.SYNOPSIS OSDCloud Cloud Module for .DESCRIPTION OSDCloud Cloud Module for .NOTES This module is designed to work in WinPE or Full This module is for HP Devices and leveraged HP Tools .LINK .EXAMPLE Invoke-Expression (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '') #> #================================================= #region Functions function osdcloud-TestHPIASupport { $CabPath = "$env:TEMP\" $XMLPath = "$env:TEMP\platformList.xml" $PlatformListCabURL = "" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PlatformListCabURL -OutFile $CabPath -UseBasicParsing $Expand = expand $CabPath $XMLPath [xml]$XML = Get-Content $XMLPath $Platforms = $XML.ImagePal.Platform.SystemID $MachinePlatform = (Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/cimv2 -ClassName Win32_BaseBoard).Product if ($MachinePlatform -in $Platforms){$HPIASupport = $true} else {$HPIASupport = $false} return $HPIASupport } function osdcloud-InstallModuleHPCMSL { [CmdletBinding()] param () $InstallModule = $false $PSModuleName = 'HPCMSL' if (-not (Get-Module -Name PowerShellGet -ListAvailable | Where-Object {$_.Version -ge '2.2.5'})) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray 'Install-Package PackageManagement,PowerShellGet [AllUsers]' Install-Package -Name PowerShellGet -MinimumVersion 2.2.5 -Force -Confirm:$false -Source PSGallery | Out-Null Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray 'Import-Module PackageManagement,PowerShellGet [Global]' Import-Module PackageManagement,PowerShellGet -Force -Scope Global } $InstalledModule = Get-InstalledModule $PSModuleName -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -First 1 $GalleryPSModule = Find-Module -Name $PSModuleName -ErrorAction Ignore if ($InstalledModule) { if (($GalleryPSModule.Version -as [version]) -gt ($InstalledModule.Version -as [version])) { $InstallModule = $true } } else { $InstallModule = $true } if ($InstallModule) { if ($WindowsPhase -eq 'WinPE') { Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "Install-Module $PSModuleName $($GalleryPSModule.Version) [AllUsers]" Install-Module $PSModuleName -SkipPublisherCheck -Scope AllUsers -Force -AcceptLicense } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "Install-Module $PSModuleName $($GalleryPSModule.Version) [AllUsers]" Install-Module $PSModuleName -SkipPublisherCheck -AcceptLicense -Scope AllUsers -Force } } Import-Module -Name $PSModuleName -Force -Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } function osdcloud-DetermineHPTPM{ $SP87753 = Get-CimInstance -Namespace "root\cimv2\security\MicrosoftTPM" -query "select * from win32_tpm where IsEnabled_InitialValue = 'True' and ((ManufacturerVersion like '7.%' and ManufacturerVersion < '7.63.3353') or (ManufacturerVersion like '5.1%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '5.60%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '5.61%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '4.4%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '6.40%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '6.41%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '') or (ManufacturerVersion like ''))" $SP94937 = Get-CimInstance -Namespace "root\cimv2\security\MicrosoftTPM" -query "select * from win32_tpm where IsEnabled_InitialValue = 'True' and ((ManufacturerVersion like '7.62%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '7.63%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '7.83%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '6.43%') )" if ($SP87753){Return "SP87753"} elseif ($SP94937){Return "SP94937"} else{Return $false} } function osdcloud-DetermineHPBIOSUpdateAvailable{ [CmdletBinding()] param ([Switch]$Details) osdcloud-InstallModuleHPCMSL Import-Module -Name HPCMSL -Force $BIOSIsCurrent = Get-HPBIOSUpdates -Check if ($Details){ if (!($BIOSIsCurrent)){Return "HP BIOS Update Available: $((Get-HPBIOSUpdates -Latest).ver)"} else {Return "HP BIOS Already Current: $(Get-HPBIOSVersion)"} } else { if ($BIOSIsCurrent){Return $false} else {Return $true} } } function osdcloud-DownloadHPTPM { [CmdletBinding()] param ($WorkingFolder) osdcloud-InstallModuleHPCMSL Import-Module -Name HPCMSL -Force $TPMUpdate = osdcloud-DetermineHPTPM if ($TPMUpdate -ne $false) { if ((!