
Returns the Lenovo DriverPacks downloads
Returns the Lenovo DriverPacks downloads
.PARAMETER Compatible
Filters results based on your current Product

function Get-OSDCatalogLenovoDriverPack {
    param (
    # Paths
    $UseCatalog               = 'Cloud'
    $CloudCatalogUri        = ''
    $RawCatalogFile            = Join-Path $env:TEMP (Join-Path 'OSD' 'catalogv2.xml')
    $BuildCatalogFile       = Join-Path $env:TEMP (Join-Path 'OSD' 'OSDCatalogLenovoDriverPack.xml')
    $OfflineCatalogFile        = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\Catalogs\OSDCatalog\OSDCatalogLenovoDriverPack.xml"
    # Create Paths
    if (-not(Test-Path (Join-Path $env:TEMP 'OSD'))) {
        $null = New-Item -Path (Join-Path $env:TEMP 'OSD') -ItemType Directory -Force
    # Test Build Catalog
    if (Test-Path $BuildCatalogFile) {
        Write-Verbose "Build Catalog already created at $BuildCatalogFile"    

        $GetItemBuildCatalogFile = Get-Item $BuildCatalogFile

        #If the Build Catalog is older than 12 hours, delete it
        if (((Get-Date) - $GetItemBuildCatalogFile.LastWriteTime).TotalHours -gt 12) {
            Write-Verbose "Removing previous Build Catalog"
            $null = Remove-Item $GetItemBuildCatalogFile.FullName -Force
        else {
            $UseCatalog = 'Build'
    # Test Cloud Catalog
    if ($Force) {
        $UseCatalog = 'Cloud'
    if ($UseCatalog -eq 'Cloud') {
        try {
            $CatalogCloudRaw = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $CloudCatalogUri -UseBasicParsing
            Write-Verbose "Cloud Catalog $CloudCatalogUri"
            Write-Verbose "Saving Cloud Catalog to $RawCatalogFile"        
            $CatalogCloudContent = $CatalogCloudRaw.Substring(3)
            $CatalogCloudContent | Out-File -FilePath $RawCatalogFile -Encoding utf8 -Force

            if (Test-Path $RawCatalogFile) {
                Write-Verbose "Catalog saved to $RawCatalogFile"
                $UseCatalog = 'Raw'
            else {
                Write-Verbose "Catalog was NOT downloaded to $RawCatalogFile"
                Write-Verbose "Using Offline Catalog at $OfflineCatalogFile"
                $UseCatalog = 'Offline'
        catch {
            Write-Verbose "Using Offline Catalog at $OfflineCatalogFile"
            $UseCatalog = 'Offline'
    # UseCatalog Raw
    if ($UseCatalog -eq 'Raw') {
        Write-Verbose "Reading the Raw Catalog at $RawCatalogFile"    
        [xml]$XmlCatalogContent = Get-Content -Path $RawCatalogFile -Raw

        $ModelList = $XmlCatalogContent.ModelList.Model
        # Create Object
        $Results = foreach ($Model in $ModelList) {
            foreach ($Item in $Model.SCCM) {
                $DownloadUrl = $Item.'#text'
                $ReleaseDate = $null

                if ($Item.os -eq 'win10') {
                    if ($Item.version -eq '*') {
                        $NewName = "Lenovo $($ Win10"
                    else {
                        $NewName = "Lenovo $($ Win10 $($Item.version)"
                    $ObjectProperties = [Ordered]@{
                        CatalogVersion     = Get-Date -Format yy.MM.dd
                        Status          = $null
                        Component       = 'DriverPack'
                        ReleaseDate     = $ReleaseDate
                        Manufacturer    = 'Lenovo'
                        Model           = $
                        Product            = [array]$Model.Types.Type.split(',').Trim()
                        Name            = $NewName
                        PackageID       = $null
                        FileName        = $DownloadUrl | Split-Path -Leaf
                        Url             = $DownloadUrl
                        OSVersion       = 'Windows 10 x64'
                        HashMD5         = $null
                    New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ObjectProperties

                if ($Item.os -eq 'win11') {
                    if ($Item.version -eq '*') {
                        $NewName = "Lenovo $($ Win11"
                    else {
                        $NewName = "Lenovo $($ Win11 $($Item.version)"
                    $ObjectProperties = [Ordered]@{
                        CatalogVersion     = Get-Date -Format yy.MM.dd
                        Status          = $null
                        Component       = 'DriverPack'
                        ReleaseDate     = $ReleaseDate
                        Manufacturer    = 'Lenovo'
                        Model           = $
                        Product            = [array]$Model.Types.Type.split(',').Trim()
                        Name            = $NewName
                        PackageID       = $null
                        FileName        = $DownloadUrl | Split-Path -Leaf
                        Url             = $DownloadUrl
                        OSVersion       = 'Windows 11 x64'
                        HashMD5         = $null
                    New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ObjectProperties
        $Results = $Results | Sort-Object Name, OSVersion -Descending | Group-Object Name | ForEach-Object {$_.Group | Select-Object -First 1}
        $Results = $Results | Sort-Object Name, OSVersion -Descending

        if ($TestUrl) {
            $Results = $Results | Sort-Object Url
            $PreviousUrl = $null
            foreach ($Item in $Results) {
                $CurrentUrl = $Item.Url
                if ($CurrentUrl -ne $PreviousUrl) {
                    Write-Verbose "Testing Download File at $CurrentUrl"
                    try {
                        $DownloadHeaders = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method Head -Uri $CurrentUrl -UseBasicParsing).Headers
                        $Item.ReleaseDate = Get-Date ($DownloadHeaders['Last-Modified']) -Format "yy.MM.dd"
                    catch {
                        Write-Warning "Failed: $CurrentUrl"
                        $Item.Status = 'Failed'
                else {
                    $Item.ReleaseDate = Get-Date ($DownloadHeaders['Last-Modified']) -Format "yy.MM.dd"
                $PreviousUrl = $CurrentUrl

        Write-Verbose "Exporting Build Catalog to $BuildCatalogFile"
        $Results = $Results | Sort-Object Name
        $Results | Export-Clixml -Path $BuildCatalogFile
    # UseCatalog Build
    if ($UseCatalog -eq 'Build') {
        Write-Verbose "Importing the Build Catalog at $BuildCatalogFile"
        $Results = Import-Clixml -Path $BuildCatalogFile
    # UseCatalog Offline
    if ($UseCatalog -eq 'Offline') {
        Write-Verbose "Importing the Offline Catalog at $OfflineCatalogFile"
        $Results = Import-Clixml -Path $OfflineCatalogFile
    # Compatible
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Compatible')) {
        $MyComputerProduct = Get-MyComputerProduct
        Write-Verbose "Filtering Catalog for items compatible with Product $MyComputerProduct"
        $Results = $Results | Where-Object {$_.Product -contains $MyComputerProduct}
    # Component
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Component')) {
        Write-Verbose "Filtering Catalog for $Component"
        $Results = $Results | Where-Object {$_.Component -eq $Component}
    # DownloadPath
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DownloadPath')) {
        $Results = $Results | Out-GridView -Title 'Select one or more files to Download' -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop
        foreach ($Item in $Results) {
            $OutFile = Save-WebFile -SourceUrl $Item.Url -DestinationDirectory $DownloadPath -DestinationName $Item.FileName -Verbose
            $Item | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File "$($OutFile.FullName).json" -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force
    # Component
    $Results | Sort-Object -Property Name