function Invoke-OSDCloud { <# .SYNOPSIS This is the master OSDCloud Task Sequence .DESCRIPTION This is the master OSDCloud Task Sequence .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param () #================================================= #region Master Parameters $Global:OSDCloud = $null $Global:OSDCloud = [ordered]@{ AutopilotJsonChildItem = $null AutopilotJsonItem = $null AutopilotJsonName = $null AutopilotJsonObject = $null AutopilotJsonString = $null AutopilotJsonUrl = $null AutopilotOOBEJsonChildItem = $null AutopilotOOBEJsonItem = $null AutopilotOOBEJsonName = $null AutopilotOOBEJsonObject = $null AzContext = $Global:AzContext AzOSDCloudBlobImage = $Global:AzOSDCloudBlobImage AzOSDCloudBlobDriverPack = $Global:AzOSDCloudBlobDriverPack AzOSDCloudBlobPackage = $Global:AzOSDCloudBlobPackage AzOSDCloudDriverPack = $null AzOSDCloudImage = $Global:AzOSDCloudImage AzOSDCloudPackage = $null AzStorageAccounts = $Global:AzStorageAccounts AzStorageContext = $Global:AzStorageContext BuildName = 'OSDCloud' ClearDiskConfirm = [bool]$true Debug = $false DownloadDirectory = $null DownloadName = $null DownloadFullName = $null DriverPack = $null DriverPackBaseName = $null DriverPackExpand = [bool]$false DriverPackName = $null DriverPackOffline = $null DriverPackSource = $null DriverPackUrl = $null ExpandWindowsImage = $null Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name GetDiskFixed = $null GetFeatureUpdate = $null GetMyDriverPack = $null HPIADrivers = $null HPIAFirmware = $null HPIASoftware = $null HPTPMUpdate = $null HPBIOSUpdate = $null ImageFileFullName = $null ImageFileItem = $null ImageFileName = $null ImageFileSource = $null ImageFileDestination = $null ImageFileUrl = $null IsOnBattery = $(Get-OSDGather -Property IsOnBattery) IsTest = ($env:SystemDrive -ne 'X:') IsVirtualMachine = $(Test-IsVM) IsWinPE = ($env:SystemDrive -eq 'X:') IsoMountDiskImage = $null IsoGetDiskImage = $null IsoGetVolume = $null Logs = "$env:SystemDrive\OSDCloud\Logs" Manufacturer = Get-MyComputerManufacturer -Brief MSCatalogFirmware = $true MSCatalogDiskDrivers = $true MSCatalogNetDrivers = $true MSCatalogScsiDrivers = $true OOBEDeployJsonChildItem = $null OOBEDeployJsonItem = $null OOBEDeployJsonName = $null OOBEDeployJsonObject = $null ODTConfigFile = 'C:\OSDCloud\ODT\Config.xml' ODTFile = $null ODTFiles = $null ODTSetupFile = $null ODTSource = $null ODTTarget = 'C:\OSDCloud\ODT' ODTTargetData = 'C:\OSDCloud\ODT\Office' OSBuild = $null OSBuildMenu = $null OSBuildNames = $null OSEdition = $null OSEditionId = $null OSEditionMenu = $null OSEditionNames = $null OSImageIndex = 1 OSLanguage = $null OSLanguageMenu = $null OSLanguageNames = $null OSLicense = $null OSVersion = 'Windows 10' Product = Get-MyComputerProduct Restart = [bool]$false ScreenshotCapture = $false ScreenshotPath = "$env:TEMP\Screenshots" SectionPassed = $true Shutdown = [bool]$false SkipAllDiskSteps = [bool]$false SkipAutopilot = [bool]$false SkipAutopilotOOBE = [bool]$false SkipClearDisk = [bool]$false SkipODT = [bool]$false SkipOOBEDeploy = [bool]$false SkipNewOSDisk = [bool]$false SkipRecoveryPartition = [bool]$false RecoveryPartition = $null TimeEnd = $null TimeSpan = $null TimeStart = Get-Date Transcript = $null USBPartitions = $null Version = [Version](Get-Module -Name OSD -ListAvailable | Sort-Object Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Version WindowsImage = $null WindowsImageCount = $null ZTI = [bool]$false } #endregion #================================================= #region Set Pre-Merge Defaults if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsVirtualMachine) { $Global:OSDCloud.SkipRecoveryPartition = $true } #endregion #================================================= #region Merge Parameters if ($Global:StartOSDCloud) { foreach ($Key in $Global:StartOSDCloud.Keys) { $Global:OSDCloud.$Key = $Global:StartOSDCloud.$Key } } if ($Global:MyOSDCloud) { foreach ($Key in $Global:MyOSDCloud.Keys) { $Global:OSDCloud.$Key = $Global:MyOSDCloud.$Key } } #endregion #================================================= #region Helper Functions function Write-DarkGrayDate { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [System.String] $Message ) if ($Message) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) $Message" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) " -NoNewline } } function Write-DarkGrayHost { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [System.String] $Message ) Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray $Message } function Write-DarkGrayLine { [CmdletBinding()] param () Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "=========================================================================" } function Write-SectionHeader { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [System.String] $Message ) Write-DarkGrayLine Write-DarkGrayDate Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan $Message } function Write-SectionSuccess { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [System.String] $Message = 'Success!' ) Write-DarkGrayDate Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $Message } #endregion #================================================= #region Set Post-Merge Defaults $Global:OSDCloud.Version = [Version](Get-Module -Name OSD -ListAvailable | Sort-Object Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Version if ($Global:OSDCloud.RecoveryPartition -eq $true) { $Global:OSDCloud.SkipRecoveryPartition = [bool]$false } if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipAllDiskSteps -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.SkipAllDiskSteps = $true' $Global:OSDCloud.SkipClearDisk = $true $Global:OSDCloud.SkipNewOSDisk = $true } if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $false) { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.IsWinPE = $false' $Global:OSDCloud.SkipClearDisk = $true $Global:OSDCloud.SkipNewOSDisk = $true } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ZTI -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.ZTI = $true' $Global:OSDCloud.ClearDiskConfirm = $false } #endregion #================================================= #region OSDCloud Logs Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud Logs' $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = $Global:OSDCloud.Logs ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE) { if (-not (Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.Logs)) { $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } } #endregion #================================================= #region Fixed Disks Write-SectionHeader 'Validate Fixed Disks' $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $false $Global:OSDCloud.GetDiskFixed = Get-Disk.fixed | Where-Object {$_.IsBoot -eq $false} | Sort-Object Number if ($Global:OSDCloud.GetDiskFixed) { $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $true } else { $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $false } if ($Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed -eq $false) { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "Unable to locate a Fixed Disk. You may need to add additional HDC Drivers to WinPE" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } else { #Write-SectionSuccess } #endregion #================================================= #region Validate Operating System Source Write-SectionHeader "Validate Operating System Source" $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $false if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage) { $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $true } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileItem) { $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $true } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination) { $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $true } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl) { $Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed = $true } if ($Global:OSDCloud.SectionPassed -eq $false) { Write-Warning "OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "An Operating System Source was not specified by any required Variables" Write-Warning "Invoke-OSDCloud should not be run directly unless you know what you are doing" Write-Warning "Try using Start-OSDCloud, Start-OSDCloudGUI, or Start-OSDCloudAzure" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } else { #Write-SectionSuccess } #endregion #================================================= #region Autopilot Profiles if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipAutopilot -ne $true) { Write-SectionHeader "Validate Autopilot Configuration" if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject) { Write-DarkGrayHost 'Importing AutopilotJsonObject' } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonUrl) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Importing Autopilot Configuration $($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonUrl)" if (Test-WebConnection -Uri $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonUrl) { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonUrl).Content | ConvertFrom-Json } } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem) { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem = Find-OSDCloudFile -Name $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem.Name -Path '\OSDCloud\Autopilot\Profiles\' | Sort-Object FullName $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem += Find-OSDCloudFile -Name $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem.Name -Path '\OSDCloud\Config\AutopilotJSON\' | Sort-Object FullName $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem = $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "C*"} | Select-Object -First 1 if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem) { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject = Get-Content $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json } } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonName) { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem = Find-OSDCloudFile -Name $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonName -Path '\OSDCloud\Autopilot\Profiles\' | Sort-Object FullName $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem += Find-OSDCloudFile -Name $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonName -Path '\OSDCloud\Config\AutopilotJSON\' | Sort-Object FullName $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem = $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "C*"} | Select-Object -First 1 if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem) { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject = Get-Content $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json } } else { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem = Find-OSDCloudFile -Name "*.json" -Path '\OSDCloud\Autopilot\Profiles\' | Sort-Object FullName $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem += Find-OSDCloudFile -Name "*.json" -Path '\OSDCloud\Config\AutopilotJSON\' | Sort-Object FullName $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem = $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "C*"} if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem) { if ($Global:OSDCloud.ZTI -eq $true) { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem = $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonChildItem | Select-Object -First 1 } else { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem = Select-OSDCloudAutopilotJsonItem } if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem) { $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject = Get-Content $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonItem.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json } } } if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject) { Write-DarkGrayHost "OSDCloud will apply the following Autopilot Configuration as AutopilotConfigurationFile.json" $($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject) | Out-Host | Format-List } else { Write-Warning "AutopilotConfigurationFile.json will not be configured for this deployment" } } #endregion #================================================= #region Office Configuration if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipODT -ne $true) { $Global:OSDCloud.ODTFiles = Find-OSDCloudODTFile if ($Global:OSDCloud.ODTFiles) { Write-SectionHeader "Select Office Deployment Tool Configuration" $Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile = Select-OSDCloudODTFile if ($Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Office Config: $($Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile.FullName)" } else { Write-Warning "OSDCloud Office Config will not be configured for this deployment" } } } #endregion #================================================= #region Require WinPE Write-SectionHeader "Validate WinPE" if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $false) { Write-Warning "OSDCloud can only be run from WinPE" Write-Warning "OSDCloud is running in Test mode" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } #endregion #================================================= #region Remove USB Partition Access Path <# Partition Access Paths are being removed from USB Drive Letters This prevents issues when Drive Letters are reassigned #> $Global:OSDCloud.USBPartitions = Get-Partition.usb if ($Global:OSDCloud.USBPartitions) { Write-SectionHeader "Removing USB drive letters" if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { foreach ($USBPartition in $Global:OSDCloud.USBPartitions) { $RemovePartitionAccessPath = @{ AccessPath = "$($USBPartition.DriveLetter):" DiskNumber = $USBPartition.DiskNumber PartitionNumber = $USBPartition.PartitionNumber } Remove-PartitionAccessPath @RemovePartitionAccessPath -ErrorAction Stop Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 } } } #endregion #================================================= #region Clear-Disk <# Fixed Disks must be cleared before new partitions can be created #> Write-SectionHeader "Clear-Disk" if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipClearDisk -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.SkipClearDisk = $true' } if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipClearDisk -eq $false) { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.SkipClearDisk = $false' if (($Global:OSDCloud.GetDiskFixed | Measure-Object).Count -ge 2) { Write-DarkGrayHost 'More than 1 Fixed Disk is present, Clear-Disk Confirm is required' $Global:OSDCloud.ClearDiskConfirm = $true } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ClearDiskConfirm -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.ClearDiskConfirm = $true' Clear-Disk.fixed -Force -NoResults -ErrorAction Stop } else { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.ClearDiskConfirm = $false' Clear-Disk.fixed -Force -NoResults -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } } #endregion #================================================= #region New-OSDisk <# New Partitions will be created using Microsoft Standard Layout #> Write-SectionHeader "New-OSDisk" if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipNewOSDisk -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost '$OSDCloud.SkipNewOSDisk = $true' } if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipNewOSDisk -eq $false) { if ($Global:OSDCloud.SkipRecoveryPartition -eq $true) { New-OSDisk -PartitionStyle GPT -NoRecoveryPartition -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "=========================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "| SYSTEM | MSR | WINDOWS |" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "=========================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan } else { New-OSDisk -PartitionStyle GPT -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "=========================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "| SYSTEM | MSR | WINDOWS | RECOVERY |" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "=========================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan #Wait a few seconds to make sure the Disk is set Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } #Make sure that there is a PSDrive if (-NOT (Get-PSDrive -Name 'C')) { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "New-OSDisk didn't work. There is no PSDrive FileSystem at C:\" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } } #endregion #================================================= #region Add-PartitionAccessPath if ($Global:OSDCloud.USBPartitions) { Write-SectionHeader 'Restoring USB Drive Letters' if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { foreach ($USBPartition in $Global:OSDCloud.USBPartitions) { $ParamAddPartitionAccessPath = @{ AssignDriveLetter = $true DiskNumber = $USBPartition.DiskNumber PartitionNumber = $USBPartition.PartitionNumber } Add-PartitionAccessPath @ParamAddPartitionAccessPath; Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } } } #endregion #================================================= #region ScreenshotCapture if ($Global:OSDCloud.ScreenshotCapture) { Write-SectionHeader "Moving Screenshots to C:\OSDCloud\Screenshots" Write-Verbose -Message "" Stop-ScreenPNGProcess Invoke-Exe robocopy "$($Global:OSDCloud.ScreenshotPath)" C:\OSDCloud\Screenshots *.