($WorkingFolder))-or ($null -eq $WorkingFolder)){$WorkingFolder = "$env:TEMP\TPM"} if (!(Test-Path -Path $WorkingFolder)){New-Item -Path $WorkingFolder -ItemType Directory -Force |Out-Null} $UpdatePath = "$WorkingFolder\$TPMUpdate.exe" $extractPath = "$WorkingFolder\$TPMUpdate" Write-Host "Starting downlaod & Install of TPM Update $TPMUpdate" Get-Softpaq -Number $TPMUpdate -SaveAs $UpdatePath -Overwrite yes if (!(Test-Path -Path $UpdatePath)){Throw "Failed to Download TPM Update"} Start-Process -FilePath $UpdatePath -ArgumentList "/s /e /f $extractPath" -Wait if (!(Test-Path -Path $UpdatePath)){Throw "Failed to Extract TPM Update"} else { Return $extractPath } } } function osdcloud-UpdateHPTPM { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $filename, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $spec, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $logsuffix, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $WorkingFolder ) $logsuffix = osdcloud-DetermineHPTPM if ($logsuffix -ne $false){ write-output "Determined TPM Update $logsuffix required" if ((Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint $env:SystemDrive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).ProtectionStatus -eq "ON"){ Suspend-BitLocker -MountPoint $env:SystemDrive -RebootCount 2 | Out-Null} $extractPath = osdcloud-DownloadHPTPM -WorkingFolder $WorkingFolder if (!(Test-Path -Path $extractPath)){Throw "Failed to Locate Update Path"} $Process = "$extractPath\TPMConfig64.exe" #Create Argument List if ($filename -and $spec){$TPMArg = "-s -f$filename -a$spec -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig_$($logsuffix).log"} elseif ($filename -and !($spec)) { $TPMArg = "-s -f$filename -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig_$($logsuffix).log"} elseif (!($filename) -and $spec) { $TPMArg = "-s -a$spec -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig_$($logsuffix).log"} elseif (!($filename) -and !($spec)) { $TPMArg = "-s -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig_$($logsuffix).log"} Write-Output "Running Command: Start-Process -FilePath $Process -ArgumentList $TPMArg -PassThru -Wait" $TPMUpdate = Start-Process -FilePath $Process -ArgumentList $TPMArg -PassThru -Wait write-output "TPMUpdate Exit Code: $($TPMUpdate.exitcode)" } else { return "No TPM Update Available" } } Function osdcloud-RunHPIA { <# Update HP Drivers via HPIA - Gary Blok - @gwblok Several Code Snips taken from: HPIA User Guide: Notes about Severity: Routine – For new hardware support and feature enhancements. Recommended – For minor bug fixes. HP recommends this SoftPaq be installed. Critical – For major bug fixes, specific problem resolutions, to enable new OS or Service Pack. Essentially the SoftPaq is required to receive support from HP. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("Analyze", "DownloadSoftPaqs")] $Operation = "Analyze", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("All", "BIOS", "Drivers", "Software", "Firmware", "Accessories")] $Category = "Drivers", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("All", "Critical", "Recommended", "Routine")] $Selection = "All", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("List", "Download", "Extract", "Install", "UpdateCVA")] $Action = "Install", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $LogFolder = "$env:systemdrive\OSDCloud\Logs", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ReportsFolder = "$env:systemdrive\OSDCloud\HPIA" ) # Params $HPIAWebUrl = "" # Static web page of the HP Image Assistant $script:FolderPath = "HP_Updates" # the subfolder to put logs into in the storage container $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # to speed up web requests ################################ ## Create Directory Structure ## ################################ #$RootFolder = $env:systemdrive #$ParentFolderName = "OSDCloud" #$ChildFolderName = "HP_Updates" $DateTime = Get-Date –Format "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss" $ReportsFolder = "$ReportsFolder\$DateTime" $HPIALogFile = "$LogFolder\Run-HPIA.log" #$script:WorkingDirectory = "$RootFolder\$ParentFolderName\$ChildFolderName\$ChildFolderName2" $script:TempWorkFolder = "$env:temp\HPIA" try { [void][System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($LogFolder) [void][System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($TempWorkFolder) [void][System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($ReportsFolder) } catch { throw } # Function write to a log file in ccmtrace format function CMTraceLog { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Message, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ErrorMessage, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Component = "Script", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$Type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $LogFile = $HPIALogFile ) <# Type: 1 = Normal, 2 = Warning (yellow), 3 = Error (red) #> $Time = Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.ffffff" $Date = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy" if ($ErrorMessage -ne $null) {$Type = 3} if ($Component -eq $null) {$Component = " "} if ($Type -eq $null) {$Type = 1} $LogMessage = "<![LOG[$Message $ErrorMessage" + "]LOG]!><time=`"$Time`" date=`"$Date`" component=`"$Component`" context=`"`" type=`"$Type`" thread=`"`" file=`"`">" $LogMessage.Replace("`0","") | Out-File -Append -Encoding UTF8 -FilePath $LogFile } CMTraceLog –Message "#######################" –Component "Preparation" CMTraceLog –Message "## Starting HPIA ##" –Component "Preparation" CMTraceLog –Message "#######################" –Component "Preparation" Write-Host "Starting HPIA to Update HP Drivers" -ForegroundColor Magenta ################################# ## Disable IE First Run Wizard ## ################################# # This prevents an error running Invoke-WebRequest when IE has not yet been run in the current context CMTraceLog –Message "Disabling IE first run wizard" –Component "Preparation" $null = New-Item –Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft" –Name "Internet Explorer" –Force $null = New-Item –Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" –Name "Main" –Force $null = New-ItemProperty –Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" –Name "DisableFirstRunCustomize" –PropertyType DWORD –Value 1 –Force ########################## ## Get latest HPIA Info ## ########################## CMTraceLog –Message "Finding info for latest version of HP Image Assistant (HPIA)" –Component "Download" try { $HTML = Invoke-WebRequest –Uri $HPIAWebUrl –ErrorAction Stop } catch { CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to download the HPIA web page. $($_.Exception.Message)" –Component "Download" -Type 3 throw } $HPIASoftPaqNumber = ($HTML.Links | Where {$_.href -match "hp-hpia-"}).outerText $HPIADownloadURL = ($HTML.Links | Where {$_.href -match "hp-hpia-"}).href $HPIAFileName = $HPIADownloadURL.Split('/')[-1] CMTraceLog –Message "SoftPaq number is $HPIASoftPaqNumber" –Component "Download" CMTraceLog –Message "Download URL is $HPIADownloadURL" –Component "Download" Write-Host "Download URL is $HPIADownloadURL" -ForegroundColor Green ################### ## Download HPIA ## ################### CMTraceLog –Message "Downloading HPIA" –Component "DownloadHPIA" Write-Host "Downloading HPIA" -ForegroundColor Green if (!(Test-Path -Path "$TempWorkFolder\$HPIAFileName")){ try { $ExistingBitsJob = Get-BitsTransfer –Name "$HPIAFileName" –AllUsers –ErrorAction SilentlyContinue If ($ExistingBitsJob) { CMTraceLog –Message "An existing BITS tranfer was found. Cleaning it up." –Component "Download" –Type 2 Remove-BitsTransfer –BitsJob $ExistingBitsJob } $BitsJob = Start-BitsTransfer –Source $HPIADownloadURL –Destination $TempWorkFolder\$HPIAFileName –Asynchronous –DisplayName "$HPIAFileName" –Description "HPIA download" –RetryInterval 60 –ErrorAction Stop do { Start-Sleep –Seconds 5 $Progress = [Math]::Round((100 * ($BitsJob.BytesTransferred / $BitsJob.BytesTotal)),2) CMTraceLog –Message "Downloaded $Progress`%" –Component "Download" } until ($BitsJob.JobState -in ("Transferred","Error")) If ($BitsJob.JobState -eq "Error") { CMTraceLog –Message "BITS tranfer failed: $($BitsJob.ErrorDescription)" –Component "Download" –Type 3 } CMTraceLog –Message "Download is finished" –Component "Download" Complete-BitsTransfer –BitsJob $BitsJob CMTraceLog –Message "BITS transfer is complete" –Component "Download" Write-Host "BITS transfer is complete" -ForegroundColor Green } catch { CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to start a BITS transfer for the HPIA: $($_.Exception.Message)" –Component "Download" –Type 3 Write-Host "Failed to start a BITS transfer for the HPIA: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red } if (!(Test-Path -Path $TempWorkFolder\$HPIAFileName)){ write-host "Failed to download HPIA using BITS, trying WebRequest" -ForegroundColor yellow Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -uri $HPIADownloadURL -OutFile $TempWorkFolder\$HPIAFileName -ErrorAction Stop } } else { CMTraceLog –Message "$HPIAFileName already downloaded, skipping step" –Component "Download" Write-Host "$HPIAFileName already downloaded, skipping step" -ForegroundColor Green } ################## ## Extract HPIA ## ################## CMTraceLog –Message "Extracting HPIA" –Component "Extract" Write-Host "Extracting HPIA" -ForegroundColor Green try { $Process = Start-Process –FilePath $TempWorkFolder\$HPIAFileName –WorkingDirectory $TempWorkFolder –ArgumentList "/s /f .\HPIA\ /e" –NoNewWindow –PassThru –Wait –ErrorAction Stop Start-Sleep –Seconds 5 If (Test-Path $TempWorkFolder\HPIA\HPImageAssistant.exe) { CMTraceLog –Message "Extraction complete" –Component "Extract" } Else { CMTraceLog –Message "HPImageAssistant not found!" –Component "Extract" –Type 3 Write-Host "HPImageAssistant not found!" -ForegroundColor Red throw } } catch { CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to extract the HPIA: $($_.Exception.Message)" –Component "Extract" –Type 3 Write-Host "Failed to extract the HPIA: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red throw } ############################################## ## Install Updates with HPIA ## ############################################## CMTraceLog –Message "/Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Silent /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder" –Component "Update" Write-Host "Running HPIA With Args: /Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Silent /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder" -ForegroundColor Green try { $Process = Start-Process –FilePath $TempWorkFolder\HPIA\HPImageAssistant.exe –WorkingDirectory $TempWorkFolder –ArgumentList "/Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Silent /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder" –NoNewWindow –PassThru –Wait –ErrorAction Stop If ($Process.ExitCode -eq 0) { CMTraceLog –Message "Analysis complete" –Component "Update" Write-Host "Analysis complete" -ForegroundColor Green } elseif ($Process.ExitCode -eq 256) { CMTraceLog –Message "Exit $($Process.ExitCode) - The analysis returned no recommendation." –Component "Update" –Type 2 Write-Host "Exit $($Process.ExitCode) - The analysis returned no recommendation." -ForegroundColor Green Exit 0 } elseif ($Process.ExitCode -eq 257) { CMTraceLog –Message "Exit $($Process.ExitCode) - There were no recommendations selected for the analysis." –Component "Update" –Type 2 Write-Host "Exit $($Process.ExitCode) - There were no recommendations selected for the analysis." -ForegroundColor Green Exit 0 } elseif ($Process.ExitCode -eq 3010) { CMTraceLog –Message "Exit $($Process.ExitCode) - HPIA Complete, requires Restart" –Component "Update" –Type 2 Write-Host "Exit $($Process.ExitCode) - HPIA Complete, requires Restart" -ForegroundColor Yellow } elseif ($Process.ExitCode -eq 3020) { CMTraceLog –Message "Exit $($Process.ExitCode) - Install failed — One or more SoftPaq installations failed." –Component "Update" –Type 2 Write-Host "Exit $($Process.ExitCode) - Install failed — One or more SoftPaq installations failed." -ForegroundColor Yellow } elseif ($Process.ExitCode -eq 