); if ((cpuModel == 142 && registryValue != 16) || (cpuModel == 158 && registryValue != 8)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; } cpuFamilyResult.Message = "PlatformId " + registryValue; } } catch (Exception ex) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Exception:" + ex.GetType().Name; } } else if (manufacturer.Equals(AMD_MANUFACTURER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = true; cpuFamilyResult.Message = ""; if (cpuFamily < 23 || (cpuFamily == 23 && (cpuModel == 1 || cpuModel == 17))) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; } } else { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Unsupported Manufacturer: " + manufacturer + ", Architecture: " + processorArchitecture + ", CPUFamily: " + sysInfo.ProcessorLevel + ", ProcessorRevision: " + sysInfo.ProcessorRevision; } break; default: cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Unsupported CPU category. Manufacturer: " + manufacturer + ", Architecture: " + processorArchitecture + ", CPUFamily: " + sysInfo.ProcessorLevel + ", ProcessorRevision: " + sysInfo.ProcessorRevision; break; } return cpuFamilyResult; } } "@ # Storage try { if ($InWinPE){ $osDrive = Get-Disk -Number 0 $osDriveSize = $osDrive | Select-Object @{Name = "SizeGB"; Expression = { $_.Size / 1GB -as [int] } } } else { $osDrive = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -Property SystemDrive $osDriveSize = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -filter "DeviceID='$($osDrive.SystemDrive)'" | Select-Object @{Name = "SizeGB"; Expression = { $_.Size / 1GB -as [int] } } } if ($null -eq $osDriveSize) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $STORAGE_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $STORAGE_STRING, "Storage is null", $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 $HR_Storage = $FAIL_STRING } elseif ($osDriveSize.SizeGB -lt $MinOSDiskSizeGB) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $STORAGE_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithUnit -f $STORAGE_STRING, $OS_DISK_SIZE_STRING, ($osDriveSize.SizeGB), $GB_UNIT_STRING, $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 $HR_Storage = $FAIL_STRING } else { $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithUnit -f $STORAGE_STRING, $OS_DISK_SIZE_STRING, ($osDriveSize.SizeGB), $GB_UNIT_STRING, $PASS_STRING UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 0 $HR_Storage = $PASS_STRING } } catch { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $STORAGE_STRING, $OS_DISK_SIZE_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 $HR_Storage = $FAIL_STRING } # Memory (bytes) try { $memory = Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory | Measure-Object -Property Capacity -Sum | Select-Object @{Name = "SizeGB"; Expression = { $_.Sum / 1GB -as [int] } } if ($null -eq $memory) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $MEMORY_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $MEMORY_STRING, "Memory is null", $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 $HR_Memory = $FAIL_STRING } elseif ($memory.SizeGB -lt $MinMemoryGB) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $MEMORY_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithUnit -f $MEMORY_STRING, $SYSTEM_MEMORY_STRING, ($memory.SizeGB), $GB_UNIT_STRING, $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 $HR_Memory = $FAIL_STRING } else { $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithUnit -f $MEMORY_STRING, $SYSTEM_MEMORY_STRING, ($memory.SizeGB), $GB_UNIT_STRING, $PASS_STRING UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 0 $HR_Memory = $PASS_STRING } } catch { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $MEMORY_STRING, $SYSTEM_MEMORY_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 $HR_Memory = $FAIL_STRING } # TPM try { if ($InWinPE){ $tpm = Get-CimInstance -Namespace "ROOT\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftTpm" -ClassName Win32_TPM } else { $tpm = Get-Tpm } #$tpm = Get-Tpm if ($null -eq $tpm) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $TPM_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $TPM_STRING, "TPM is null", $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 $HR_TPM = $FAIL_STRING } elseif ($tpm.IsOwned_InitialValue -or $tpm.TpmPresent) { $tpmVersion = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Tpm -Namespace root\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftTpm | Select-Object -Property SpecVersion if ($null -eq $tpmVersion.SpecVersion) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $TPM_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, "null", $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 $HR_TPM = $FAIL_STRING } $majorVersion = $tpmVersion.SpecVersion.Split(",")[0] -as [int] if ($majorVersion -lt 2) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $TPM_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, ($tpmVersion.SpecVersion), $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 $HR_TPM = $FAIL_STRING } else { $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, ($tpmVersion.SpecVersion), $PASS_STRING UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 0 $HR_TPM = $PASS_STRING } } else { if ($tpm.GetType().Name -eq "String") { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f $tpm } else { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $TPM_STRING if ($InWinPE){ $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, "NA", $FAIL_STRING } else { $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, ($tpm.TpmPresent), $FAIL_STRING } $HR_TPM = $FAIL_STRING } $exitCode = 1 $HR_TPM = $FAIL_STRING } } catch { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 $HR_TPM = $FAIL_STRING } # CPU Details try { $cpuDetails = @(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Processor)[0] if ($null -eq $cpuDetails) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $exitCode = 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $PROCESSOR_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $PROCESSOR_STRING, "CpuDetails is null", $FAIL_STRING $HR_CPU = $FAIL_STRING } else { $processorCheckFailed = $false # AddressWidth if ($null -eq $cpuDetails.AddressWidth -or $cpuDetails.AddressWidth -ne $RequiredAddressWidth) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $processorCheckFailed = $true $exitCode = 1 $HR_CPU = $FAIL_STRING } # ClockSpeed is in MHz if ($null -eq $cpuDetails.MaxClockSpeed -or $cpuDetails.MaxClockSpeed -le $MinClockSpeedMHz) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1; $processorCheckFailed = $true $exitCode = 1 $HR_CPU = $FAIL_STRING } # Number of Logical Cores if ($null -eq $cpuDetails.NumberOfLogicalProcessors -or $cpuDetails.NumberOfLogicalProcessors -lt $MinLogicalCores) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $processorCheckFailed = $true $exitCode = 1 $HR_CPU = $FAIL_STRING } # CPU Family Add-Type -TypeDefinition $Source $cpuFamilyResult = [CpuFamily]::Validate([String]$cpuDetails.Manufacturer, [uint16]$cpuDetails.Architecture) $cpuDetailsLog = "{AddressWidth=$($cpuDetails.AddressWidth); MaxClockSpeed=$($cpuDetails.MaxClockSpeed); NumberOfLogicalCores=$($cpuDetails.NumberOfLogicalProcessors); Manufacturer=$($cpuDetails.Manufacturer); Caption=$($cpuDetails.Caption); $($cpuFamilyResult.Message)}" if (!$cpuFamilyResult.IsValid) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $processorCheckFailed = $true $exitCode = 1 $HR_CPU = $FAIL_STRING } if ($processorCheckFailed) { $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $PROCESSOR_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $PROCESSOR_STRING, ($cpuDetailsLog), $FAIL_STRING $HR_CPU = $FAIL_STRING } else { $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $PROCESSOR_STRING, ($cpuDetailsLog), $PASS_STRING UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 0 $HR_CPU = $PASS_STRING } } } catch { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $PROCESSOR_STRING, $PROCESSOR_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 $HR_CPU = $FAIL_STRING } # SecureBoot try { $isSecureBootEnabled = Confirm-SecureBootUEFI $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $SECUREBOOT_STRING, $CAPABLE_STRING, $PASS_STRING UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 0 $HR_SecureBoot = $PASS_STRING } catch [System.PlatformNotSupportedException] { # PlatformNotSupportedException "Cmdlet not supported on this platform." - SecureBoot is not supported or is non-UEFI computer. UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $SECUREBOOT_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $SECUREBOOT_STRING, $NOT_CAPABLE_STRING, $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 $HR_SecureBoot = $FAIL_STRING } catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $SECUREBOOT_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 $HR_SecureBoot = $FAIL_STRING } catch { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $SECUREBOOT_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 $HR_SecureBoot = $FAIL_STRING } # i7-7820hq CPU try { $supportedDevices = @('surface studio 2', 'precision 5520') $systemInfo = @(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem)[0] if ($null -ne $cpuDetails) { if ($cpuDetails.Name -match 'i7-7820hq cpu @ 2.90ghz'){ $modelOrSKUCheckLog = $systemInfo.Model.Trim() if ($supportedDevices -contains $modelOrSKUCheckLog){ $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $I7_7820HQ_CPU_STRING, $modelOrSKUCheckLog, $PASS_STRING $outObject.returnCode = 0 $exitCode = 0 } } } } catch { if ($outObject.returnCode -ne 0){ UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $I7_7820HQ_CPU_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 } } Switch ($outObject.returnCode) { 0 { $outObject.returnResult = $CAPABLE_CAPS_STRING } 1 { $outObject.returnResult = $NOT_CAPABLE_CAPS_STRING } -1 { $outObject.returnResult = $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING } -2 { $outObject.returnResult = $FAILED_TO_RUN_STRING } } $Global:Readiness = $null $Global:Readiness = [ordered]@{ Return = $null Reason = $null SecureBoot = $null CPU = $null TPM = $null Memory = $null Storage = $null } #Write-Output "HR_ReturnResult = $($outObject.returnResult)" $Global:Readiness.Return = $outObject.returnResult if ($outObject.returnReason) { if ($outObject.returnResult -eq $NOT_CAPABLE_CAPS_STRING){ $Reason = $outObject.returnReason $Reason = $Reason.Substring(0,$Reason.Length-2) } else {$Reason = $outObject.returnReason} #Write-Output "HR_ReturnReason = $($outObject.returnReason)" $Global:Readiness.Reason = $Reason } #Write-Output "HR_SecureBoot = $HR_SecureBoot" $Global:Readiness.SecureBoot = $HR_SecureBoot #Write-Output "HR_CPU = $HR_CPU" $Global:Readiness.CPU = $HR_CPU #Write-Output "HR_TPM = $HR_TPM" $Global:Readiness.TPM = $HR_TPM #Write-Output "HR_Memory = $HR_Memory" $Global:Readiness.Memory = $HR_Memory #Write-Output "HR_Storage = $HR_Storage" $Global:Readiness.Storage= $HR_Storage return $Global:Readiness $outObject | Out-File $env:TEMP\Win11Readiness.txt } |