* /s /ndl /nfl /njh /njs Start-ScreenPNGProcess -Directory 'C:\OSDCloud\Screenshots' $Global:OSDCloud.ScreenshotPath = 'C:\OSDCloud\Screenshots' } #endregion #================================================= #region Transcript Write-SectionHeader "Saving PowerShell Transcript to C:\OSDCloud\Logs" Write-Verbose -Message "" if (-NOT (Test-Path 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs')) { New-Item -Path 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs' -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } $Global:OSDCloud.Transcript = "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss'))-Deploy-OSDCloud.log" Start-Transcript -Path (Join-Path 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs' $Global:OSDCloud.Transcript) -ErrorAction Ignore #endregion #================================================= #region Performance Final # Write-SectionHeader "Powercfg High Performance" if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsOnBattery -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Device is on battery power. Performance will not be adjusted" } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $false) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Device is not running in WinPE. Performance will not be adjusted" } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.Debug -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Device is running in debug mode. Performance will not be adjusted" } else { Write-DarkGrayHost "Enable powercfg High Performance" Invoke-Exe powercfg.exe -SetActive 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c } #endregion #================================================= #region Image File Offline if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileItem) { Write-SectionHeader "Copy Offline Windows Image (Copy-Item)" Write-Verbose -Message "Copying Microsoft Windows Image from Offline Source" #It's possible that Drive Letters may have changed if a USB is used #Check to see if the image file exists already after the USB Drive has been reinitialized if (Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileItem.FullName) { $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource = Get-Item -Path $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileItem.FullName } #Set the ImageFile Name if it does not exist if (!($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileName)) { $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileName = Split-Path -Path $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileItem.FullName -Leaf } #If the Source did not exist after the USB, have to do a best guess if (!($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource)) { $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource = Find-OSDCloudFile -Name $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileName -Path (Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileItem.FullName -Parent) -NoQualifier) | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "C:*"} | Select-Object -First 1 } #Now that we have an ImageFileSource, everything is good if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource) { Write-DarkGrayHost "-Source $($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource.FullName)" if (!(Test-Path 'C:\OSDCloud\OS')) { New-Item -Path 'C:\OSDCloud\OS' -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } Copy-Item -Path $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource.FullName -Destination 'C:\OSDCloud\OS' -Force if (Test-Path "C:\OSDCloud\OS\$($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource.Name)") { $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Get-Item -Path "C:\OSDCloud\OS\$($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileSource.Name)" } } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination) { Write-DarkGrayHost "-Destination $($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName)" $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl = $null } else { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "Could not copy the Windows Image to C:\OSDCloud\OS" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } } #endregion #================================================= #region Get Image File if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage) { #AzOSDCloud } elseif (!($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination) -and (!($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl))) { Write-SectionHeader "Get-FeatureUpdate" Write-Warning "Invoke-OSDCloud was not set properly with an OS to Download" Write-Warning "You should be using Start-OSDCloud or Start-OSDCloudGUI" Write-Warning "Invoke-OSDCloud should not be run directly unless you know what you are doing" Write-Warning "Windows 10 Enterprise is being downloaded and installed out of convenience only" if (!($Global:OSDCloud.GetFeatureUpdate)) { $Global:OSDCloud.GetFeatureUpdate = Get-FeatureUpdate } if ($Global:OSDCloud.GetFeatureUpdate) { $Global:OSDCloud.GetFeatureUpdate = $Global:OSDCloud.GetFeatureUpdate | Select-Object -Property CreationDate,KBNumber,Title,UpdateOS,UpdateBuild,UpdateArch,FileName, @{Name='SizeMB';Expression={[int]($_.Size /1024/1024)}},FileUri,Hash,AdditionalHash $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileName = $Global:OSDCloud.GetFeatureUpdate.FileName $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl = $Global:OSDCloud.GetFeatureUpdate.FileUri $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = 6 } else { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "Unable to locate a Windows Feature Update" Write-Warning "OSDCloud cannot continue" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } } #endregion #================================================= #region Azure Storage Windows Image Download if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage) { Write-SectionHeader "OSDCloud Azure Storage Windows Image Download" $Global:OSDCloud.DownloadDirectory = "C:\OSDCloud\Azure\$($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage.BlobClient.AccountName)\$($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage.BlobClient.BlobContainerName)" $Global:OSDCloud.DownloadName = $(Split-Path $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage.Name -Leaf) $Global:OSDCloud.DownloadFullName = "$($Global:OSDCloud.DownloadDirectory)\$($Global:OSDCloud.DownloadName)" #Export Image Information $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$OSDCloudLogs\AzOSDCloudImage.json" -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 $ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent = @{ CloudBlob = $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage.ICloudBlob Context = $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage.Context Destination = $Global:OSDCloud.DownloadFullName Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $ParamGetItem = @{ Path = $Global:OSDCloud.DownloadFullName ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = $Global:OSDCloud.DownloadDirectory ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if (Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.DownloadFullName) { Write-DarkGrayHost -Message "$($Global:OSDCloud.DownloadFullName) already exists" $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Get-Item @ParamGetItem | Select-Object -First 1 | Select-Object -First 1 if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudImage.Length -eq $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.Length) { Write-DarkGrayHost -Message "Destination file size matches Azure Storage, skipping previous download" } else { Write-DarkGrayHost -Message "Existing file does not match Azure Storage, downloading updated file" Get-AzStorageBlobContent @ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent } } else { if (-not (Test-Path "$($Global:OSDCloud.DownloadDirectory)")) { Write-DarkGrayHost -Message "Creating directory $($Global:OSDCloud.DownloadDirectory)" $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } Get-AzStorageBlobContent @ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent } $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Get-Item @ParamGetItem | Select-Object -First 1 | Select-Object -First 1 } #endregion #================================================= #region Image Download if (!