4096) { CMTraceLog –Message "Exit $($Process.ExitCode) - This platform is not supported!" –Component "Update" –Type 2 Write-Host "Exit $($Process.ExitCode) - This platform is not supported!" -ForegroundColor Yellow throw } Else { CMTraceLog –Message "Process exited with code $($Process.ExitCode). Expecting 0." –Component "Update" –Type 3 Write-Host "Process exited with code $($Process.ExitCode). Expecting 0." -ForegroundColor Yellow throw } } catch { CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to start the HPImageAssistant.exe: $($_.Exception.Message)" –Component "Update" –Type 3 Write-Host "Failed to start the HPImageAssistant.exe: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red throw } ############################################## ## Gathering Addtional Information ## ############################################## CMTraceLog –Message "Reading xml report" –Component "Report" try { $XMLFile = Get-ChildItem –Path $ReportsFolder –Recurse –Include *.xml –ErrorAction Stop If ($XMLFile) { CMTraceLog –Message "Report located at $($XMLFile.FullName)" –Component "Report" try { [xml]$XML = Get-Content –Path $XMLFile.FullName –ErrorAction Stop if ($Category -eq "BIOS" -or $Category -eq "All"){ CMTraceLog –Message "Checking BIOS Recommendations" –Component "Report" Write-Host "Checking BIOS Recommendations" -ForegroundColor Green $null = $Recommendation $Recommendation = $xml.HPIA.Recommendations.BIOS.Recommendation If ($Recommendation) { $ItemName = $Recommendation.TargetComponent $CurrentBIOSVersion = $Recommendation.TargetVersion $ReferenceBIOSVersion = $Recommendation.ReferenceVersion $DownloadURL = "https://" + $Recommendation.Solution.Softpaq.Url $SoftpaqFileName = $DownloadURL.Split('/')[-1] CMTraceLog –Message "Component: $ItemName" –Component "Report" Write-Host "Component: $ItemName" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message " Current version is $CurrentBIOSVersion" –Component "Report" Write-Host " Current version is $CurrentBIOSVersion" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message " Recommended version is $ReferenceBIOSVersion" –Component "Report" Write-Host " Recommended version is $ReferenceBIOSVersion" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message " Softpaq download URL is $DownloadURL" –Component "Report" Write-Host " Softpaq download URL is $DownloadURL" -ForegroundColor Gray } Else { CMTraceLog –Message "No BIOS recommendation in the XML report" –Component "Report" –Type 2 Write-Host "No BIOS recommendation in XML" -ForegroundColor Gray } } if ($Category -eq "drivers" -or $Category -eq "All"){ CMTraceLog –Message "Checking Driver Recommendations" –Component "Report" Write-Host "Checking Driver Recommendations" -ForegroundColor Green $null = $Recommendation $Recommendation = $xml.HPIA.Recommendations.drivers.Recommendation If ($Recommendation){ Foreach ($item in $Recommendation){ $ItemName = $item.TargetComponent $CurrentBIOSVersion = $item.TargetVersion $ReferenceBIOSVersion = $item.ReferenceVersion $DownloadURL = "https://" + $item.Solution.Softpaq.Url $SoftpaqFileName = $DownloadURL.Split('/')[-1] CMTraceLog –Message "Component: $ItemName" –Component "Report" Write-Host "Component: $ItemName" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message " Current version is $CurrentBIOSVersion" –Component "Report" Write-Host " Current version is $CurrentBIOSVersion" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message " Recommended version is $ReferenceBIOSVersion" –Component "Report" Write-Host " Recommended version is $ReferenceBIOSVersion" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message " Softpaq download URL is $DownloadURL" –Component "Report" Write-Host " Softpaq download URL is $DownloadURL" -ForegroundColor Gray } } Else { CMTraceLog –Message "No Driver recommendation in the XML report" –Component "Report" –Type 2 Write-Host "No Driver recommendation in XML" -ForegroundColor Gray } } if ($Category -eq "Software" -or $Category -eq "All"){ CMTraceLog –Message "Checking Software Recommendations" –Component "Report" Write-Host "Checking Software Recommendations" -ForegroundColor