($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination) -and ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl)) { Write-SectionHeader "Download Operating System" Write-DarkGrayHost "$($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl)" $null = New-Item -Path 'C:\OSDCloud\OS' -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore if (Test-WebConnection -Uri $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl) { if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileName) { #================================================= # Cache to USB #================================================= $OSDCloudUSB = Get-Volume.usb | Where-Object {($_.FileSystemLabel -match 'OSDCloud') -or ($_.FileSystemLabel -match 'BHIMAGE')} | Where-Object {$_.SizeGB -ge 8} | Where-Object {$_.SizeRemainingGB -ge 5} | Select-Object -First 1 if ($OSDCloudUSB -and $Global:OSDCloud.OSVersion -and $Global:OSDCloud.OSBuild) { $OSDownloadChildPath = "$($OSDCloudUSB.DriveLetter):\OSDCloud\OS\$($Global:OSDCloud.OSVersion) $($Global:OSDCloud.OSBuild)" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Downloading to OSDCloudUSB at $OSDownloadChildPath" $OSDCloudUsbOS = Save-WebFile -SourceUrl $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl -DestinationDirectory "$OSDownloadChildPath" -DestinationName $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileName if ($OSDCloudUsbOS) { Write-SectionHeader "Copying Operating System to C:\OSDCloud\OS\$($OSDCloudUsbOS.Name)" $null = Copy-Item -Path $OSDCloudUsbOS.FullName -Destination "C:\OSDCloud\OS" -Force $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Get-Item "C:\OSDCloud\OS\$($OSDCloudUsbOS.Name)" } } else { $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Save-WebFile -SourceUrl $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl -DestinationDirectory 'C:\OSDCloud\OS' -DestinationName $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileName -ErrorAction Stop } } else { $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Save-WebFile -SourceUrl $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileUrl -DestinationDirectory 'C:\OSDCloud\OS' -ErrorAction Stop } if (!(Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName)) { $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\OSDCloud\OS\*' -Include *.wim,*.esd,*.iso | Select-Object -First 1 } } else { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "Could not verify an Internet connection for the Windows ImageFile" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination) { Write-Verbose -Message "ImageFileDestination: $($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName)" } } #endregion #================================================= #region ImageFileDestination if (-not ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination)) { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "The Windows Image Source did not download properly to the Destination" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } #endregion #================================================= #region ISO Image File if ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.Extension -eq '.iso') { Write-SectionHeader "OSDCloud Windows ISO Deployment" $Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetDiskImage = Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName #ISO is already mounted (which should not be happening) if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetDiskImage.Attached) { $Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetVolume = $Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetDiskImage | Get-Volume Write-DarkGrayHost "Windows ISO is attached to Drive Letter $($Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetVolume.DriveLetter)" } else { Write-DarkGrayHost "Mounting Windows ISO $($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName)" $Global:OSDCloud.IsoMountDiskImage = Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsoMountDiskImage.Attached) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 $Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetVolume = $Global:OSDCloud.IsoMountDiskImage | Get-Volume Write-DarkGrayHost "Windows ISO is attached to Drive Letter $($Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetVolume.DriveLetter)" } else { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "The Windows ISO did not mount properly" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } } $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($Global:OSDCloud.IsoGetVolume.DriveLetter):\*" -Include *.wim,*.esd -Recurse | Sort-Object Length -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 if (-not ($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination)) { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "Unable to find a WIM or ESD file on the Mounted Windows ISO" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } } #endregion #================================================= #region Validate WindowsImage Index Write-SectionHeader "Validate WindowsImage Index" if (Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName) { $Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImage = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName -ErrorAction Stop $Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImageCount = ($Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImage).Count #Bad Image if ($null -eq $Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImageCount) { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "Could not read the Windows Image properly" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Stop-Computer -Force Exit } #TODO: Make sure the ImageIndex is 1 elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImageCount -eq 1) { $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = 1 } #AUTO ImageIndex elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex -match 'AUTO') { $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = 'AUTO' } elseif (-not ($Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex)) { $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = 'AUTO' } elseif ($null -eq $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex) { $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = 'AUTO' } if ($Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex -ne 'AUTO') { #Home Single Language Correction if (($OSLicense -eq 'Retail') -and ($Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImageCount -eq 9)) { if ($OSEdition -eq 'Home Single Language') { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "This ESD does not contain a Home Single Edition Index" Write-Warning "Restart OSDCloud and select a different Edition" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Stop-Computer -Force Exit } if ($OSEdition -notmatch 'Home') { Write-DarkGrayHost "This ESD does not contain a Home Single Edition Index" Write-DarkGrayHost "Adjusting selected ImageIndex by -1" $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = ($Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex - 1) Write-DarkGrayHost "ImageIndex: $($Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex)" } } } } else { #================================================= # FAILED #================================================= Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) OSDCloud Failed" Write-Warning "Could not find a proper Windows Image for deployment" Write-Warning "Press Ctrl+C to exit" Start-Sleep -Seconds 86400 Exit } if ($Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex -eq 'AUTO') { Write-SectionHeader "Select the Windows Image to expand" $SelectedWindowsImage = $Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImage | Where-Object {$_.ImageSize -gt 3000000000} if ($SelectedWindowsImage) { $SelectedWindowsImage | Select-Object -Property ImageIndex, ImageName | Format-Table | Out-Host do { $SelectReadHost = Read-Host -Prompt "Select an Image to apply by ImageIndex [Number]" } until (((($SelectReadHost -ge 0) -and ($SelectReadHost -in $SelectedWindowsImage.ImageIndex)))) #$Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = $SelectedWindowsImage | Where-Object {$_.ImageIndex -eq $SelectReadHost} $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex = $SelectReadHost } } else { $Global:OSDCloud.WindowsImage | Where-Object {$_.ImageSize -gt 3000000000} | Select-Object -Property ImageIndex, ImageName | Format-Table | Out-Host } #endregion #================================================= #region Expand-WindowsImage Write-SectionHeader "Expand-WindowsImage" #Expand-WindowsImage Write-DarkGrayHost "ApplyPath: 'C:\'" Write-DarkGrayHost "ImagePath: $($Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName)" Write-DarkGrayHost "Index: $($Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex)" Write-DarkGrayHost "ScratchDirectory: 'C:\OSDCloud\Temp'" #Scratch Directory $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = 'C:\OSDCloud\Temp' ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if (-NOT (Test-Path 'C:\OSDCloud\Temp')) { Write-DarkGrayHost -Message 'Creating ScratchDirectory C:\OSDCloud\Temp' $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } #Expand-WindowsImage Params $ExpandWindowsImage = @{ ApplyPath = 'C:\' ImagePath = $Global:OSDCloud.ImageFileDestination.FullName Index = $Global:OSDCloud.OSImageIndex ScratchDirectory = 'C:\OSDCloud\Temp' ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $Global:OSDCloud.ExpandWindowsImage = $ExpandWindowsImage if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { Expand-WindowsImage @ExpandWindowsImage $SystemDrive = Get-Partition | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'System'} | Select-Object -First 1 if (-NOT (Get-PSDrive -Name S)) { $SystemDrive | Set-Partition -NewDriveLetter 'S' } bcdboot C:\Windows /s S: /f ALL Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 $SystemDrive | Remove-PartitionAccessPath -AccessPath "S:\" } #endregion #================================================= #region Get-WindowsEdition Write-SectionHeader 'Get-WindowsEdition' Get-WindowsEdition -Path 'C:\' | Out-Host #endregion #================================================= #region Content Directories Write-SectionHeader 'Create Content Directories' if (-NOT (Test-Path 'C:\Drivers')) { $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = 'C:\Drivers' ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Write-DarkGrayHost -Message 'Creating C:\Drivers' $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } if (-NOT (Test-Path 'C:\OSDCloud\Packages')) { $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = 'C:\OSDCloud\Packages' ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Write-DarkGrayHost -Message 'Creating C:\OSDCloud\Packages' $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } if (-NOT (Test-Path 'C:\Windows\Panther')) { $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = 'C:\Windows\Panther' ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Write-DarkGrayHost -Message 'Creating C:\Windows\Panther' $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } if (-NOT (Test-Path 'C:\Windows\Provisioning\Autopilot')) { $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = 'C:\Windows\Provisioning\Autopilot' ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Write-DarkGrayHost -Message 'Creating C:\Windows\Provisioning\Autopilot' $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } if (-NOT (Test-Path 'C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts')) { $ParamNewItem = @{ Path = 'C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts' ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Write-DarkGrayHost -Message 'Creating C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts' $null = New-Item @ParamNewItem } #endregion #================================================= #region Packages Write-SectionHeader 'OSDCloud Azure Container as a Task Sequence' if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudPackage) { foreach ($Item in $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudPackage) { $ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent = @{ CloudBlob = $Item.ICloudBlob Context = $Item.Context Destination = 'C:\OSDCloud\Packages\' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $null = Get-AzStorageBlobContent @ParamGetAzStorageBlobContent } $Packages = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\OSDCloud\Packages\' *.ppkg -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore foreach ($Item in $Packages) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Add-ProvisioningPackage $($Item.FullName)" $Dism = "dism.exe" $ArgumentList = "/Image=C:\ /Add-ProvisioningPackage /PackagePath:$($Item.FullName)" $null = Start-Process -FilePath 'dism.exe' -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -Wait -NoNewWindow } } #endregion #================================================= #region Validate OSDCloud Driver Pack Write-SectionHeader "OSDCloud DriverPack" if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackName) { if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackName -match 'None') { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack is set to None" $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack = $null } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackName -match 'Microsoft Update Catalog') { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack is set to Microsoft Update Catalog" $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack = $null } else { $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack = Get-OSDCloudDriverPacks | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackName} | Select-Object -First 1 } } else { $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack = Get-OSDCloudDriverPack | Select-Object -First 1 } if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack) { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack has been matched to $($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.Name)" $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackBaseName = ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.FileName).Split('.')[0] } if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudBlobDriverPack -and $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackBaseName) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Searching for DriverPack in Azure Storage" $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack = $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudBlobDriverPack | Where-Object {$_.Name -match $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackBaseName} | Select-Object -First 1 if ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack) { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack has been located in Azure Storage" $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$OSDCloudLogs\AzOSDCloudDriverPack.json" -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 } } if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack) { $SaveMyDriverPack = $null $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackBaseName = ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.FileName).Split('.')