Green $null = $Recommendation $Recommendation = $ If ($Recommendation){ Foreach ($item in $Recommendation){ $ItemName = $item.TargetComponent $CurrentBIOSVersion = $item.TargetVersion $ReferenceBIOSVersion = $item.ReferenceVersion $DownloadURL = "https://" + $item.Solution.Softpaq.Url $SoftpaqFileName = $DownloadURL.Split('/')[-1] CMTraceLog –Message "Component: $ItemName" –Component "Report" Write-Host "Component: $ItemName" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message "Current version is $CurrentBIOSVersion" –Component "Report" Write-Host " Current version is $CurrentBIOSVersion" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message "Recommended version is $ReferenceBIOSVersion" –Component "Report" Write-Host " Recommended version is $ReferenceBIOSVersion" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message "Softpaq download URL is $DownloadURL" –Component "Report" Write-Host " Softpaq download URL is $DownloadURL" -ForegroundColor Gray } } Else { CMTraceLog –Message "No Software recommendation in the XML report" –Component "Report" –Type 2 Write-Host "No Software recommendation in XML" -ForegroundColor Gray } } } catch { CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to parse the XML file: $($_.Exception.Message)" –Component "Report" –Type 3 } } Else { CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to find an XML report." –Component "Report" –Type 3 } } catch { CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to find an XML report: $($_.Exception.Message)" –Component "Report" –Type 3 } ## Overview History of HPIA try { $JSONFile = Get-ChildItem –Path $ReportsFolder –Recurse –Include *.JSON –ErrorAction Stop If ($JSONFile) { Write-Host "Reporting Full HPIA Results" -ForegroundColor Green CMTraceLog –Message "JSON located at $($JSONFile.FullName)" –Component "Report" try { $JSON = Get-Content –Path $JSONFile.FullName –ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-Json CMTraceLog –Message "HPIAOpertaion: $($JSON.HPIA.HPIAOperation)" –Component "Report" Write-Host " HPIAOpertaion: $($JSON.HPIA.HPIAOperation)" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message "ExitCode: $($JSON.HPIA.ExitCode)" –Component "Report" Write-Host " ExitCode: $($JSON.HPIA.ExitCode)" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message "LastOperation: $($JSON.HPIA.LastOperation)" –Component "Report" Write-Host " LastOperation: $($JSON.HPIA.LastOperation)" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message "LastOperationStatus: $($JSON.HPIA.LastOperationStatus)" –Component "Report" Write-Host " LastOperationStatus: $($JSON.HPIA.LastOperationStatus)" -ForegroundColor Gray $Recommendations = $JSON.HPIA.Recommendations if ($Recommendations) { Write-Host "HPIA Item Results" -ForegroundColor Green foreach ($item in $Recommendations){ $ItemName = $Item.Name $ItemRecommendationValue = $Item.RecommendationValue $ItemSoftPaqID = $Item.SoftPaqID CMTraceLog –Message " $ItemName $ItemRecommendationValue | $ItemSoftPaqID" –Component "Report" Write-Host " $ItemName $ItemRecommendationValue | $ItemSoftPaqID" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message " URL: $($Item.ReleaseNotesUrl)" –Component "Report" write-host " URL: $($Item.ReleaseNotesUrl)" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message " Status: $($item.Remediation.Status)" –Component "Report" Write-Host " Status: $($item.Remediation.Status)" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message " ReturnCode: $($item.Remediation.ReturnCode)" –Component "Report" Write-Host " ReturnCode: $($item.Remediation.ReturnCode)" -ForegroundColor Gray CMTraceLog –Message " ReturnDescription: $($item.Remediation.ReturnDescription)" –Component "Report" Write-Host " ReturnDescription: $($item.Remediation.ReturnDescription)" -ForegroundColor Gray } } } catch { CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to parse the JSON file: $($_.Exception.Message)" –Component "Report" –Type 3 } } } catch { CMTraceLog –Message "NO JSON report." –Component "Report" –Type 1 } } #endregion #================================================= |