[0] Write-DarkGrayHost "Matching DriverPack identified" Write-DarkGrayHost "-Name $($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.Name)" Write-DarkGrayHost "-BaseName $($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackBaseName)" Write-DarkGrayHost "-Product $($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.Product)" Write-DarkGrayHost "-FileName $($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.FileName)" Write-DarkGrayHost "-Url $($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.Url)" $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline = Find-OSDCloudFile -Name $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.FileName -Path '\OSDCloud\DriverPacks\' | Sort-Object FullName $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline = $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "C*"} | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notlike "X*"} | Select-Object -First 1 if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline) { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack is available on OSDCloudUSB and will not be downloaded" Write-DarkGrayHost $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.Name Write-DarkGrayHost $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline.FullName #$Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackSource = Find-OSDCloudFile -Name (Split-Path -Path $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline -Leaf) -Path (Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline.FullName -Parent) -NoQualifier) | Select-Object -First 1 $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackSource = $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackOffline } if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackSource) { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack is being copied from OSDCloudUSB at $($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackSource.FullName) to C:\Drivers" Copy-Item -Path $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackSource.FullName -Destination 'C:\Drivers' -Force $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackExpand = $true } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack) { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack is being downloaded from Azure Storage to C:\Drivers" Get-AzStorageBlobContent -CloudBlob $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack.ICloudBlob -Context $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack.Context -Destination "C:\Drivers\$(Split-Path $Global:OSDCloud.AzOSDCloudDriverPack.Name -Leaf)" $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackExpand = $true } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.Guid) { $SaveMyDriverPack = Save-MyDriverPack -DownloadPath 'C:\Drivers' -Expand -Guid $Global:OSDCloud.DriverPack.Guid } if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackExpand) { $DriverPacks = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Drivers' -File foreach ($Item in $DriverPacks) { $SaveMyDriverPack = $Item.FullName $ExpandFile = $Item.FullName Write-Verbose -Verbose "DriverPack: $ExpandFile" #================================================= # Cab #================================================= if ($Item.Extension -eq '.cab') { $DestinationPath = Join-Path $Item.Directory $Item.BaseName if (-NOT (Test-Path "$DestinationPath")) { New-Item $DestinationPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack CAB is being expanded to $DestinationPath" Expand -R "$ExpandFile" -F:* "$DestinationPath" | Out-Null } Continue } #================================================= # Zip #================================================= if ($Item.Extension -eq '.zip') { $DestinationPath = Join-Path $Item.Directory $Item.BaseName if (-NOT (Test-Path "$DestinationPath")) { Write-DarkGrayHost "DriverPack ZIP is being expanded to $DestinationPath" Expand-Archive -Path $ExpandFile -DestinationPath $DestinationPath -Force } Continue } #================================================= } } if ($SaveMyDriverPack) { if (-not ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackSource)) { #================================================= # Cache to OSDCloudUSB #================================================= $OSDCloudUSB = Get-Volume.usb | Where-Object {($_.FileSystemLabel -match 'OSDCloud') -or ($_.FileSystemLabel -match 'BHIMAGE')} | Where-Object {$_.SizeGB -ge 8} | Where-Object {$_.SizeRemainingGB -ge 2} | Select-Object -First 1 if ($OSDCloudUSB) { $OSDCloudUSBDestination = "$($OSDCloudUSB.DriveLetter):\OSDCloud\DriverPacks\$($Global:OSDCloud.Manufacturer)" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Copying Driver Pack to OSDCloudUSB at $OSDCloudUSBDestination" If (! (Test-Path $OSDCloudUSBDestination)) { $null = New-Item -Path $OSDCloudUSBDestination -ItemType Directory -Force } $null = Copy-Item -Path $SaveMyDriverPack.FullName -Destination $OSDCloudUSBDestination -Force -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop } } } } #endregion #================================================= #region MSCatalogFirmware Final Write-SectionHeader "Microsoft Update Catalog Firmware" if ($OSDCloud.IsOnBattery -eq $true) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Microsoft Update Catalog Firmware is not enabled for devices on battery power" } elseif ($OSDCloud.IsVirtualMachine) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Microsoft Update Catalog Firmware is not enabled for Virtual Machines" } elseif ($Global:OSDCloud.MSCatalogFirmware -eq $false) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Microsoft Update Catalog Firmware is not enabled for this deployment" } else { if (Test-MicrosoftUpdateCatalog) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Firmware Updates will be downloaded from Microsoft Update Catalog to C:\Drivers\Firmware" Write-DarkGrayHost "Some systems do not support a driver Firmware Update" Write-DarkGrayHost "You may have to enable this setting in your BIOS or Firmware Settings" Save-SystemFirmwareUpdate -DestinationDirectory 'C:\Drivers\Firmware' } else { Write-Warning "Unable to download or find firware for his Device" } } #endregion #================================================= #region MSCatalogDrivers Final Write-SectionHeader "Microsoft Update Catalog Drivers" if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackName -eq 'None') { Write-DarkGrayHost "Drivers from Microsoft Update Catalog will not be applied for this deployment" } else { if (Test-MicrosoftUpdateCatalog) { if ($Global:OSDCloud.DriverPackName -eq 'Microsoft Update Catalog') { Write-DarkGrayHost "Drivers for all devices will be downloaded from Microsoft Update Catalog to C:\Drivers" Save-MsUpCatDriver -DestinationDirectory 'C:\Drivers' } elseif ($null -eq $SaveMyDriverPack) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Drivers for all devices will be downloaded from Microsoft Update Catalog to C:\Drivers" Save-MsUpCatDriver -DestinationDirectory 'C:\Drivers' } else { if ($OSDCloud.MSCatalogDiskDrivers) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Drivers for PNPClass DiskDrive will be downloaded from Microsoft Update Catalog to C:\Drivers" Save-MsUpCatDriver -DestinationDirectory 'C:\Drivers' -PNPClass 'DiskDrive' } if ($OSDCloud.MSCatalogNetDrivers) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Drivers for PNPClass Net will be downloaded from Microsoft Update Catalog to C:\Drivers" Save-MsUpCatDriver -DestinationDirectory 'C:\Drivers' -PNPClass 'Net' } if ($OSDCloud.MSCatalogScsiDrivers) { Write-DarkGrayHost "Drivers for PNPClass SCSIAdapter will be downloaded from Microsoft Update Catalog to C:\Drivers" Save-MsUpCatDriver -DestinationDirectory 'C:\Drivers' -PNPClass 'SCSIAdapter' } } } } #endregion #================================================= #region Add-OfflineServicingWindowsDriver Write-SectionHeader "Add Windows Driver with Offline Servicing (Add-OfflineServicingWindowsDriver)" Write-Verbose -Message "" Write-DarkGrayHost "Drivers in C:\Drivers are being added to the offline Windows Image" Write-DarkGrayHost "This process can take up to 20 minutes" Write-Verbose -Message "Add-OfflineServicingWindowsDriver" if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { Add-OfflineServicingWindowsDriver } #endregion #================================================= #region Set-OSDCloudUnattendSpecialize Write-SectionHeader "Set Specialize Unattend.xml (Set-OSDCloudUnattendSpecialize)" Write-DarkGrayHost "C:\Windows\Panther\Invoke-OSDSpecialize.xml is being applied as an Unattend file" Write-DarkGrayHost "This will enable the extraction and installation of HP, Lenovo, and Microsoft Surface Drivers if necessary" Write-Verbose -Message "Set-OSDCloudUnattendSpecialize" if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { Set-OSDCloudUnattendSpecialize #Set-OSDxCloudUnattendSpecialize -Verbose } #endregion #================================================= #region Dell Updates Config for Specialize Phase if (($Global:OSDCloud.DCUInstall -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.DCUDrivers -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.DCUFirmware -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.DCUBIOS -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.DCUAutoUpdateEnable -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.DellTPMUpdate -eq $true)){ $DellFeaturesEnabled = $true Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Adding Dell Tasks into JSON Config File for Action during Specialize" Write-DarkGrayHost "Install Dell Command Update = $($Global:OSDCloud.DCUInstall) | Run DCU Drivers = $($Global:OSDCloud.DCUDrivers) | Run DCU Firmware = $($Global:OSDCloud.DCUFirmware)" Write-DarkGrayHost "Run DCU BIOS = $($Global:OSDCloud.DCUBIOS) | Enable DCU Auto Update = $($Global:OSDCloud.DCUAutoUpdateEnable) | DCU TPM Update = $($Global:OSDCloud.DellTPMUpdate) " $HashTable = @{ 'Updates' = @{ 'DCUInstall' = $Global:OSDCloud.DCUInstall 'DCUDrivers' = $Global:OSDCloud.DCUDrivers 'DCUFirmware' = $Global:OSDCloud.DCUFirmware 'DCUBIOS' = $Global:OSDCloud.DCUBIOS 'DCUAutoUpdateEnable' = $Global:OSDCloud.DCUAutoUpdateEnable 'DellTPMUpdate' = $Global:OSDCloud.DellTPMUpdate } } $HashVar = $HPHashTable | ConvertTo-Json $ConfigPath = "c:\osdcloud\configs" $ConfigFile = "$ConfigPath\DELL.JSON" try {[void][System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($ConfigPath)} catch {} $HashVar | Out-File $ConfigFile } #endregion #================================================= #region HP Updates Config for Specialize Phase #Set Specialize JSON if (($Global:OSDCloud.HPIAAll -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.HPIADrivers -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.HPIAFirmware -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.HPIASoftware -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.HPTPMUpdate -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate -eq $true)){ $HPFeaturesEnabled = $true Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Adding HP Tasks into JSON Config File for Action during Specialize" Write-DarkGrayHost "HPIA Drivers = $($Global:OSDCloud.HPIADrivers) | HPIA Firmware = $($Global:OSDCloud.HPIAFirmware) | HPIA Software = $($Global:OSDCloud.HPIADrivers) | HPIA All = $($Global:OSDCloud.HPIAAll) " Write-DarkGrayHost "HP TPM Update = $($Global:OSDCloud.HPTPMUpdate) | HP BIOS Update = $($Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate)" $HPHashTable = @{ 'HPUpdates' = @{ 'HPIADrivers' = $Global:OSDCloud.HPIADrivers 'HPIAFirmware' = $Global:OSDCloud.HPIAFirmware 'HPIASoftware' = $Global:OSDCloud.HPIASoftware 'HPIAAll' = $Global:OSDCloud.HPIAALL 'HPTPMUpdate' = $Global:OSDCloud.HPTPMUpdate 'HPBIOSUpdate' = $Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate } } $HPHashVar = $HPHashTable | ConvertTo-Json $ConfigPath = "c:\osdcloud\configs" $ConfigFile = "$ConfigPath\HP.JSON" try {[void][System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($ConfigPath)} catch {} $HPHashVar | Out-File $ConfigFile osdcloud-downloadHPIA <# #This feature does not work in OSDCloud due to Get-Volume not returning the System Volume, potentail bug with OSDCloud New-Disk Function #Stage Firmware Update for Next Reboot if ($Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate -eq $true){ Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Updating HP System Firmware" if (Get-HPBIOSSetupPasswordIsSet){Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Device currently has BIOS Setup Password, Please Update BIOS via different method"} else{ Write-DarkGrayHost "Current Firmware: $(Get-HPBIOSVersion)" Write-DarkGrayHost "Staging Update: $((Get-HPBIOSUpdates -Latest).ver) " #Details: Get-HPBIOSUpdates -Flash -Yes -Offline -BitLocker Ignore } } #> #Stage HP TPM Update EXE if ($Global:OSDCloud.HPTPMUpdate -eq $true){ osdcloud-SetTPMBIOSSettings osdcloud-DownloadHPTPMEXE } <# #This feature is not currently supported in WnePE due to the dependany on Get-HPDevceInfo if (($Global:OSDCloud.HPIADrivers -eq $true) -or ($Global:OSDCloud.HPIAAll -eq $true)){ if ($Global:OSDCloud.OSVersion -eq "Windows 10"){$OS = "Win10"} if ($Global:OSDCloud.OSVersion -eq "Windows 11"){$OS = "Win11"} $Release = $Global:OSDCloud.GetFeatureUpdate.UpdateBuild osdcloud-HPIAOfflineSync -Category Driver -OS $OS -Release $Release } #> #================================================= #Leverage SetupComplete.cmd to run HP Tools $ScriptsPath = "C:\Windows\Setup\scripts" if (!(Test-Path -Path $ScriptsPath)){New-Item -Path $ScriptsPath} $RunScriptTable = @( @{ Script = "SetupComplete"; BatFile = 'SetupComplete.cmd'; ps1file = 'SetupComplete.ps1';Type = 'Setup'; Path = "$ScriptsPath"} ) ForEach ($RunScript in $RunScriptTable) { Write-Output $RunScript.Script $BatFilePath = "$($RunScript.Path)\$($RunScript.batFile)" $PSFilePath = "$($RunScript.Path)\$($RunScript.ps1File)" #Create Batch File to Call PowerShell File New-Item -Path $BatFilePath -ItemType File -Force $CustomActionContent = New-Object system.text.stringbuilder [void]$CustomActionContent.Append('%windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File') [void]$CustomActionContent.Append(" $PSFilePath") Add-Content -Path $BatFilePath -Value $CustomActionContent.ToString() #Create PowerShell File to do actions New-Item -Path $PSFilePath -ItemType File -Force Add-Content -path $PSFilePath "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force | out-null" Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "Start-Sleep -Seconds 10" Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "Start-Transcript -Path 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs\SetupComplete.log' -ErrorAction Ignore" Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "Invoke-Expression (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '')" Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "Invoke-Expression (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)" Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "osdcloud-InstallModuleHPCMSL -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue" Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath 'Write-Host "Running HP Tools in SetupComplete" -ForegroundColor Green' if ($Global:OSDCloud.HPIADrivers -eq $true){ Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath 'Write-Host "Running HPIA for Drivers" -ForegroundColor Magenta' if (Test-Path -path "C:\OSDCloud\HPIA\Repo"){Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "osdcloud-RunHPIA -OfflineMode True -Category Drivers"} else {Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "osdcloud-RunHPIA -Category Drivers"} } if (($Global:OSDCloud.HPIAFirmware -eq $true) -and ($Global:OSDCloud.HPIAAll -ne $true)){ Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath 'Write-Host "Running HPIA for Firmware" -ForegroundColor Magenta' Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "osdcloud-RunHPIA -Category Firmware" } if (($Global:OSDCloud.HPIASoftware -eq $true) -and ($Global:OSDCloud.HPIAAll -ne $true)){ Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath 'Write-Host "Running HPIA for Software" -ForegroundColor Magenta' Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "osdcloud-RunHPIA -Category Software" } if ($Global:OSDCloud.HPIAAll -eq $true){ Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath 'Write-Host "Running HPIA for Software" -ForegroundColor Magenta' Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "osdcloud-RunHPIA -Category All" } if ($Global:OSDCloud.HPTPMUpdate -eq $true){ #Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath 'Write-Host "Updating TPM Firmware" -ForegroundColor Magenta' #Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "osdcloud-InstallTPMEXE" } if ($Global:OSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate -eq $true){ Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath 'Write-Host "Running HP System Firmware" -ForegroundColor Magenta' Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "osdcloud-UpdateHPBIOS" } Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "Stop-Transcript" Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath "Restart-Computer -Force" } } #endregion #================================================= #region AutopilotConfigurationFile.json if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject) { Write-SectionHeader "Applying AutopilotConfigurationFile.json" Write-DarkGrayHost 'C:\Windows\Provisioning\Autopilot\AutopilotConfigurationFile.json' $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotJsonObject | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Windows\Provisioning\Autopilot\AutopilotConfigurationFile.json' -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force } #endregion #================================================= #region OSDeploy.OOBEDeploy.json if ($Global:OSDCloud.OOBEDeployJsonObject) { Write-SectionHeader "Applying OSDeploy.OOBEDeploy.json" Write-DarkGrayHost 'C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy\OSDeploy.OOBEDeploy.json' If (!(Test-Path "C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy")) { New-Item "C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } $Global:OSDCloud.OOBEDeployJsonObject | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy\OSDeploy.OOBEDeploy.json' -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force #================================================ # WinPE PostOS # Set OOBEDeploy CMD.ps1 #================================================ $SetCommand = @' @echo off :: Set the PowerShell Execution Policy PowerShell -NoL -Com Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force :: Add PowerShell Scripts to the Path set path=%path%;C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts :: Open and Minimize a PowerShell instance just in case start PowerShell -NoL -W Mi :: Install the latest OSD Module start "Install-Module OSD" /wait PowerShell -NoL -C Install-Module OSD -Force -Verbose :: Start-OOBEDeploy :: The next line assumes that you have a configuration saved in C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy\OSDeploy.OOBEDeploy.json start "Start-OOBEDeploy" PowerShell -NoL -C Start-OOBEDeploy exit '@ $SetCommand | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Windows\OOBEDeploy.cmd" -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force } #endregion #================================================= #region OSDeploy.AutopilotOOBE.json if ($Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotOOBEJsonObject) { Write-SectionHeader "Applying OSDeploy.AutopilotOOBE.json" Write-DarkGrayHost 'C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy\OSDeploy.AutopilotOOBE.json' If (!(Test-Path "C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy")) { New-Item "C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } $Global:OSDCloud.AutopilotOOBEJsonObject | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\ProgramData\OSDeploy\OSDeploy.AutopilotOOBE.json' -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force } #endregion #================================================= #region Stage Office Config if ($Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile) { Write-SectionHeader "Stage Office Config" if (!(Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTTarget)) { New-Item -Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTTarget -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } if (Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile.FullName) { Copy-Item -Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile.FullName -Destination $Global:OSDCloud.ODTConfigFile -Force } $Global:OSDCloud.ODTSetupFile = Join-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile.Directory 'setup.exe' Write-Verbose -Verbose "ODTSetupFile: $($Global:OSDCloud.ODTSetupFile)" if (Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTSetupFile) { Copy-Item -Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTSetupFile -Destination $Global:OSDCloud.ODTTarget -Force } $Global:OSDCloud.ODTSource = Join-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTFile.Directory 'Office' Write-Verbose -Verbose "ODTSource: $($Global:OSDCloud.ODTSource)" if (Test-Path $Global:OSDCloud.ODTSource) { Invoke-Exe robocopy "$($Global:OSDCloud.ODTSource)" "$($Global:OSDCloud.ODTTargetData)" *.* /s /ndl /nfl /z /b } } #endregion #================================================= #region Save PowerShell Modules to OSDisk Write-SectionHeader "Saving PowerShell Modules and Scripts" if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { $PowerShellSavePath = 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell' if (-NOT (Test-Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Configuration")) { New-Item -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Configuration" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } if (-NOT (Test-Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules")) { New-Item -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } if (-NOT (Test-Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Scripts")) { New-Item -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Scripts" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } if (Test-WebConnection -Uri "") { Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name OSD -Destination "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" try { Save-Module -Name OSD -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Unable to Save-Module OSD to $PowerShellSavePath\Modules" } try { Save-Module -Name PackageManagement -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Unable to Save-Module PackageManagement to $PowerShellSavePath\Modules" } try { Save-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Unable to Save-Module PowerShellGet to $PowerShellSavePath\Modules" } try { Save-Module -Name WindowsAutopilotIntune -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Unable to Save-Module WindowsAutopilotIntune to $PowerShellSavePath\Modules" } try { Save-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Scripts" -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Unable to Save-Script Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo to $PowerShellSavePath\Scripts" } if ($HPFeaturesEnabled){ try { Save-Module -Name HPCMSL -AcceptLicense -Path "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) Unable to Save-Module HPCMSL to $PowerShellSavePath\Modules" } } } else { Write-Verbose -Verbose "Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name OSD to $PowerShellSavePath\Modules" Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name OSD -Destination "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name PackageManagement -Destination "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name PowerShellGet -Destination "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name WindowsAutopilotIntune -Destination "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" if ($HPFeaturesEnabled){Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name HPCMSL -Destination "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules"} $OSDCloudOfflinePath = Find-OSDCloudOfflinePath foreach ($Item in $OSDCloudOfflinePath) { if (Test-Path "$($Item.FullName)\PowerShell\Required") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Applying PowerShell Modules and Scripts in $($Item.FullName)\PowerShell\Required" robocopy "$($Item.FullName)\PowerShell\Required" "$PowerShellSavePath" *.* /s /ndl /njh /njs } } } } #endregion #================================================= #region Debug Mode if ($Global:OSDCloud.DebugMode -eq $true){ Invoke-Expression (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '') osdcloud-addcmtrace osdcloud-addmouseoobe osdcloud-UpdateModuleFilesManually } #endregion #================================================= #region Deploy-OSDCloud Complete $Global:OSDCloud.TimeEnd = Get-Date $Global:OSDCloud.TimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Start $Global:OSDCloud.TimeStart -End $Global:OSDCloud.TimeEnd $Global:OSDCloud | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\OSDCloud\Logs\OSDCloud.json' -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force Write-SectionHeader "OSDCloud Finished" Write-DarkGrayHost "Completed in $($Global:OSDCloud.TimeSpan.ToString("mm' minutes 'ss' seconds'"))" #endregion #================================================= if ($Global:OSDCloud.Screenshot) { Start-Sleep 5 Stop-ScreenPNGProcess Write-DarkGrayHost "Screenshots: $($Global:OSDCloud.Screenshot)" } #================================================= if ($Global:OSDCloud.Restart) { Write-Warning "WinPE is restarting in 30 seconds" Write-Warning "Press CTRL + C to cancel" Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { Restart-Computer } } #================================================= if ($Global:OSDCloud.Shutdown) { Write-Warning "WinPE will shutdown in 30 seconds" Write-Warning "Press CTRL + C to cancel" Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 if ($Global:OSDCloud.IsWinPE -eq $true) { Stop-Computer } } #================================================= # Stop-Transcript #================================================= if ($OSDCloud.Test -eq $true) { Stop-Transcript } #================================================= } |